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Everything posted by yordan

  1. As previously said, it would be better opening another topic on that subject.Preceisely because there are two ways understanding that : 1) A runner able to continue running above water. 2) An engine water-based instead of being petrol-based. The first item I already saw it in one of the very famous James Bond movies (you run insade a ballon so you are not wet but you are running over the sea and can step inside a boat). The second item is very interesting, and a lot of people pretend they achieved it. Of course, it was useless as long as petrol was so cheap and abundant ; it become more and more interesting, especially if you believe people saying that there will be no more fuel for our cars withing less than two years. However, as previously said, this is independant from the current topic : having fuel or not, we must brush our teeths.
  2. In other words, chromatography is a method of analyzing the components of something.So, it's useful everythime you need to know what is something (is it white sugar - so you can eat it - or is this white paint for drawing something on a black board ?). It can be useful also it you need to know if something occured (did I my supposed drinkable water experience pollution from organic components ?).Mainly, I would use chromatography in order to answer the obvious question : "What is this" ?
  3. yordan


    No, I'm not using it. I'm curious about databases, but I'm mainly using Oracle and Informix at work, and mysql for my forums at Xisto.
  4. Initially, the full name was "IBM PC". Then came a wider set of computers named "IBM PC Compatible" computers - same technology, same OS. Then, "IBM PC Compatible" was shortened to "PC", but remained "same technology, same OS". And historically, Apple Computers kept selling their own brand, until they tried join the huge PC wave.
  5. By the way, remember you should not download avi files from commercial movies, without verifying that the owners allow you to do this free of charge... And most of big cinema company don't.
  6. Do you want to remove only the voice, or do you want to completely remove the sound from that video ?
  7. My first PC had 640 k memory, had two floppy disks and no hard disk. And it was a rich config, because most computers at these moments had 512 k mem and a single floppy disk reader.It was running IBM PC-dos, not Windows, and I would never imagine having more than one meg memory. After a couple of years I bought a 10 megs hard disk (size of 30 diskettes, which was quite a lot at then moment) !
  8. yordan


    Look here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Seems to be q competitor of oracle or mysql : The associated tools are here : http://www.sqlight.com/ So, seems that you have to first install the database engine in order to be able to use it with Media Studio 6. Regards Yordan
  9. The PowerPC processor is a RISC processor, very different from the intel-compatible processors which are CISC processors.On PowerPC processors you have a Linux. Un fortunately you have no Microsoft Windows, because PPC are intel+Crosoft competitors. It's a history feature. The "IBM Personal computer" has become a market-standard, first named IBM-Compatible, and then simply PC. And from that moment PC became a synomymous of "X86 compatible hardware", instead of meaning "a personal mean of giving computer power". And also, remember that the main OS on PowerPC machines is IBM AIX. And some tens of years ago, there was a MS-Dos emulators on the AIX machines, allowing running Microsoft Windows 2.11.
  10. Very similar to Excel, however not an exact copy. I did not find where to add graphics, pie-charts or histograms, which is the main way I use MS-Excel.
  11. It was not so simple at the beginning.The IBM computers did not have exactly the same files than the microsoft ones. Remember, at these period, the IBM ones had the hidden files named IBMsomething... and the Microsoft ones had the hidden files named ms-someting....
  12. Are you talking about Microsoft Visual Basic ? Do you mean that you want to run a microsoft thing on a Linux machine ?
  13. The PHPNet site seems up, they say but, instantly or not, the accounts are not activated.
  14. Saying this is easy. Finding the value to change is less obvious.I guess, you have to change FFF to 0F0, but where ?
  15. OK, remember Gdrive stores in your Gmail mailbox, so the total space is not unlimited, it's limited to the total space Gmail allows you. And each filesize is not unlimited, it's included in a mail so it's limited to the size a mail is allowed, as far as I remember it's not very big and it's certainly not unlimited.
  16. seems that smfhost has stopped the image hosting service, only the forum part continuing.
  17. I am currently having problems with the current mail version, due to a lot of spam. I'm curious to see if the new lycos version will have a free efficient anti-spam. Of course, the gmal anti-spam is rather efficient and free.
  18. Vmware is free for testing purposes, for a limited time if you have a testing lincence. then vmware stops working and you have to purchase a full licence. Besides that, it's very useful if you want to use Windows applications without rebooting your Linux system. I also use it when I need to use Win98 applications which don't work correctly under WinXP.
  19. So, it seems that, the good practices should be "draw something nice". And I see that, for each of us, "something nice" is "someghing I am happy to see, someting I feel comfortable".Unfortunately, I would say that there is no real answer, execept "artist's freedom"!Why are some artists successful and some others are not ? Why do you like a painting, and somebody does not like it ? I must confess that, on my own sites, I do exactly what has been told here not to be done. I like black fonts on a yellow background. I love putting photographs as background. Unfortunately, it makes myself happy, but maybe I am the only guy happy with this ? Maybe that's why almost nobody comes and visits my site ?So, to summerize, you should first thint about "who will have to visit my site" ? If the people visiting your site love italic fonts on pink background, you should give them what they want. This is probably the reason why some professional website designers are successful, and some others are not.And, unfortunately, I'm afraid that this topic is in the artistic field, so probably you will not be successful until you go to an art schools and learn how to design nice things.RegardsYordan
  20. I guess that a reason could be to push you to choose to pay instead of waiting. And I guess it's a good marketing tool. You test the speed of the server and the availability of the service, uploading 100 megs every month, this is enought to see if you like it or not. If you like it, you can pay for it. If you don't like it, 100 megs is enough.
  21. google has a lot of answers to the query "Apache Web Server as a reverse proxy to a WebLogic Server App Server."May I suggest starting with reading these ?
  22. I am currently using phpbb2 at Xisto. I installed it using fantastico in cpanel. Just for fun, I also tried installing phpbb2 manually, from the distro freshly downloaded from the phpbb site. Of course, it's easier installing from fantastico.
  23. If you install a firewall, you still can choose to disable it, if you feel disturbed by a too high level of protection. If you have no firewall, you have no protection, you cannot know how other systems are looking at yours.Yordan
  24. Be careful with free forums. The phpbb forums at Xisto are rally nice, this kind of forums you can use.Some other "free" forums cannot be used for professional use, because they have too many ads, and ads other than yours will probably make your customers go out from your site. i would rather suggest, startup with Xisto and an independant forum like phpbb, and keep countinuously make backups of your forum. And if your site starts being very successful, you will simply upgrade your account to a paid hosting, and simply move your forum to you new site.
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