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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Good questions. Unfortunately, concerning the "where are all of them", I have no idea.Concerning the rest of your questions, yes, the best way is testing Xisto with the post-to host action, because you get exactly the same service as people who pay real money for that.And, if you happen to be tired with posting everyday, you can simply start shipping real money, or you can mix the solutions, everything remains possible.Simply I don't understand why you need two physical sites, twe different hosting plans. A single hosting plan in a signle subdomain should be enough, with two subfolders, each one for each purpose?Then, when everything works fine, you can buy two full domain names, and map them to these two subfolders.RegardsYordan
  2. The logic plan is what you need. It has everything you need when you start a new site.
  3. You will be fully satisfied.With the new system, you simply buy standard paid hosting from Xisto.So, you have exactly the same service as standard customers who pay for their professional hosting.So, you will have an excellent up-time and very professional services.Simply, you pay with the MyCents when you work posting technical topics on our forum.
  4. You don't really need a full logic plan pro, because you will not fully use all the features.You should rather choose a standard logic plan, and order curl as extra feature if it not included inside your plan.RegardsYordan
  5. Hi, Firefox 4 is available as a portable (standalone) version. You can get it from the portableapps portal, or directly from here : http://portableapps.com/apps/internet/firefox_portable I did not notice the "far faster" feature, maybe because I have a rather slow internet DSL link. Regards Yordan
  6. You must have enough money in your credit balance in order to pay your "next due". Else your site will become unreachable.
  7. You see your MyCents currently. You have less than 100 MyCents.As soon as you will go below 100, each 100 MyCents will be converted to $1.00 This $1 will be directly visible when you log to your Xisto account. You will see it in the right part of the main Xisto page, you will see something like
  8. I would say it differently.I would say that the basic thing is focusing on the content of your website, and on the way to make visitors stick on it.And not rely on the way you think that Google algorithms want you to put links from or to other websites.Because most of what you guess from Google is probably false and would not lead to make more users come and visit your site.Of course, this is only my opinion, and I am quite not an expert concerning SEO. But I'm also a standard user, and you have to take care of standard users too.
  9. Does Python environment need to be installed on the web server? Then, this could make a difference with C/C++, which only needs a runtime, mainly a library set.Moreover, I feel Phyton like a code interpreter, not a compiler. This could raise some performance issues, if many simultaneous users are involved. I have experienced some response times up to 15 minutes with Python, which is rather unacceptable for most of standard users.
  10. Have a look at this video : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Mat Cutts, in charge of Google anti-spam team, answers this, have a look, you could be surprised.
  11. did you try this way :php -f ./myprogram.php <myfile.txtwhere "myfile.txt" has each item you entered (one line per input).
  12. I know what api is, I don't need to ask google. For most of Computer Science people, api stands for "Application programming interface". (see for instance here) I wanted to know what you name "an api in India", do you really need a real api, to be bundled with your C++ developer library, something like "Google Maps Api"? Or do you simply look for a php program to be put on your website, or a link to a website providing a service? That's why I asked you to tell us more precisely what you mean when you say "indian api". Regards Yordan
  13. Sorry being so ignorant, but... what is an "api"?
  14. The job is done today by companies like google. Simply, they don't tell you precisely their trick. They don't give you their algorithm, so you cannot really cheat with the internet, and people really have to put a lot of interesting content in their website in order to become famous.
  15. Of course I guess that you are talking about a metaphorical hit, or a virtual image hit?
  16. OK, but will I have an extraction at the end?Because, if I need a lot of time to compress my folders and then I remove the original files and cannot extract them back from the compressed archive, I'm in trouble.
  17. You are right, now we have two different topics with two different questions, maybe things will stay on-topic now.
  18. Wow!Two persons voting "I do not play Call of Duty" ! Now this kind of votes start being very significant!
  19. Sorry, I cannot really express myself about myself. I know that my own opinion is very important, hopefully very few persons do not share that point of view!
  20. Do you play the game "Call of Duty"? Some people do (see http://forums.xisto.com/topic/98044-topic/?findpost=1064412547) and some other don't. Personally I don't. Do you ? I think that the other poll does not the "I do'nt play this", that's why I opened this topic.
  21. I love the portable version of 7zip. You can put it on your usb flashdisk and use it on a computer where no compressing software is installed, and if you don't want it you simply remove the 7zip folder.Next time I will try the tar format to see if it's useful when uploaded to a unix machine.
  22. You are right : you can eat on orange, you should not try to eat a computer ! Besides that, maybe this guy was talking about the image rising plugins for Firefox ? Zooming for instance is sometimes interesting when you are surfing on a website where a small detail could be interesting but should be enlarged.
  23. Please read our forum rules.Please make an effort, and use correct English sentences.This site is for educational purposes, each of us learns technical tips, or asks a technical question and hopes that an answer will come.But each of us try writing correct English sentences, for some of us it's an effort for learning, but it's also a matter of politeness toward some of us which cannot suffer imperfectly formulated assertions.If you use Firefox, please activate the "English dictionary" feature, you will see a lot of red tilting. If you don't use Firefox, first write down your texts inside a word processing software (some of them are great, some of them are free ) but stop offending our eyes. Unless Fevorit is a new technical feature and not a brutal mistyping?
  24. Precisely what I was telling. You should try and buy the software, or try and remove it from your computer. But you should not use it without paying it after the end of the trial period.
  25. Winrar is not really free. At least not for professional use.Don't you have a warning saying that your trial time is expired? I think that winrar is not a free software, it's a commercial software whose trial period is not strongly protected, hoping that the users will be honest and will buy the software.
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