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Everything posted by yordan

  1. There is another more catastrophical factor.Bacteria are necessary for human beings. Almost everywhere, except on teeth.That means that the nanobots have to strictly remain on teeth, being able to multiply themselves and propagate from one tooth to the next one, but strictly stay on a tooth, or absolutely stop all activity while they are not on a tooth.
  2. No, no, no. Sorry, but I really disagree. Backing up is not a matter of "how often do I use this ?"Backing up is a matter of "Do I have a problem if I happen to loose this ?" Your Crosoft Windows is almost the only necessary CD, you have no PC if you loose it. And you need a lot of time if you want to obtain a free new copy from Crosoft. Each software you paid need to have a backup, you use the backup and you store the original in a safe place. And maybe a second copy in another place (in your neighbour's home, in case of water disaster in your own home). Regards Yordan
  3. Both links seem down. Is this normal ?
  4. Be careful, royalty-free does not mean "totally available without paying anything".for instance, the "coffee machine" image referenced "42-15413440" il royalty-free, and if you want to have it you will have to pay US$ 80 for the 424px x 640 px (640 k), and $345 for the 2546x3840 pix image !So, you don't pay the royalty, you only pay a kind of participation to storage and network fees. Of course, $80 is nothing for a real commercial use, but for people like me it's rather expensive, I will try another way (no image or photographying my dog or my bird).
  5. I guess it's a symbolic punishment. They pay $1 for each "old" pirated version, and starting from new every time they install Windows they will pay the full $100 price.
  6. Another funny test could be the following : try to copy this file to disk after your partial installation. If you really cannot copy this file to disk, this means that your original CD really has a problem. I hope you did a backup of this CD before starting using it intensively...I often have another problem. Sometimes I work on a PC whose CD device is overheated by the hard disk located just below. Overheating the CD reader makes the device work bad. In my case the solution was opening the PC box and making fresh air coming anyway I can (agitating a piece of paper...) until the end of my installation. This also occured frequently when installing things on a laptop. Then, the solution was obvious : heaving the laptop about 30 centimeters from the table (using two bunches of books was enough) and I could finish my install.
  7. Simply could not find where his livecd is located. Am I so stupid, or is the site so tuff ? If you find the "download" page, could you please post it here ?
  8. That's unfortunately very important.You should keep all your internal numbers as precise as possible, even if you display rounded values to the user. I have seen very important applications, such as payroll or tax programs, who have rounded errors, make people earn less money than should have, or paying more tax than legal, because the internal calculated values were rounded at each calculation steps, and rounding errors accumulate. Of course, 0.1% is not a very big error, but apply 0.1% to your annual salary you will see it's a big value. So, no internal rounding, only at the final step display rounded values.
  9. Total respect, Reikimaster_India. Isn't Reiki originated from Japan ?
  10. I have the same question on Xisto : on the phpbb2 control pannel a warning appears : @peterwilli : did you perform this operation ? Do we simply have to download the new version and ftp it, overwriting the current version ? On the download site I see that there is a "changed files only", I guess that donloading this will give "only" the files needed to be overwritten. Yordan
  11. Alegis is right, his explanations summerize most of what you really need to know.Basically, if you are at Xisto you simply go to fantastico and and choose the option phpbb2 creation.If you are at another site, create your own directory, donwload all the files in that directory (let's name it "myforum" and startup the myforum/install.php script and follow the instructions.Most of the questions are obvious, and as Alegis said the only tricky thing is the server name which you have to guess being localhost.
  12. The best way I would suggest is the following : use your Xisto account and create a photo gallery, add some pictures, and then browse the generated .php programs in order to see how they were written (this is the magic of open-source, you can browse the sources in order to learn and maybe improve).The Xisto tools will also allow you to manipulate the data, the phpmyadmin environment will be automatically configured and you will be able to query the tables and see the objects inside.RegardsYordan
  13. Could be right, could be wrong.I'm pretty sure it's wrong most of the times. The only way to be sure, is to write down two programs doing the same thing (let's say calculating the tenth decimal of pi) one version in vb and one version in C, compile both, run both, and see which one goes faster.
  14. The non-authorized users do not have access to the database files (I am sure even yourself don't know where the datafiles are), so there is no need to krypt the database data. Moreover, the data are by themselves krypted because they are mysql or Oracle ore Informix records, coded ad offsets to the beginning of a logical point on the disk.And, of course, authorized users have access, so they will also have access to your krypted data. The only problem is the user password. So, read the various posts here around, no-one should have a file matching users and passwords, you should simply ask the user password (preferably through ssh or any other standard secured media) and let the database accept or refuse the connection.
  15. Sorry, but the standard efficient brushing time is ten second per tooth brushing from inside, then ten second per tooth brushing from outside, whic means ten second total for each tooth. A standard guy has about 32 teeth, so the total efficiently brushing time is 300 seconds, roughly five minues.Five minutes is not a lot, I agree, but it's far above 30 seconds. Sometimes, when I don't ear my alarm-clock, I still have 30 seconds, I don't have 5 minutes!
  16. By the way, the CEA Tera-10 computer is sold by Bull (not by IBM). And it's a Linux-based system !
  17. I'm slightly afraid with the "food" part.If there is a bug in the nanobot multiplication factor, you could easily imagine the bots eating your steack before you finish your dinner ! Then you would see rich people (reach because this technology will probably first be rather expensive) being permanently very hungry exactly like poor people. What about not eating the hamburger you just paid ?
  18. I'm rather satisfied with Norton Ghost, it makes partial or full backups of my system, even if I have both Crosoft and Linux on the same system.
  19. Yes, nice question.Till now, my choice was clear : Zone Alarm as firewall Mc Afee as antivirus. I didn't like Mc Afee firewall, I preferred the Zone Alarm one, if I can't keep this choice I will get sad.
  20. No, photoalbums are not offered by ImageShack. You find it at Xisto, of course. The other ones usually offer a html code for inserting in a web page, and not a gallery your friends can browse. You have to create your own gallery, and sometimes it's not so easy because you have the html code for full image, but not the html code for the thumbnails (ImageShack offer both, propic gives no thumbnails). I like imagebucket.com, they give you a lot of nice features like albums with the slideshow option, and no ads, 1 gig or 250 pictures for free. The only thing I don't like is the fact that they add a small comment at the lower right end of your picture, like this : Personnally I don't like that, I think I own the picture I should be the only one allowed to add a comment on my picture.
  21. Ouch ! Starts being complicated.Need a drawing.What do you have now, howe are your computers currently connected ?with nic cards ? All of them to a single switch, or do you have two switches?If you have two switches everything is simple...
  22. Propic is nice. Unfortunately, the free version has a 600 pixels limitation and a credit system (500 credit per month, one credit less each time the database is queried). upload to atpic does not work today. The "register now" button disappeared from ecfun! I confirm that photojerk is nice. They provide you a set of thumbnails of all your files, so that for each one you get the code for sites or forums, and no ads nor banner. Unfortunately there is no code for thumbnails giving access to full image.They have a "album" presention, which unfortunately has huge banners.
  23. Typing fast is very interesting if somebody explains something and you need to write it down. if you type fast, you will be able to type as fast as he speaks. if you type slow, you will need to ask him "pleas slow down, I cannt follow".
  24. And the next question is "How precise must your mouse motion be ?The mouse motions I have are for going from tue lower end of my screen (the "go down" button allowing me to click the "add reply" button in the Xisto forum, to the upper right end of the screen (shouting in the shoutbox). Sometimes I have to choose small areas in my pictures, so I need mouse accuracy, but this happens once a year. So, most of the time I need a "very low sensitivity mouse", and in my office the optical mouses don't work correctly because of the material my table is made of ! So I have to use standard ball mouses, which are very often full of dust and simply stop working!
  25. Try here : http://www.typingtest.com/it's really surprising, i know that I am very fast, and with this test said that that I am I am only 59 ! I expected my speed to be at least twice more ! So, I think all of us should use the same test, to have a honest comparison.
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