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Everything posted by yordan

  1. It's already in avi format. It's an avi file with RM codec. And I would like change it to DivX codec in order to be able to read it with a divX reader.
  2. How can I convert an avi file encoded with RM codecs (real media) to a DivX avi file ?I would like to be able to read it on a stand-alone avi reader.Virtualdub says "cannot determine file type" and Imtoo rm converter simply freezes, using no cpu and no disk.
  3. A often-changing text in a static page, or a same set of lines in several pages...How can I include a file inside a html page ?#include will probably be a wrong syntax, but...i would have to have mything.html which is often changing, and I would like it to be inserted in main.html as well as in menus.html and in news.html.Could I insert something like #include mything.html in each page, and then, if I want to modify myghing.html the modifications are seen in all the pages where it's included ?Or do I ask something stupid ?
  4. My thread ? Yes, I remember it. And, yes, looks exactly what Niran wants to do. And, yes, the explanations were so clear that I will try using them to do my own 403, 404 error pages as soon as I will leave today !
  5. Yes, but this is changing. I start seeing Linux systems sold in supermarket at about $300, Inernet-ready. Why Linux ? Because if you don't have to pay the Windows Operating system, you can have it cheaper. And some distro's like Knoppix are "naturally" ready for surfing on the Web without much effort.
  6. Of course, most of us are honest, so each of us has carefully read the FAQ before posting here ! Sorry, it's a joke, had a long-lasting day today.
  7. The McAfee 10.0 already worked fine, preventing me from loading trojans while surfing, but it had no firewall.Now, the new one has everything, the firewall is rather severe but it gently asks you before stopping things (like your brother's computer connecting), and the all-in-one feature is rather interesting.Only the price is not interesting, compared to using four separate free progs.
  8. Yes, it helps, thanks a lot, Quatrux. Your two links are interesting for sites which don't have the cpanel "custom error pages" option, whereas almost every site allows you to edit .htaccess
  9. No problem. The main goal is achieved, your problem is solved, and your prog is now working correctly, with a satisfactorily working deadlock detection.Nice work. Yordan
  10. I love this new page. I love this guy desperately looking for his page, it's really a "page not found", and he is trying hard to find where this page could be.Nice work !
  11. Nice, folks, thanks a lot !Thanks for the fast reply and smart edit, Niran. Now I know it's possible.Thanks for the explanation, vujsa. now I understand what the .hteccess files are for.And thanks for the cpanel testing, Mark, this is definitively the way I will do it. And, you know, I love your custom page, it's exactly the kind of things I would like to be able to do.Thanks again.Yordan
  12. And where are these pages ? Simply near your index.html, on top of your main folder ?
  13. I would like to create my own 404 error pages, with a custumized message like "sorry, not ready yet, but I'm working hard".What is the procedure for creating customized 404 pages ?Do I simply have to put a "404" subfolder in the www folder, with a index.html page inside ? Or is it more complicated ?
  14. what about zipping these files and uploading them somewhere (like http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) and poste here the link, so that we could see exactly what is the problem ? This could allow people more skilled than myself give you an advice
  15. When I am on a Unix system or on a Linux system, I use a configuration file named ".netrc", which stores my most used ftp settings.Is there an equivalent for ftp under Windows XP ? I tried testing/guessing, I failed, it's not net.rc nor .netrc.It's not horribly necessary, but I would like to know what replaces .netrc on a Windows machine.
  16. vjsa is right, the most comfortable solution is to create a new database for that purpose. So, you can for instance backup the whole database or drop the whole database if you want to restart from a clean situation.At Xisto, you can create as many as databases as you want, so don't hesitate create one specially for that.However, most of progs don't really ask you to create a database specially for that, they simply ask you for a database name and a database admin username.So, if you already have another database, look inside cpanel the database name and the user name, and you may ask the smf installer to add tables into this pre-existing database.This feature is useful in some sites, where, unlike Xisto, you can only have a single database for all your needs.
  17. Seems rather simple, have a look here : wiki.simplemachines.org/smf/?docRedirect Seems that all you have to do is : . download the smf forum distro from http://www.simplemachines.org/toa temporary file on your PC, . probably unzip it on your PC . upload all the files and subdirectories to a place you choose on the Xisto server, for instance "mysmfforum". . run the install script as indicated in the documentaiton, whic is probably yourname.hastahost.com/mysmfforum/install.php I did this easilyfor phpbb, it should work the same way for smf. Regards Yordan
  18. the New Mc Afee is doing the whole stuff in a single environment, anti-virus, anti-spyware, disk shredder, safe surfing advisor.
  19. This a well-known and very funny problem.Of course, data are crypted in order to prevent you from reading them. The encryption key is here part of the thing. So, if the encryption algorythm is correct, it will not be easy to retrieve the data without the encryption key. Probably the army has some huge computers in charge of such things : put your disk in such computer, and if their algorithms are better than Crosoft ones, and if their computers are big enough, and if you have enough time...
  20. Unfortunately, he is working from a cybercafe. In such places, you cannot install the tools you wish.
  21. I whould say, the bist thing would be to open the html file using a very basic editor, like notepad, and look at each reference, to see if it refers to a local disk. Normally, each file should be a local file, you could see in the current directory. If you see an absolute path like c:\myfile or /myfoler/myfile, this would be probably the faulty file, look if this file exists, else look if it's possible to workararound that.
  22. Are you downloading web pages ? For instance html pages ? Then, don't you think some of the downloaded pages referenced "local" pages, which resides on the cybercafe PC local files or in the cybercafe PC cache ?By the way, before removing the USB flash disk from the cybercafe PC, did you open Crosoft Windows Explorer and right-click "eject" on the USB flash disk folder in order to flush the disk cache ?
  23. Congrats, Man !You are even before Jeigh ! How did you perform that ?
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