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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Morover, I guess that everybody withing the 1.4 kilometer range will be able to use your Internect connection if you allow them. Then, you will probably we considered as an ISP, like AOL or the other ones, and you will have to pay a giant licence.I think that if that guy is so close to your home, you may simply interchange CDRW's in order to avoid the 400mb monthly bandwidth limit problem. This will need far less time and energy than synchronyzing huge and/or directive antennas.
  2. Did you add new hardware ? For instance, is a huge USB disk plugged on an USB port ?
  3. If the systems can ping, the router has no problem. If the systems cannot ping, probably the PC local firewall is involved. There are almost never problems coming really from the router.
  4. That's great ! So, now, we know that you only have a name resolution problem. This happens often, when a compter name is not propagated correctly to other ones. Just for fun, verify that the PC names are correctly defined (it's in the computer properties, "computer name" folder). I had this problem several times, usually my problem disapeared after re-installing Windows, which you probably don't want to do right now. I guess the phylosophical reason is that when installing a system, it's name must propagate to the other ones. If the other ones are are powered off, the name propagation does not work correctly. There is an easy workaround to this problem. Just put computer name and IP iaddress of each computer in your local host file, which is on each computer somewhere (in my computer it's currently fully named "C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts" ) For each computer, one line per computer, the syntax is IP address followed by computer name. Put the same three lines on the hosts file of each one of your three computers, and the problem will disapear.
  5. Two more infos needed :1) What are the IP addresses of your 3 PC's ? Did you use the default (DHCP) settings ?2) What are the netmask settings ? ?
  6. rarely is already a lot. I never saw thins += thing until today, and I don't even mind seeing somebody using it. Nevertheless, from a philosophical point of view, knowledge is supposed to be a good thing, even for (probably) useless things
  7. Happy new year. Health and money to everybody. And peace on earth if possible.
  8. OK, thanks for the reply. I learned something today, now I know what "+=" means.
  9. This evening, in the shop next door, I saw a 500 Gig USB2 external hard drive. Pretty nice, a couple of them in two USB slots and the tera is there.
  10. Completely off-topic, but, yes, I like your template. I guess that there will be some text between "Welcome" and "top". By the way, what does "Grade .11" stand for ?And, no, I will not steal your code, at least not as long as it will not be fully operationnal!
  11. Who is hosting you ? Your site seems really slow today.
  12. By the way, I guess that </html> closes your html sequence.so, the error is before, probably between <html> and </html>
  13. On my PC I can't see your images. I guess they are named S0XX.jpg, but where are they ? I can't see them neither with IE6 nor with Netscape. I only see the text "IPB Image".where is the problem coming from ? My side or yours ?
  14. Once you are hosted, everything is included. Simply, if you upload too many things, be careful not to go out of space.
  15. wutske asks how to boot from iso. And all the answers say "try something else". I guess the already tried the other methods, so now he needs to use a virtual CD able to boot from iso.By the way, you can install Mandrake from iso : you get the boot.iso which is on the first CD, you boot on it, and you tell it to install from the iso file. Of course, this is valid for mandrake, but probably the oder distros do the same thing.
  16. Nice, nice, nice. I specially appreciated the bottom white box : It's very important to know and to express yourself when you don't have anything to tell us !
  17. great ! And as soon as your application will be completely tested on your system, you can ftp your app at Xisto and test it as your visitors will see it. Remember, at Xisto most of the settings are the same as on your pc: the hostname is "localhost", etc... Nice to have been helpful. Regards Yordan
  18. You have easy php from here : http://www.easyphp.org/?lang=en It comes with everything packed in : webserver, php and mysql. Just click on install and everything is configuring and working alltogether, no additional config to be done, no additional modules to be added nor activated.
  19. If it's just for testing purposes, may I suggest you download and install easyphp.It comes with everything packaged in, you click install and it installs a working config on your PC, with the web server, php and mysql, you can use it to test your own programs or to learn how to install packages like 4images gallery or phpbb3 forum. Jus try it, it's harmless for you computer if you don't like it you uninstall it.
  20. Yes, but... I'm afraid in Win98 you cannot mount a shared folder using another username. So, a user with the same name and the same password has to exist on each Win98 PC (I think).
  21. Do you have the same username on all the Win98 systems ?
  22. Like usual, the real question is : "how can I make that a lot of people come to my site ?"or, "why are some sites visited and the other ones are not ?"Personnally I don't have the answer.Maybe that's why nobody visits my site.
  23. Should work... no reason.Unfortunately, it will be interesting only if people like your site.
  24. Did somebody already try to use your guide ?If somebody already tested it and saved some money, you could add some pages where he tells us that he trusted you and he was successful.
  25. I think the main problem at Xisto is the legal thing. You are not allowed to do illegal things at Xisto. So, you are not allowed to host mp3's if you do not own the copyright of the conerned music. For instance, if you want to host a mp3 from a commercial CD, you must first ask the music company who made the CD in order to ask them if they allow you to put their music on your site. The only music you are allowed to put on your site is the original songs where you sing your own songs, written by yourself, with your own music you composed by yourself. Else, no mp3 at Xisto. Have a look at the forum, there are several posts concerning the legal things arount mp3 hosting.
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