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Everything posted by yordan

  1. I see one stupid difference.When I write down a Microsoft Word document, I send the document with a link to the Microsoft free reader for word document.When people send me OpenOffice documents, I have to install OpenOffice in order to read them.Besides that, skilled people use very complicated text formatting in Word document, especially including graphics, which make them look rather strange with OpenOffice.Nevertheless, I always prefer a free working software rather than an expensive bugging thing...
  2. Just for fun, I tried hitting the F8 key in order to try hacking an admin password. It allowed me to choose failsafe mode, and then asked me the admin password.It accepted my own user password, but refused entering the administrator account without giving the administrator password.I think enterin failsafe mode helps hacking only if there is no password on the administrator account. Which arrives sometimes, but a lot of computers have a password on the admin user account.
  3. It was probably a mistyping. If you have a look now at http://terrahost.com/hosting.html , you will see that "plan 1" is 15MB now. I hope it's still a mistyping, and they will add a trailing "0" soon.
  4. Ouch ! I am currently having the same problem now ! Something is probably temporarily wrong.
  5. You can find some info here for instance : http://www.eweek.com/c/a/Mobile-and-Wireless/HP-TouchPad-Needs-68-Weeks-for-Additional-Shipments-142584 It uses rootkits and a kind of virtualization. Not downloadable yet, except for security testing purposes.
  6. I tried the F11 trick on a Dell computer with XP pro.0. The system was running perfectly.1. I powered down.2. Powered up.3. Pressed F11 keys several times.4. Received "No system disk".5. Powered down again.6. Powered up without touching anything.7. "No system disk" again.So, I simply had to re-install Windows again. So, for me, trying this was a bad experience.
  7. Yes, Norton Ghost is a good backup software. Especially Norton 10, which allows you to easily restore the backup hosted on a Windows or on a Samba/linux fileserver.You can even use it to backup a multiboot Windows/Linux system, simply remember to backup simultanoeusly the windows system partition as well as the Linux / partition, the swap partition and the /usr partition.
  8. With LiveCD, you have very few space for your personnal files. typically, one disquette, or a USB flashdrieve, which is rather few.It's designed mainly for people who often move, and have no laptop. You move from one PC to the other one, you simply boot on the LIVECD CD, and you have your environment ready. You go to another town, another computer, and you boot again like it were yours.So, it's slow because you don't use the hard drive, but you are autonomous and very mobile carrying only a CD and a USB flashdisk.
  9. There is a subforum for special request. You post in this subforum, saying "Request for activation of SSH for my Xisto account". And a moderator will answor that your wish is granted, and you will see that your ssh connnections will be accepted.
  10. This does not answer the question, this says "manage to ignore the question". I have two comments. 1) Obviously, this guy has a Intel or compatible PC, so he will probably not interested in buying a MAC. 2) Trapdoors and backdoors are widely propagated because of the popularity of the Windows systems. Now Linux starts being in the public field, some PC's you buy in a supermarket for home use surfing on the net start being Linux systems. So, let's have a guess on the future. I'm pretty sure backdoors and trapdoors will start appaearing progressively on Linux, the same way they started appearing on Windows some years ago.
  11. OK, "like bittorrent" probably not, but... What is the OS behind your web server ? - Linux ? - Unix ? - Crosoft ? Because, if it's a Unix system or a Linux system, you can have a ssh or a telnet access (or even a rsh access if it's your system and if you trust yourself). Then, if you have a ssh access, you can use ftp from the command line in order to download to your host. Once your ftp command line works, you can automate it in a shell-script (have a look at the ftp for Unix manuals, the syntax of the ftp shell-script is exactly the same as for the command-line ftp, it's get or put or mget or mput. Simply you have to put the remote sitename, usename and password in a hidden file. Then, once you tested your shell-script, you can fire it from a ssh window, or from a rsh, or periodically from a crontab.
  12. Internet explorer also works with protected ftp server.You simply have to tell your browser that you are not using an anonymous server, and you have to provide the ftp username first, and the ftp password will be asked. The way giving the URL providing the ftp username in order to access a non-anonymous ftp server with a browser is : ftp:myftpusername@myftpserver You see a popup window appearing asking for the password of the ftp user named "myftpusername". Simply try it with your Xisto account, if you already defined your ftp user and his ftp password, you can access your files both by a ftp client and with Internet Explorer !
  13. Not sure how complete your camera is, let's see it's a real photo camera. First of all, I suggest use the "fully programmed mode", in order to be able to shoot fast a decent picture. And use the average exposure measurement, in order to be sure that roughly the exposition time will be correct on most of your image. Then, don't forget the "good old tricks" : - if you are inside a house, come rather close to your model, after two meters most of flash lamps don't have nough power. - if you are outside, before shooting, be sure the sun is in your back, so your model will be correctly lighted, else you will see black faces near a very light sky. Directly use Windows explorer to cut your pictures from the camera or the memory card, and paste them in a file of your computer, and have a look immediately. Don't wait a couple of days, don't leave the pictures inside the camera (if somebody steals your camera you loose your photos, if your memory card is full you loose the opportunity to take an important picture). And don't have a look of your pictures directly on your camera, it will overuse energy on your batteries and you will have no more power for flashing or simply taking pictures. If this is already clear, we could continue later for advanced techinques... By the way, maybe you should also have a look at Xisto forum, for instance here http://forums.xisto.com/topic/87636-topic/?findpost=1064330593
  14. At this level of price, you should certainly be sure your games will work. I would say that you should first know which games you want to play. Then, have a look at the game disigner's website if this game is known as working, or if they have an expression forum and see if people successfully used this graphic card. And, of course, first of all, have a look at Xisto, for instance here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/85660-topic/?findpost=1064315502
  15. I just bought a new 1 gig memory, and I was afraid by the risk having the same problum. Fortunately, I have been very lucky. No problem, I simply switched the the new memory in an empty slot and everything worked fine.
  16. You use bittorrent client in order to download from bittorrent servers.If the thing you want to download is not on a bittorrent server, you cannot download it. For instance if you want to upgrade your phpbb forum to the latest level, or if you want to create your phpbb forum from scratch, you donload the distro from https://www.phpbb.com/downloads/ , which is a http server, and not a bittorrent server. In other words, - you use a ftp client in order to download from a ftp server. - you use a http client (IE6 or Fireforx) to download from a http server. - you use a bittorrent client in order to download from a bittorrent server. And you use myveryprivate client in order to download from myveryprivate server...
  17. trapdoors and backdoors are deliberately put by the program designers, who wanted to test things and forgot removing them. So, generally, you cannot find the soluton by yourself. Besides the obvious things like having a decent firewall and an up-to-date antivirus, only security specialist, after spending a lot of time lookind around and having private interchanges or international security workshops, finally know the backdoors of some programs and know the fixes to apply in order to prevent the problems.Of course, another standard solution, if you are talking about Microsoft programs, is to use Microsoft updating tools and read Microsoft security issues warnings....
  18. You will not have access to cron on most of webservers.If you simply want to put your own files on your webhost, or get files (for backup purposes) from your host, you can simply use Filezilla. Filezillla will try downloading simultanously five files at the same moment, making the download as fast as your local PC has can go, only limited by your host bandwidth limitations. Of course, most of hosting accounts have quotas, so if you do it too often you will very soon exhaust your bandwith and disk space limitations.
  19. What about testing this syntax on your own PC ? You download "easy php" from http://www.easyphp.org/ , the installation lasts half a minute, and you have a working webserver with php, then you put your program in a subfoler of the "www" folder and you test it ! Of course, waiting for an answer in this forum may give a faster answer, however having a working testing environment is usually very interesting. Regards Yordan
  20. How old are you ? How old are the people surfing around you ? What about simply see which sites young people around you are surfing on, and donwload free templates having a similar look and feel ?
  21. yordan


    How many users will you have ? Is a manual system acceptable (you create a user and you give a password) ?Have a look at the Apache server documentation, topics concerning user access to folders.You can put a security file in a folder on your site, the file sytax saying that people have to give a username and a password to access this folder. The next step will be understanding how to manage security files on a website, and how to create a password file.RegardsYordan
  22. This is the main difference between the windows machines and the AIX machines.On AIX machines, there is a single OS, which can boot in 32-bit mode or in 64-bit mode, no need to reinstall. And a 64-bit AIX kernel runs directly 32-bit drivers without problem. The only thing is ... do net compile your mallocs with 64-bit addresses if you want to run in 32-bit mode. Or add a IFDEF in your code. The problem is different. Processing a credit card transaction is immediate ... even with microsoft. But having the money definitively in your account is something different.Same problem for a transaction between you and me. I sell something, you pay, the money comes immediately in my banking account. Then, if your bank sees that there is a problem and you don't really have the money you paid, your bank asks the money back, my bank agreees, and the money goes out from my banking account. This cannot occur after ten days which is the maximum banking error corrections delay. So, if I don't trust you, I will wait until your money stood ten plain days on my banking account before shipping what I sold. The real question is : Could Microsoft suspect that you are chating with your blue card transaction ? Can we suppose that Microsoft don't trust people on the net ? In my own opinion, the answer is ... obvious.
  23. Most of payroll programs on "proprietary" computers (IBM computers, Bull computers, most of huge non-unix computers) are Cobol programs.Probably your salary will be paid with the payroll printing program being still a cobol program. Procution Cobol programs are usually some millions of lines of cobol programs, which could cost a lot to be migrated to non-cobol applications. So, most of times, brand new applications are written in C on Linux Machines. And when old proprietary marchines start being too old, the cobol programs are simply compiled on a new Linux machine. Hope this helped. Yordan
  24. OK.So,- If all my apps are certified 64-bit compatible, I should buy an AMD 64-bit with a 64 bits Windows, together with an 64-bit Linux.- If at least one of my essential apps is not certified 64-bit compatible, I should also buy a 32-bit Windows distro, until all my apps become 64 bits-capable.
  25. Do you mean that a 64-bit computer is able to correctly run a 32-bit Windows Operating System ?
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