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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Before doing that, be sure that you have enough momory for starting up Oracle. Read the manuals, and the minimum needed configuration. Oracle 10 starts a lot of services, you should have memory room for all of them.A virtual machine probably does not have enough memory for that.And in a real machine, you could have problems with no permission for starting each service.
  2. Please read our forum rules : do not post copied text without properly quoting it and clearly mentionning where you took this text and why you want us to see it.Posting copied text without quotes is considered as plagiarism and can lead to a ban.
  3. I would not say that Nero is free of cost. Moreover, this does not solve the problem : if you backup an expired Windows system, you will have your files on an expired system.
  4. Hello! Welcome aboard. I hope you will enjoy your travel with us.
  5. Why do you say that windows XP is free from Microsoft? Most people I know had to pay for it. Do you really mean that I can go to a shop and say "Please give me a Windows XP distro for free"?I have been told that if I don't like my Vista delivered with my PC and want to install Windows XP, I have to pay for XP, and no guarantee that my CD drive and my sound card will work correctly.
  6. Not all of them. Mine died after less than one year.
  7. I think this guy is not hosted yet.By the way, in case of trouble, simply have a look at the "server status page", you will see all the green lamps saying that everything is well. Server status page
  8. I'm not convinced that this is really useful. This simply tells McAfee that the site's owner claimed that his site is virus-free. Which each webmaster will claim, who will say "tell them to get our of here, I will put a lot of ads and Potentially Unwanted Programs"!
  9. Simply if you have your own forum and you have admin permissions, you can see all the people currently connected. If you have a look at the identity behind these connected persons, you will see that they are crawlers, from google or from somewhere else. That was precisely the subject of the present topic, how to show evidence of the presence of these bots, and how to make more of them come to visit your site. Of course, a lot of people don't want these bots inside their forum, because they use bandwidth, memory and other resource which could be more useful to human surfers.
  10. By the way, it's the "Billing & Support" item on the left menu bar of the Xisto forum.
  11. http://www.textsms.org/ claims that their text-to-sms system is free of charge. It has a captcha for verification purposes.
  12. Obivous answer but.... You can post on both forums, but on different topics. Posting the same topic on both forum is considered as plagiarism (plagiarizing yourself!) and both posts will be deleted by moderators, which will lead to negative mycents.
  13. Hello, welcome aboard.First of all, don't add pollution to somebody else's topic.If you want to answer somebody's question, you are welcome.If you click "answer" and what you reply does not concern the current topic, your answer is off-subject, off-subject posts look like spams and are destroyed.If you want to say something which is interesting but does not concern a given topic, simply open your own topic, just click "New topic" and you will be able to start your own topic, with a nice title and a funny subtitle.RegardsYordan
  14. It's written inside the rectangular sign just below the work "Shoutbox".It says " AnswerTips, double-click any word".
  15. And, of course, each time I can, I work without desktop : I simply start mwm&, and I work with stardard X-Windows, without any desktop - neither gnome nor kde.This way is far more lightweight, so for server purposes or even for home use, no need to start a lot of useless processes. It's not so complicated to type "firefox &", it sometimes goes faster than looking where is the damned icon to click onto!
  16. Same for me, I use IE (IE6, nothing more!) at work, and I use firefox for my pleasure.I just tried google chrome 10, and I hate it. It does not use less resources than firefox. It does not work with the websites I must use at work, and it cannot display correctly the websites I visit from home for my own pleasure. I don't like it's look. So, I will avoid using google chrome each time I can.
  17. Wow! I did not knwo what a sciphone is. I double-clicked the word in the forum, and a pop-up window opened, explaining what it is. It's the first time I use this facility, I'm surprised to be among the people for whom this feature is useful. By the way, when I switched to firefox 3.6 I stopped seing the cursor when replying to a Xisto topic! I will very soon donwgrade to firefox 3.5 or 3.2
  18. This topic has been posted twice. I gathered all the answers in a single thread, I hope that this will not make it too confusing.
  19. Hi, abiploxia, welcome aboard.First of all, please be careful when answering a topic, your answer should be fitting tue topic starter's question.If you want to ask a new question, please open your own thread. That's why I moved your question here.Now, concerning your photograph question, could you please explain yourself? Do you mean that you want to include your own pictures (.jpg files residing on your own PC) inside your reply to a forum topic? Or was your question related to something else I did not guess?RegardsYordan
  20. And also, please be more precise. I'm pretty convinced that your question is not only concerning php, but more generally concerning web hosting. If this is the case, your topic should not be posted in the "php" subforum but in a more general subforum. And, of course, if you really want to know where you should "start reading", have a look at the left bar of each forum page, it says "Start Here", or click here : Start Here
  21. As soon as your hosting account is created, the ftp account works, with the same username and password.By the way, you already asked this question, please avoid double-posting.
  22. This is simply a paradox."Windows XP" is winning simply because of the way the poll has been written. Peple are satisfied with XP, and are not satisfied with Windows Vista. So, if the poll was simply stating "Windows", people who hate windows would probably give more votes against windows, than votes of the peoples satisfied with XP. Sorry, this a little bit of philosophy, but please remember that a poll shows the way most people answer the poll questions, it could not reflect the truth concerning the technical subject below.
  23. The browsers I use mostly are not present here :- Firefox 2- Internet Explorer 6.So, I cannot vote because you forgot adding the "Other" poll item.
  24. No problem.I moved it here because I started laughing when I saw the pictures. Humor does not mean "false things", Humor is also a way of showing real life facts in such a way that you find them funny.
  25. I guess it's real. Simply it did not directly concern the "What's new in computer science?" section.
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