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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Could you please post a link to this portable version ? I'm very interested, cause I'm often working on systems where I should install nothing. I did not see this portable version mentionned on the sourceforge page.
  2. I was satisfied with http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ . They have a lot of disagreable pop-up ads, but they do the job they promiss. You create your databases, and you access them from another computer. Here is how they express themselves : For learning purposes, their ads are not so disturbing, that's why I use them for test purposes. You simply create your account and start working.Of course, for my official website I prefer Xisto because it's banner-free and has a nice support forum. Regards Yordan
  3. If it's a CMOS battery problem, it has to false the same way with Windows or with Linux. And it's correct with Linux. So I think it's not a hardware battery problem, it's something else.
  4. Not really clear, but the way I understand it, seems that he wants to connect to a database from another computer. That's what you are doing now, connecting from your PC to Xisto's mysql database. So, I would say that he needs the connect string in order to connect to a database. There are some mysql servers which allow connecting to the mysql database, they allow you to create a database, a database user, and give you the connect string (host name, TCP port, database name, etc...) Unfortunately the free ones will also send pop-up ads windows.
  5. use FileZilla. It has no trial period because it's absolutely free. You download it here : https://sourceforge.net/projects/filezilla/files/ It has a lot of features usually found only on paid software. By the way, if you have absolutely nothing, or if you are not on your own computer, remember you can still use Crosoft Internet explorer, and in the URL address you type yourusername@youripaddress, you will prompted confirmation of your username and password and you will see a explorer-like window, you will be able to copy/paste files, even double-click to start Excel. I think it's sometimes better than having nothing.
  6. You could also simply download the Knoppix LiveCD, you simply boot on this CD and you are on a Linux machine, you can browse the Web, learn Linux commands and Linkux KDE look and feel, and even read/write your Windows disks if useful.No need to install, this is the strongpoint of the LiveCD. You move from one computer to the other one, without having to re-install.
  7. I heard a lot of people saying SC-oo-SI (and not SCASI) (oo like the spanish u ). I would say each tribe has it's way of pronouncing things. The worst case was the first time I heard a stranger pronouncing the name of the very famous ".rhost" file, it sounds as DATEREI !
  8. I already experienced that. If you turn ZoneAlarm off, connect to a site, and turn it on again, it seems to consider this remote site as a trusted one, so you have no more problem with it. Of course it has to be clarified later on looking at the logs.
  9. It works, I can see it from my PC, here is how it looks like : (clicking on the thumbnail enlarges the image)
  10. And also look into your firewall history, look if something appears as "blocked".
  11. You mean that using the logmein.com features allows you to log to your own home computer, and then surf from your home computer as if you were home. Great idea, Mevis. Should work. At least the home computer must be powered on, and the proxy must let you go to logmein.com and your home computer's proxy should let you in. This has to be checked.
  12. thanks, I like shysurfer.com, it's fast and efficient and needs no installation nor browser settings modification. Thanks for the info, CaptainRon.
  13. yordan

    Best Freeware

    WinRar has "rar" as default filetype, but it also compresses in .zip format. You should pay for it, but it does not stop working after 30 days.
  14. not a nice proof, this URL seems not to exist. Or is your site down ? ----------------- Sorry, the site is up now, seems that the web hosting service was unreachable. Now it works, you just have to put a index.html file.
  15. yordan

    Best Freeware

    I have two of them :FileZilla, which helps me a lot for ftp transfers.And WinRar, which is a must for compressing and uncompressing files. I lof the fact that using win Winrar I can unpack tar files, and gz and tgz files !
  16. I totally agree. I think we could even close the present topic (according to another topic saying that useless topics should be closed).But it's so humant, endlessly discussing about useless things over which we have no action, and which are of not so much interest.
  17. You could also add a line in /etc/inittab. it's an old way of doing that kind of things.The line I would add is :Yordansays:2:once:/opt/lampp/lampp start >/tmp/lmapp_start_listing.txt 2>&1Just edit /etc/inittab and add this line at the end. This line has a title ("Yordansays") and asks at initlevel 2 (which is the multi-user level) to start only once (the "Once" field) the command /opt/lampp/lampp start and record the standard output of this command, as well as the standard error of this command, in the file named /tmp/lmapp_start_listing.txt for future debugging if necessary.You could alternatively use /dev/console instead of the txt file, so the result would go to the console at boot time instead of going in a file.
  18. What do you mean by "I can't get a connection" ? Do you mean that you cannot login to windows ? Or do you say that you cannot go to the Internet ?Because connecting to the computer is purely local to your PC, except if you decided to be inside a domain. And if you want to be inside a domain, you must create a domain controller. If you have no domain controller, you must tell your computer "I'm not in a domain, i'm a standalone computer".
  19. Why æææææææææææ ? Are you from Græææææææææææce ?
  20. I think each one of us could telle you why he prefer a distro. But why should you choose it ? it's your own choice.
  21. Have a look in cpanel, in order to see if your smtp things are all configured and seem ok.
  22. It works like with explorer.On your PC, you start Internet explorer. As site address, you type yourusername@yourLinuxIpaddress IE will open a box asking confirmation of your Linux username and your user password, and it wil open a windows very similar to Windows Explorer. You will be able to copy to this window or from this window to your local Windows explorer on your PC hard disk. And if you configure the samba server on your Linux Machine, your Linux shared folders will be seen from the PC's like other windows shared folders.
  23. seems to work only in the United States : (click on the thumbnail enlarges the image)
  24. On Linux (as on other Unix systems) you open a shell command prompt window, and you type :ifconfig -a It's ifconfig -a on Unix, and ipconfig /all on Windows, looks rather similar, isn't it ? what do you name "find other Pc's" ? A PC can telnet to a Linux machine and share it's shared folders. Is this what you want to do ? If you want to share your Linux filesystems and access them from your PC, you must learn how to activate Samba on your Linux machine and define shared folders and grant access to users. If you want your Linux to read the Windows machine disks, you will have to install NFS on your windows machines.
  25. Why fish ? It's a long story, look here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I loved these books, and I love these kind of messages. Especially when people are leaving in order to go so far away, and express how happy they were with us.
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