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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Try //link dead // They are fully free, no ads, no banner, no limitation on number of hits, and offer a free domain naime. Be careful, they offer the domain but they offer no hosting, your files still have to be at Xisto.
  2. I prefer banner 5.The other ones sound somehow disturbing for me, but I love the banner 5.
  3. Hi, Niran, I cannot access your sites from here, are they temporarily down ?
  4. Yes, however... basically, you also give "LogMeIn.com" full access to your computer. They secure everything, they manage everything, but they have access everywhere. Do you know who are these guys, how can we be sure they will never use the info they get ?
  5. This would be a "normal" situation, I can accept this.Sometimes, however, explosions come form deeply buried gas pipes, fragile iron tubes which crack after some tens of years. And you cannot really know that, when you buy a house, some gas distribution pipes cross far below your house and they are rather old and a gas leak should come soon and you should not smike in your dining room.
  6. Just be aware of one important thing, I was very surprised last time I used these recovery CD. They are real install CD's, everything is correct, everything is legal. However, you must know something. This recovery CD will be able to re-install the system exactly as when it came from the factory. Last time I did this, because I lost my operating system on C: disk, I had important data on the D: disk. The re-installation re-installed everything. Unfortunately, the re-installation started with a re-partition, so I finished with a single c: partition on the whole disk, and all my data on the previously named D: disk disappeared. So, be careful, manage to permanently have a copy of your own data. I suggest, daily or weekly but at least weekly, put all your personal files (Your winword or Excel texts for instance) on a DVD-R. So, if you have to re-install because you lost your /etc/lilo.conf file, your personal data will never be permanently lost. The hardware is compatible as long as you don't modify anything. You plug something in the USB socket, if it works you're happy, if it does not work your may download a driver, but you should never cut a cable, take the soldier iron and modify the cabling, you may experience smoke going out your brand new PC.
  7. By the way, "CON" is for "CONSOLE", which is... the keyboard.An old way of creating files was the following : in a COMMAND window type "copy con myfile.txt"Then type any textand finish with CTRL-Z.You will see the message "one file copied".then "type myfile.txt", you will see your text.To summary, "con" is the keyboard (or the console), so you can directly write down a file by copying CON to a file.The same way, you can type directly to the printer by issuing "copy con prn:", everything you type on the keyboard will be redirected to the printer, you re-invented the typing machine. Don't forget to finisth with CTRL-Z.
  8. You did not say if you want a free or a commercial antivirus.With Norton antivirus you can setup "don't download automatically the updates", manually download the update on a shared folder, and then manually install it on each of your 20 computers.And you can also (this is probably an extra-charge feature) install a local server from which your local computers will automatically download the virus updates.
  9. Congretulations ! I wish you a lot of pleasure with your new computer !Just a small advice. If your system has been delivered pre-installed, create right now your recovery CD.If your system has been delivered with installation CD's, make a backup of the installation CD's. I have seen a poor guy here in Xisto forum who crashed his original CD's and was unable to re-install his PC.And, of course, if your system is a Windows system, shrink your C: partition to 10 giga and make a PowerQuest DriveImage or a Ghost10 backup right now, in order to be able to quickly recover from an unwanted system modification.And after that, start enjoying ! You have disks enough, you can test a lot of interesting things. What will you startup with ? Playing with Knoppix ? Installing Crosoft games ?
  10. I give my g-mail address in the "e-mail" box, and then I receive a mail confirming the URL of the downloaded file, so I have the info from any browser in any place.
  11. OK, there is a general physics postulate saying "nothing is lost, nothing is created, everyithing is transformed". Of course, this postulate is not demonstrated yet, but is often used as a way of demonstrating something else. Usually, when you have a physics problem as a student, you can say "this is false because, else, it could provide free energy".So, a way of giving energy from nothing is known as impossible. Even Einstein said E=mc2. In other words, if something provides energy, some mass must be lost from something else.So, probably, the experiment stated at the beginning of this topic is not completely false. Simply, if correctly analyzed, it will probably show that some energy is taken from somewhere else, maybe from an unexpected place, for instance maybe a drop of water or a single piece of dust disappear from somewhere, or a solar cell received a light ray.
  12. er...Seems that you are adding things twice.Maybe you should first tell us what you are doing exactly and how you are performing it.Are you doing an exact copy of an existing CD ?Or are you creating a compilation from several mp3 or other music files stored on your hard disk ?
  13. By the way, was this an ordered cover ? Give us some news. Has your job been accepted ?Regards Yordan
  14. By the way, is there a network disk which could be used when booting from a Knoppix CD ?
  15. I would say this fact is not a real problem.Some tens of years ago, Pluto was discovered and stated being a planet.Now, theres is a slight rectification. Pluto is not simply a planet, it's part of a group of several astronomic objects gravitating around the Sun. More complicated, but very few different from being a planet.Remember the asteroïd group between Mars and Jupiter. They behave as small planets, but are considered being a whole set insteat of being independant objects. This is simply the case now with Pluto.And, be happy. The children will have to learn the name of only eight planets, instead of twelve if all the new objects were considered as Pluto-like planetoïds.
  16. @ginginca : are your problems also solved ?
  17. On hosts like Xisto, I usually resize them to 800x600, which is a comfortable size when watched in gallery2.On hosts offering 5 giga space, I use the full size.
  18. http://domainhero.com/wibzy/ This host is very interesting because it's supposed to have no filesize limitations, you should be able to uplead up to one giga files ! More than one CD in a single file ! Il will try it as soon as I will have a decently fast upload Internet connexion. At the end of the upload, the server gives you the address of the download URL (for instance http://domainhero.com/wibzy/ ) and the "delete file" URL when don't need to share the file anymore. I find this method very interesting : If you want to share a photo album with a single person, you don't need to put all the pictures on your Xisto site, you simply zip them, upload the zipped file to wizby.com, send a mail to your friend with the download link, and finally delete the file from the server when your friend told you he received it.
  19. Also have a look here, a very important side effect : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/13137-topic/
  20. My phpmyadmin works now. I simply had to wait, sorry for disturbance.Yordan
  21. Also, don't forget SmarMedia, which are the biggest format now. They seem really huge compared to the other ones, a big surface and they are very, very thick. Simply consider that they fill up their crystal box, when the other type memories seem very small, lost in their big box.
  22. yordan

    Easy PHP

    I'm looking for an easy way to configure easyphp for use with Oracle. I would like to test the "Oracle database" part of the new phpbb3.
  23. Maybe it could help looking what others do for 3721 trojans. Have a look here : http://www.mcafee.com/threat-intelligence/malware/default.aspx?id=99695 and here : http://www.mcafee.com/threat-intelligence/malware/default.aspx?id=139523 Hope this helped Yordan
  24. Digital camera is also a reason of needing a lot of space. People want to share their holidays pictures, so they need to put them on their website. My Xisto account is hardly enough for what I want to show, I continuously have to remove pictures in order to be able to add the new ones without having disk space quota problems.Personnally, I think digital cameras is really the multimedia part of Internet. You feel yourself creative with your camera, and you want to share your photos and movies with all your family and all your friends.
  25. I have problems when installing Oracle on Solaris. The database files are correctly copied, but the instance does not startup, in the alert file I have a message saying that the the shm parameters are not correct.How is it possible to know the current value of SHMMNI, SHMSEG, SHMMAX etc..., really reading them from the solaris kernel ? I inserted some values in /etc/system, but how to know if these new values have been taken into account ?The Oracle documentation says "ask the system administrator". Unfortunately, I am currently the solaris sytem administrator !
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