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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Won't you experience bandwidth limitation problems if you have a free hosted account ? Does somebodoy here know which bandwidth is necessary for a radio ?By the way, why do you name that "pirat" radio ? May I suggest another name, like "private radio". "Private Radio" means "the radio I own, and I do what I estimate useful for my own purposes". Historically, a "pirate" boat was a ship which goal was to attack other ships in order to steal wifes and objects. Which was obviously illegal. As long as you don't want to do illegal things, there is no need to name your activity "pirate". Of course, you remember some pirats were legal ones, but their names were not "pirates" but "corsaires" !
  2. I just tried it, works fine. Somehow slow, probably because it uses flash9, but 1 gig offered space is great ! Especially if you keep moving from une computer to the other one.
  3. I think the best way from surfing security point of view is booting from a knoppix CD. Then, everything you do will be done in live memory, every download will be done on /ramdisk.When you finish, if you still need a downloaded file from your home directory, you simply upload it to your Xisto account, and when you are back to Crosoft Windows you get it from your Xisto account, and then your antivirus has to manage a single file instead of a lot of hacker attacks. And, of course, when finished, remove this file from your Xisto account in order to save disk space.
  4. Unfortunately, if two jobs look at the oldest record of the table at the same time, they will probably reach the same record.
  5. You are right, it's very simple. Thanks a lot, TavoxPeru !
  6. I also have problem with system folders like "program files".Simply, on your PC, create a folder named "things".Then, in the Windows Explorer, right click on the folder named things and choose "sharing", choose a name for the sharing, I suggest "things".Then, from the laptop, you will see the share named "thing".Tell us if you need further help.By the way, I'm proud that Internet worked directly, hope this was not pure luck.
  7. OK, so, what I understand is :a ) Your PC is connected to the Internet and has a not-used, available Ethernet connector.b ) Your laptop has an Ethernet adapater, not used yet.So, you must buy a crossed Ethernet cable, I bought mine about $5.00 last time in a shop. And I bought a second one for $12.00 in another shop, both it works the same way.Now comes the procedure.First of all you have to configure both of your Ethernet adapters. The default settings is "use a DHCP server" and you have no DHCP server, so you will have to configure the second way, which is "assign a fixed IP address".1) On your PC, click on Startup, Network, you will see your adapter, right-click and "properties", you will enter the IP address menu. Give a fixed address, and remember it, I suggest and a netmask On the laptop, enter the same Ethernet configuraiton menu, give a fixed address, netmask, and as gateway. Give the nameserver your Internet provider gave you.Then, connect the Internet cable between both computers. Then, the physical link is connected.To verify that the Ethernet link works correctly,- On the PC, open a Command Window (Start, Run, "cmd") and type "ping ping should be successful. If not, the cable is not correctly plugged or one of the 1) and 2) steps is false.Then, on the PC, open Windows Explorer, right-click on the folder you want to share, and choose "share", that's all. For sharing the Internet connection, there are two ways : Microsoft Way and my way.For the Microsoft Way, open the Microsoft help of your PC and look for "sharing Internet Connection". My way is different : I suggest you to install a proxy on your PC. The best one is Wingate, unfortunately it's a commercial one.I also use a free proxy named privoxy (http://www.privoxy.org/ ) simply you will have to read the documentation in order to put it listening on instead of localhost:80 and to ask him to cascade your PC main proxy.Then, on your laptop, open Microsoft internet explorer, and tell him in the proxy settings that the proxy is this helps, if you need more details simply ask.RegardsYordan
  8. Very simple layouts, if you want to do quick and dirty things. I would like to know if it's easy to slightly change them, for instance adding a picture in the header. Because, unfortunately, I'm not like these guys "who can type CSS pretty fast along with HTML".
  9. No, when I say shrink, I mean "use Partition Magic in order to reduce the partition size".When i install the system from the recovery CD's, the partition C: is 80 giga wide. I use Partiton Magic, I choose "change size" and instead of 80 I put 20. Then, I have a Windows c: partition which is 20 giga wide, and my disk has 60 giga free. Then, I use the Windows disk manager in order to create my new partitions, which are 20 and 20 and something. So, once Windows has booted, Windows has no problem creating new partitions and reboot after that. If I wand to work with Linux, I leave the last 20 gigs of my disk unpartitionned, the Linux installer will create the Linux partitions and manage the multiboot.
  10. seems to be temporary free, have a look at the terms of service : http://dashworlds.com/html/mce.html_ If I understand clearly, they offer the first year, and you will have to pay the renewal every year. Also have a look here : http://dashworlds.com/html/mce.html With my browser I cannot see the test page http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ , so people with the same browser will not see my domain mybame.myextension. And I cannot decently ask everybody who wants to see my site to download the dotWORLDS plugin. If I want to be the only guy able to go to my website, I put it on my own PC, no need to put it on Inernet.
  11. Right, I just saw in the shoutbox that Gamma is down so all of your sites are down. Usually this kind of problem is not frequent, just wait a couple of hours and everything will restart correctly. Just try again, my own site was down but now it's working fine, so probably the temporary problem has been solved.
  12. My hard disk is a ST380013AS, which is probably a SATA disk, and I have no problem.I do trings a slightly different way, maybe you could try it.I first install from the recovery CD. Then the system works fine, everything is OK except the system partition is too big. Then, I use Parition Magic only in order to shrink the system disk to a decent size (I say 10 or 20 gig should be enough).Then I reboot, I see Microsoft works fine, except I can access a small part of my disk. Now I use the Microsoft Disk in the Control Panel to create more partitions and format them. And that's all.Just try this way next time you will experience a giant crash, and tell me if my system works for you.RegardsYordan
  13. Now I can see your site. I like your design, so I can claim you are a decent webdisigner.However, I don't understant your topic title.Why are you "a SMAlL webdesigner" ? Are you less than 1.60 meter tall ? Or are you designing only small (less than two megabytes) websites ? Or is only your modesty responsible of this shy title ?
  14. "too powerful", I would say no.Only depends if the power you get was acquired by legal means. And if you don't abuse your power, intimidating others or making illegal things.I would say, if a guy or a company has a lot of money and want to build up a powerful thing, why not ? Only jealous peple who cannot do the same thing would get angry.
  15. Unfortunately not. Moreover, I'm afraid you face a kind of bug. I'm pretty convinced that your app don't perform updates on your tables, but the way the queries are written, they probably need to update a row in a system table. When a process goes fast enought, the lock on that row is released fast, and no problem ; if a process is queued for a given reason, the lock is not released immediately and the second process has time to put a lock on another row the first process will need, and we have a perfect deadlock. I'm afraid only Sybase support can help you if it's really a bug.
  16. It seems that you have rather few deadlocks, typically four at once. Then, you could imagine debugging.In my opinion, the deadlock occurs because two different processes try accessing the same record for update, probably the same ID.You could probably ask your stored procedures to write down the result of the select in a file, and have a look at the file for only these who experienced deadlocks. There might be a logics error in the way the procedures are fired, and these logs could help you learning why two of them are fired on the same record, whic record it is, etc...
  17. Yes, I tried it two days ago, and I was really surprised discovering that some people from Japan visited my site.
  18. have the same problem. Pyost is probably right, I think a script recently changed, or a database is temporarily offline.Now, a simple suggestion. Just because you can't read read the FAQ, your don't need to apologize if you want ask a very simple question, because you can't know that it's a Frequently Asked Question.
  19. I use IE6 because most of the sites I have to go because of my job, simply don't work with other browsers. Thigs asking for username and passwords are strangely hanging up if I don't use IE6. And of course, it's useful to know how to use it because it's still installed on each MS Windows system. So you don't have to take something else on a freshly installed system.
  20. You are probably looking for a free, easy-to-use solution, in order to immediately see if it works. I suggest using stinger. Your find it here : http://www.mcafee.com/us/downloads/free-tools/stinger.aspx It is not a software you have to install on your PC, it's a free additional software. You download it on your PC, and you run it. It looks for quite a lot of annoying things (have a look at the list), inluding some new ones not managed by classical antiviruses. You simply run it, if it finds and destroys a problem you say "thanks". And if not, you will not have lost a lot of time, and it will have changed nothing in your PC. Regards Yordan
  21. I simply put my smartmedia card in my Blue Card holder, cannot fold, will not be lost, but could be stolen.
  22. I like gmail because of their efficient anti-spam engine and I appreciate them protecting my PC from viruses.We are in OpenSystem field. People who don't like gmail policy should feel free to choose another provider who would be more permissive.
  23. OK, to be honest, each individual experience is ... a particular case, and changes from day to day. But some usual strong ideas, like "urgently backup everything important" remain true.On my HP laptop last month, when booting on the HP recovery CD, the whole disk was repartitionned, and all my data were lost. And I had no backup of my Excel files, so I just started crying. Today, just for fun, I tried the same thing on my NEC workstation : I booted from the recovery media, and choose "install from factory settings". And it only created my C: disk, and did not touch my D: disk, so all my data were here after re-install. I had a backup, and I did not have to use it! So, experimental facts are apparently that : 1) On HP laptop, re-installing from recovery media re-partition the drive, all data are lost. 2) On NEC workstation, reinstalling from recovery media does not touch the second partition, so no data are lost. So, my strongly firm advice is : immediately do a backup of your data (our .doc, .xls, .jpg files, all the internet sites you created). Do the backup on a rewritable DVD, just before touching the system disk. If your disk is re-partitonnionned, thanks Yordan, you have a backup, simply read your backup and your data are here abain. If your disk is not re-partionned, feel free to erase your re-writable disk. However, putting it in a safe place would be wiser, you never know. Regards Yordan
  24. Is it so difficult with Fedora Core 5 ?I usually install it with Mandrake or Mandriva, and everything is done automatically, just click "database". Usually Linux things are not very different from one distro to another one.If so, I will never switch to FC5, I will stay with Mandrake.
  25. I think it's like other file-sharing hosts. If nobody needs your files, they will not be accessed, and will disappear. For communicating home videos or home pictures bundled in a huge zip file, I think it's quite usable, you download, mail your friends, they will download the files, and you distroy the files because you don't want them to remain public any more.
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