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Everything posted by yordan

  1. The microsoft phone app does not work on any mobile :
  2. As soon as you will be hosted here, in the "Fantastico" section of your cpanel you will see 4image.It's an interactive photo album, I love it. If you have few pictures, you work the usual way : you click "upload" and the picture is added.If you have a lot of pictures, you simply ftp all of them in the concerned subfolder, and then you connect as admin and ask to include the new pictures in the album.If you are not hosted at Xisto, or if you want to do this the hard way, you will have to first create the database for your album, then download the software, upload it on your webserver, and start the installation program and tell the name of the database you just created.And, yes, it's free.Hope this helped.Yordan
  3. This topic has already posted one month ago here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Please do not post copied text on this forum. If you really want to share with us something which has already been published somewhere else, please use quote tags and mention where you copied the text from. Please read our forum rules. Posting copied text without quotes is considered as plagiarism and can lead to a ban. I did the quoting job for you today, next time I expect you to do the quoting job by yourself. Regards Yordan
  4. Too late !@100janovski : I hope that you will not try to post each cnn news text as if it were your own?
  5. Did you register to Xisto - Support with exactly the same e-mail address you entered for your Xisto forum registration?
  6. And I guess that Youtube loves hosting your videos, whereas most of free website hosts hate this space and bandwidth wastage.
  7. Only a small problem : it's not free Maybe, for private use, we could find a free software which is almost as useful as this one ?
  8. I tried some other free online storage servers (only the free part of them) and I was rather disappointed when I saw my files disappearing. My skydrive files are still there, probably because microsoft servers have no free space problems.
  9. By the way, the main subject of this topic is not how to read an ISO file, but how to write an ISO file;
  10. xampp alone cannot clear the port usage. You have to guess which software uses this port, and uninstall this software. "prt something" means that you have probably installed something like a remote printer software, which uses the same port as mysql. Probably the "netstat -b" command will help you, on my system this "netstat -b" command shows that all the busy ports are currently used by firefox.
  11. Seems that it worked and now it does not work ?Probably in the meanwhile you installed something new, that is now using the port 80. Remove this new software, which will free the 80 port. xampp has tool testing if the 80 port is in use.
  12. I think that creating a text-based game has no legal issues by itself. However, if you want to get money for that, if you want to sell items (even if these are virtual items) in most of countries you need to obtain a patent, and you will have to pay local taxes proportionally to the money you earn.This could explain the difference between "buying" and "donations". Except that there is no legal difference. If I give you money, for no reason, because I want to give you some money, from your point of view it's a revenue and you have to pay income tax on it !
  13. You see the limitations when you try uploading a file : You can also notice that the user disk space is now 25 gigs.
  14. Please avoid double-posting. Even if what you want to express concerns several topics, do not post the same text in several topics. Your post http://forums.xisto.com/topic/94316-topic/?findpost= is very similar to the present one.
  15. Probably because you connected several times the same day, the new certificate did not replace the old one.If you feel uncomfortable with that, the best thing is to open a ticket at Xisto - Support (https://support.xisto.com/supporttickets.php) mentionning this topic. By the way, do you still have this problem? Or does it disappear after reboot ? Personally I don't have such messages.
  16. Please do not post copied text in this forum. your topic is copied from http://www.frihost.com/forums/vt-106835.html When you find another interesting problem, please put it between quotes. By the way, while copying this posts, you should also have kindly copied the solution of the problem, in the original topic you can read :
  17. Please do not post copied texts in this forum. If you really want to do it, put it between quote tags. Your topic has already been published here : http://ww1.atbhost.net/ And did you notice the typo error ? In the original topic, you can see
  18. Have a look at the forum, there are a lot of topics concerning this subject.
  19. Have a look at this topic : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/82603-topic/?findpost=1064294319 I don't use ppc myself, but the guy who wrote this topic usually knows what he is talking about, and he gives usual infos.
  20. Not very kind test. 0h0m13s50 first load, then blank page, then asked to install flash! Installed it, cleared cache and rebooted, and done the test again.My internet speed is ADSL 512kbits/secCountry : FranceHere are the resultsWindows XP SP2-------------------Internet Explorer : 0h0m12.99 sCached : 0h0m07sFirefox : 0h0m09.64s (stanford logo comes last)Cached : 0h0m3.10sWindows Vista---------------Firefox 3.0.10Uncached : 0h0m04.98scached : 0h0m02.96sMicrosoft Internet Explorer 8.0.6001.1883Unached : 0h0m04.86Cached : 0h0m03.26s
  21. A third option is missing : "none of them, not interested"
  22. Hi, wolflock, welcome aboard.
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