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Everything posted by yordan

  1. I think there are also some reserved words in table names .Probably a table cannot be named "index", an index can probably not named "table", and so on. This field should more efficiently be explored using a good old manual. SQL is a "simple query langage" ; however, like all languages, it has a very precise syntax which should be learned with a teacher or with a manual.
  2. Several reasons can make that. Some more tests could give us more info, which could be helpful.1) Isn't it a cooling problem ? Did you try to power off the PC and try again after a couple of hours, when the weather is cool ?2) Did you do something before this problem occurs ? Did you plug something new on this computer ? Simply try to unplug everything : unplug the keyboard, the mouse, and every usb adapter, remove any cable, and see if the computer is now able to power up without problem.3) What happens if you simply boot on a disquette or on the Windows install CD and leave so, without touching anything. Does the PC continue rebooting or not ? If not, there is probably no hardware problem, but you shold consider re-installing Windows. (Or some people here on this forum will suggest you to install Linux ).Just tell us the result of the previous tests, please.RegardsYordan
  3. OK, then I would suggest simply change the "actionnĂŠ" to "Textes et graphismes par Gustavo Cruz", or simply "site crĂŠĂŠ par Gustavo Cruz".Regards Yordan
  4. Are the line numbers mandatory ? Or are these numbers here only for convenience ?I remember old Fortran programs had a line number field, which was often left to blank.
  5. No problem. Don't be shy asking questions. Simply take care posting in the right place, you will faster receive mor accurate answers.
  6. Hi, Mammakas. Welcome aboard. You will see that Xisto is a nice place for trinaing yourself in designing websites. Also, the rules allow you to make money using your websites, you if you find a customer you can first use your Xisto account to host your first professional sites. As soon as your sites will start growing and being so big that your free account will to limited in space and bandwidth, you will proudly upgrade your site to a paid hosting site. Fortunately, this will happen only when your site will host more than 100 megs, which will need time unless your site is immediately very successful.Have a very nice stay with us.Yordan
  7. If you are singing, you may feel free to record your voice and put the music on your site, in order to make ourself worldwide known.If you bought a regular CD, you can put it on your site, provided that only the people who paid a regular copy of this CD (in a shop) are able to ear it. Or if you find a music totally charge-free. Some music records, after more than thirty years, have no more legacy or patent rights, nobody owns them any more, so your may feel free to offer them on your site. Unfortunately, most of the musics you could happen to ear today are strongly patented by the great recording companies, and you are not free to put them on your websites. By the way,Cunning Linguist , the subject of this post concerned the way of keeping a background image. If you are really interested by the type of files allowed here, maybe it would be smarter to open a new thread on that subject. Regards Yordan
  8. It seems that nightfox starts learning what is a relationnal database, and why using relations is more interesting than using single tables.
  9. Do you mean that there is no software coming with your WCS 3900 scanner from wasp technologies ? I expected the device to come with some applications and some IPL for the standard users ?
  10. I had no problem till now. For background images or html files, no problem. I also used the Fantastico scripts which makes my life easy. To be honest, my free web hosting plan allows me rather few disk space here, so in order to save space I put no avi movies nor zip backups. Of course, you should also read the Xisto rules, you may have a business site here, you may sell or buy, but everything has to be legal, no pornography, no forbidden things here.
  11. You don't need invitations anymore ! Look here : https://accounts.google.com/SignUp?continue=https%3A%2F%2Faccounts.google.com%2FManageAccount This info comes from this post : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (which already is a closed post because useless !) Regards Yordan
  12. Xisto is very reliable, because it's your provider. So, they kepp your files as long as you have a valid account. Which is not the case for free hosting image sites, which advise you that your files could disappear with any advice.Your adavantage at Xisto is that you pay your hosting (with money or with your posts), and they engage themselves to keep your files. Regards yordan
  13. OK, I have no problem with French nor with spanish, so I can look at your site. I like to overall look and feel. I would just suggest a small change in the introduction first lines. Instead of : I would rather say "j'aimerais ici partager avec vous".The sentence is shorter, more precise, and has more impact. As a matter of fact, "Sur ce site internet" is useless, the guy knows that he is on an Internet site. And "I would like to share with you" will have more impact than "I am trying to share" (with whom ?) I would also move the "http://www.powerwebtools.biz/; to the bottom of the page, in order to leave fullly operationnal the impact of the very nice logo at the upper left corner. By the way, the purpose of this website should be better explained in an introductory sentance on in a "who are we ?" tab somewhere. Just a single thing I thing is not correct : "ActionnĂŠ par Gustavo Cruz O." What do you mean by "actionnĂŠ" ? Only veryo old robots were actionned by somebody, I guess you wanted to express something else. Tell me the english words you wanted to express in your last line, i will tell you the french for these. Regards Yordan
  14. Nope ! Filezilla will give you the content of a single folder, provided that it has no subfolders. If you want to know inside phpbb or 4images, you will see only the first folder (with install.php and config.cfg) and not the full content including all the subfolders.
  15. You can upload this background on your site using the file manager upload facitility in your cpanel. then, this background will have an absolute address like "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;. And then you can use this file as background on your web pages, this file wil stay there as long as you want to keep it there. I personnally have severall background files in my "myprivatefiles" folder, and I change from time to time.Was this your question ? Yordan
  16. you should open another topic, because your question does not concern the current topic. It seems that your site has a duplicate-user protection, based on IP address. Does your question mean that you ask for a way of cheating, asking how to provide a false IP address ?
  17. How is it connected to your PC ? Most of the disk devices, like US devices or firewire devices, can be connected to any PC. Maybe easier on HP and Compaq, but it could probably work on other systems.
  18. There are almost no more real-time operating systems.Windows is not.Some Unix systems had real-time extensions.A real-time operating systems has to do some tasks immediately (stop the engine because of danger, immediately turn righwards because an obstacle in front, stop the laser beam because an alert signal arrived).While a Windows or a Linux system is swapping, or when the cpu is 100% used because somebody is moving the mouse, no real-time action can take effect.
  19. Everybody may feel free towrite down a book and distribute it free instad of trying to make money with it. Not needing money is quite legal.what is not legal, is giving for free something without the author's permission. But if you are the author, you may give for free yourown production.
  20. Really nice !I never used the file manager in cpanel (because I love ftp), so I never saw this problem. And, yes, I would rather try to click on the foldername, and never on the small icon at the left of the name ! Nice uncoftable design, and nice warkaround, thanks Vyoma!
  21. Look here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Seems rather simple : insert the XP CD, click Install, click Microsoft Photo Editor, etc... Hope this helped Yordan
  22. No need for googling, I did for you. Look here : https://www.google.com/hosted/
  23. The beta-test google program makes that work : your domain will offer gmail, hosted by gmail. Your domain only host your website pages, and gmail hosts the mails. You just have to sign in, and they ship you the program to activate this. Of course, here, you are hosted by Xisto, you don't need to add gmail.
  24. If you look at the gmail FAQ at gmail site, it's said that you cannot redirect another mail to gmail. You can only setup your gmail settings so that the mail you send from gmail is seen with doudou@doudou.astahost.com as sender name.
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