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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Yeah ! Yeah ! I posted one thousand post ! This is my post number 1000 !Yeeppee ! I feel so proud ! I'm (almost) the master of the world !And I'm in the top 4 posters !How ? 999 only ? What happened ?But, it's impossible ! I said 1000, and it appears to be 999 ? Should I imagine having made a mistake ?OMG !
  2. I used a 1.4 Million pixels camera with a very decent, rather large lens (an Olympus digital camera) and it gave me very nice pictures.I also have a 3 Million pixel camera with a rather small and very poor lens, and it gives me far less agreeable pictures.And, of course, in order to be comfortably seen on most of websites, correctly displayed after fast download, your pictures will have to be decreased to 800*600 pixels, which is half a million pixels.
  3. Ctrl-M (Hold on Contrl while pressing m) hides/show the menu bar.Hope this helped.Yordan
  4. OK, you did a webserver install, this was the job your customer asked you to do.Now, your customer needs a security audit.Security people are really strang people, which are rather paranoid, and spend their time thinking how a hacker could enter their customer site.So, you should really ask a security skilled guy to look at this network. The only thing you can tell your customer is "ask a specialist". And this specialist cannot be yourself.This is really a matter of philosophy.Because Apache is in the open world, everybody will be happy when everybody will be able to access everything everywhere in the word.Security people are very closed people. Their main dream is closing everything, so no intruder can come in.For instance, you disabled Microsoft Windows Firewall. This is OK for testing purposes : if you shutdown the firewall and your applican works, then you startup your wirerall and your application does not work any more, this means that your application is blocked by the firewall.Nice, great, for testing purposes you did the right thing, now you know that the firewall blocked your application. But you cannot leave the things like that, because if you leave the firewall down you leave your site without any protection.Of course, everybody know that Microsoft Windows firewall is a very weak protection ; however, it's a kind of protection, and if you remove it you have no protection at all.No, the correct way is : now you know that the firewall blocks the port 80 on your apache server, the next step is to turn the firewal on again, and ask the firewall to let you access the port 80 on the apache server. Even better thought, if your customer has very few computers (let's say ten computers with fixed IP address), you should ask the firewall to open the apache 80 port for only the computers which are supposed to access apache, and block all the other ones.The next step is to ask your customer to buy a "real" professionnal firewall. You will be really surprized if you read the firewall logs, how many computers from all around the world (japan, Canada, Fidji, etc...) try intering your computer.So, for you own knowledge, you could start reading the Xisto forum network security pages, and install on your own PC a firewall like the free part of ZoneAlarm firewall.And, for your customer, give the only professional advice you could imagine : "please rent a network security specialist".If you try by yourself and somebody hacks your customer site, the customer will say that you did a bad job.If you tell the customer to rent a real network specialist, and the customer refuses, then an accident is the responsability of the customer, not yours.RegardsYordan
  5. Quite a lot of us were a bit down on your luck. Furtunately, it was a very problem, not a big issue.
  6. Yes, me too. I'm still playing Raptor.Along with Death Rally. Does sombody still play Krypton egg ? It's my favourite brick breaker.
  7. If you follow the Xisto link Niran privided, you will see that Opaque has to log in as admin at expiration of each account, including his own one. And apparently, he cannot say "paid for 100 years", he has to input "paid this year", wait one year, and click "paid one extra year" again. So, we will probably have some minutes forum downtime once a year. I think I can survive to that, can you ?
  8. Yes, i saw that. Fortunately, my hosted site had no problem.
  9. What I mean is that a database manager, like mysql or like Oracle, do not put the data in a readable mode. It has a definition of the data (it's a number, it's a character, it's a date, it's a time, it's a floating point) and a place to store it (XXX bits from the beginning of the file). So, if you simply read the file, you have no real info, the username is somewhere, then you have anoter user's age, then you have my mother's cat name, and then you have the first user's password. So, nothing really smart, only useless bits unless you are connected to the database.Of course, I'm talking about databases because the first question in the post concerned databases. If you store the passwords in your own files using php, you have to create your own security mechanism, and an entruder would eventually have to guess what you did.
  10. You are in the "no post count" section. So, brief answers because get no points, or long answers because you like the subject and you want be helpful and you are not only motivated by earning points
  11. No, we don't really store the password in a file. This is the main principle of passwording.The database administrator assigns a password. This password is enkrypted somewhere and is never read. The algorithm is made in such a way, that there is no real "reverse function" allowing to know the real password from the stored value. And, of course, the password is not a word in a file. It's part of the binary files, the bytes lying along the file from offseen XXXX to offset YYYY. The database manager knows he has to go from offset XXXX to YYYY while reading, but you don't know. So, the only way of coming in is asking the database manager to connect you. And the database manager accepts your password, or refuses it. Generally, if you try three times, it was your last chance, sometimes the IP address is blacklisted, sometimes the user is simply locked until the admin enables it again. Of course, you can try using a computer to try to guess the password of another computer, but usually this needs time, and the admins are warned that something is occuring. And have a look here, at Xisto, there are peoples from all around the world. You can easily imagine that one admin is not sleeping right now, somewhere in the word.
  12. OK, I think if you have money enough and buy about 300 PC games from the next store, they will give you three 300 gig disks for free.And I'm curious to see if your boss will see you often in your office if you have this playing power home.
  13. Doesn't this : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/89052-topic/?findpost=1064340413 look like what you wanted ?
  14. Thanks ! Good luck in your new job, good luck in your new life. We had fun forumming together, hope you will often have fun too.
  15. Same problem. If you are the author, if you can proove that you own the copyright of this music, no problem of having it on your Xisto account or on another computer. If you don't have the copyright, it's illegal to show the link of a pirated music to people who would else be unable to find this link.
  16. The EAC software is free : you download the software, and it works. However, if you want to be a "real" registered user, you additionnally send a postcard with the words "I want to be a registered user". This costs you the money you paid for buying the postcard and the stamp. However, registering with a postcard is not necessary for downloading and using the software.
  17. Nice work. I would like to be able to do things like that, that nice background and I like the feeling of your buttons being pressed.
  18. Welcome aboard, east-drip, hope you will enjoy your stay with us.
  19. I use EAC. This states for Exact Audio Copy. And that's reight, the quality is rather correct. Have a look here : http://www.exactaudiocopy.de/
  20. Of course, we never perform this kind of things. We only do politically correct things, we are very polite and we respect all the rules.
  21. We have separated computers. And everybody prefers typing on my keyboard, so I am currently experiencing this kind of problem. Of course, I have nothing secret, so it's just for fun. And I use truekrypt when I happen to really have things I don't want to be seen.
  22. Yes, and most of proxies also add the www part, and, unfortunately, the www part makes it unreachable.
  23. yordan

    Internet Security

    You see that the real questions should be "what do you prefer" instead of "which one is better".If you have no money, Mark is right, use avgfree.If you have a lot of money, use the last Mc Afee, which intergrates everything including antivirus, firewall, antispam, and ad removal. So a signle program for everything, working automatically, instead of periodical cleanings with several different programs.
  24. Yes, and I access mine even without the http:// part, I simply type mysite.astahost.com/cpanel
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