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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Great ! Congratitulations !You guess that probably your client network has a small problem, ne sytem names are nok know from all the workstations. I must confess that I have the same problem at home, one of my PC's don't recognize automatically my server's name and I have to type the IP address istead of server name. So, this problem you wil probably have often. Maye a workaround for your future clients could be to add the server's IP in the local hosts file on the PC's which cannot resolve automatically the server's name. Maybe you could just try this for your next client installation, and tell us the results.
  2. Maybe if I directly destroy this CD, the data will be securely unreachable.
  3. In order to have a directory where my wife will not go, because she will not se the directory name. He-he, all the downloaded photos you don't want to be seen, you put them in a no-name directory, if you crawl the disk too fast you will not see that it's not empty and it's clickable. (is it clickable ?)
  4. huh ? did you really post here in order to explain that you had the solution of the problem and you don't have it any more so no more need for posting an answer ?
  5. I'm currently having this kind of problems at work.My collegues use my tutorials when they teach things to customers. They simply remove my sig on the bottom page, saying this is useless for they current purpose. I think they have to write down they own pages, or mention my name when they use my pages, they should be honest and never remove my name from my tutorials.
  6. One more thing to verify.Have a look at the httpd.conf file (the apache config file for the httpd daemon) and look who is listening.Open the file with what you want (notepad is enough)Look for the word "Listen"Look if it is "Listen localhost 80"or if it is "Listen 192.168... somethingIf it is "listen localhost", that means the server can be accessed only from the local keyboard.Usually, this is the default value, any apache distro you use you will probably face the same issue.RegardsYordan
  7. This solution is only valid if your music player is able to play mp3 CD's. One of my music players is able to, the other one is not. And my car CD reader is not able to play mp3 CD's. So, I understand this guy who has to create regular CD discs.
  8. Isn't it the same name wich is sometimes written "Bachir" ?
  9. sigh ! winavi also cannot open the original rm encoded avi file.
  10. Yes, we care, and no, you are not annoying. And, no, I'll not scream, shouted too much today. Welcome aboard, bakr_2k5.
  11. You have a hosting account with hosting credits. You are charged one hosting credit per day.This means that, if you have 30 points, you may stay one month without posting. But you will see your hosting credits decrease, having one credit less every day. When your hosting credits start being negative, you will have to add credits until your credit turn back to positive.
  12. It should work as localhost, because localhost is the system which will look inside the database in order to perform the login. However, don't you have something designing too precisely the original system, for instance the cookie domain and the cookie path ? Of course, these are the problem I usually have with phpbb, probably yours are quite different.Yordan
  13. Do you think that the proxies people would post here will not be blocked by your site admins ?
  14. Thanks a lot.To be honest, I wanted a little help from a guy who already did that. I'm a Linux user (more precisely a Unix user) and I have no problem with Linux. I was just a little bit angry because the things I am easily doing under Unix, under IBM AIX and under Linux, don't seem possible when I have a Crosoft Windows keyboard. So i just wanted to know if the same kind of things was possible. However, I know the address https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl, so I can go there and get theoretical papers, I just wanted to know if a guy here at Xisto already faced this kind of issue and solved it. Regards Yordan
  15. Probably, yes. I'm using "Kernel 2.6.9-22.EL on an i686."
  16. OK, it's almost exact. Unfortunately, netrc is for the server side, not for the client-pc side. The same paper from boulder seems to say that on windows the netrc info is in the registry : Of course, everybody knows how to use the setnet32 tab to edit the netrc information!
  17. Still useful. However, this syntax is not worth everywhere. On my system, CONSOLE SYNOPSIS httpd [ -X ] [ -L libexecdir ] [ -d serverroot ] [ -f config ] [ -C directive ] [ -c directive ] [ -D paramètre ] httpd [ -h ] [ -l ] [ -v ] [ -V ] [ -S ] [ -? ]so, the option -k seems not to exist on my Redhat, nor the -restart option.
  18. Is this normal ? This appears on top of your site, just above the VW car.
  19. Thanks for all these answers, folks. Now I start being slightly less ignorant. Sorry, I asked the question because I wanted to know how to do this things.I am only learning how to create a website, and I am wondering how should I design it in order to make serviceability easy. I currently have only five files, so to be honest it's really nothing modifying all these files. Currently I do "vi main.html news.html forum.html working.html", do the first modification, and simply :w :n . :w :n . until "no more files to edit". However, just for architecture point of view as well as for learning purposes, I wanted to know if I could do the same way I do when doing c programming using include files. So, basically, my idea is good and it should work. Unfortunately, for testability and portability reasons I will forget about it. Because I cannot test it on my laptop under windows, whereas I can test pure stupid simple html pages. (By the way, I say "stupid simple" because I currently know only how to do very simple things. But I hope I will impore myself, I have plenty of time because it's for my own pleasure).
  20. OK, folks, sorry for disturbing, the solution was obvious. For those who could happen to have the same problem, I found the solution here : http://forums.justlinux.com/showthread.php?122339.html Regards Yordan
  21. I am standing on my PC, I so "ftp myserver", and I am ejected with the following message :530 Must perform authentication before identifying USER.Same problem with Filezilla. How can the user perform authentification ? The only way I know is "User" myname. If it refuses the "user" syntax, how can I perform the authentification ?My distro is a Redhat,Linux myserver 2.6.9-22.EL
  22. OK, seems to need more work than expected. Also SSI should work, as said here http://www.keynote.com/ The syntax "<!--#include virtual="other_page.htm" -->" looks exactly what I would like to do. Unfortunately, you cannot check the result on your own laptop, you should see it only after downladed on the web server, and even then SSI could happen not to work. Yet another great idea which is not easy to implement. sigh !
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