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Everything posted by yordan

  1. OK, they are really slow, but they give you a lot of space, it's fully free, and I verified that effectively there are no ads. There is currently a memory limitations, so with 4image gallery you cannot automatically generate the thumbnails, except if your pictures are rather small (800*600 max). So, no money to give, no need to post for being host, I find it acceptable. Moreover, they have really performant systems : These are really new servers ! I even never heard of them ! Unless they mistyped your main page, having 1.5 GHZ real systems instead of the announched 15HGZ servers ! Regards Yordan
  2. Great news, I appreciate. I must confess I started getting angry while reading your other posts, now my Karma will go back to normal.
  3. Er... I mostly agree with you. However...could you please avoid using bold characters in your posts ? I feel this rather intrusive.
  4. In order to really answer your question, I need some more info's. First of all, how did you get this static IP ? Is this the static IP your Internet provider gave to you ? Secondly, how are you connected to the internet ? Is it at home, connected to an ADSL router ? Or is it at your office, conected to your office network ? In both cases, this trick will probably not work for you. Probably you are not connected directly to the internet, you are probably connected through an ADSL router. This ADSL router owns the fixed IP address, and your PC has another address, a private address like If you use this tutorial to change this address to somithing like (another addres on the same private network) this will work but your "external visible" address will remain the same, and you will still be banned. If you change your PC address to another one which is not on the same private network, your internet connexion will simply not work any more ! If you are dirrectly connected to the internet (no router) and if your fixed IP address has been given to you by your Internet provider, you have to use this fixed address. You cannot use this tutorial in order to change your IP address because you will use the address of somebody else, your Internet provider will be warned not to do that and he will simply disconnect your line and you will have no Internet any more until you find a good explanation. So, unfortunately, in most of cases it's not easy to be un-banned, at least not possible with the present tutorials. This tutorial explains standard things, for normal users. If you want to cheat in order to do illegal things (for instance if your IP has been banned from a site) the info's you want are on hacker's site. Unfortunately, surfing on hacker's site is rather dangerous, especially for your own PC ! Regards Yordan
  5. as stated here : http://www.firebirdsql.org/ Seems to be another RDBMS system. Have a look at their site, and tell us. They seem to be far les popular as mysql. Tell us if they are as expensive as Oracle.
  6. Probbably some of you have the same annoying problem. I often have to boot under DOS in order to perform some maintenance things - re-format or re-partition hard disk, do virus diagnostics or recover files. I love using fdisk, or McAfee viruscan in command line mode. I love typing "fdisk". For that, MS-DOS command line is nice. Booting from a flashdisk is faster than floppies, and a flashdisk a lots more space than a floppy. So, now, how to boot from a flashdisk without complicating or dangerous things ? Here is the way I do it. Of course, I found the trick from several places on the Internet, but nobody gave the step-by-step I needed, that's why I wrote my own one, here it is. My own USB flashdisk is a Cosk*in 2gb, from http://www.cosk-in.com/ First of all, let's see if your PC is able to boot from a flashdisk. Let's first power off your PC (correctly shutting down Linux or Crosoft Windows) 1. Testing the hardware. Insert your USB flashdisk in a USB port, and power on your PC. Then, go to the BIOS SETUP menu (usually it's F2). Then look at the "BOOT" section. Depending on your BIOS version, have a look at the first boot device, it can be seen as a removable device or a hard disk. Of course, before changing anything here, you must carefully write down the initial settings in order to be able to come back in case of trouble. If the BIOS sees your flashdisk as a removable device, choose it as first boot device. If your flashdisk is seen as a disk, you have to put this disk as first disk. Save your settings and exit. 2) Making the flashdisk bootable. Now, go to a very old computer running windows 98. I know, sometimes it's rather hard to find one. Personnally, I used a vmware virtual machine on my brand new PC. When you are on your Windows 98 or Windows Millenium system, download the drivers for your USB flashdisk. This will probably need a reboot. As soon as your flashdisk drivers are installed, you will be able to see your flashdisk files using Microsoft Windows Explorer. Remember the name of the concerned disk. Let's let's suppose that your USB disk drive name is "U:" Then, open a command prompt windows (for instance click Run --> Execute --> command) At the DOS command prompt, type : SYS U:This "sys u:" command transfers on your USB flashdisk the system files needed for booting your flashdisk, exactly like it would do it on any standard disk. One of this files you probably already know, it's the well-known "command.com" file. The other files are IO.SYS and MSDOS.SYS That's all. You made your flashdisk bootable. And you already know it's harmless, because you simply added some files to your flashdisk. If you want to go back, simply remove these files. Now the most interesting thing : 3) Boot from the flashdisk. Everything is setup. While your system is powered down, insert your USB flashdisk in any free port, and power on your pc. After a couple of seconds you will see the popular C> prompt. You may type VER in order to verify the version. That's all you can do at that point. But if you inserted some more files (like format.com or fdisk.com) you have a working ms-dos system. Further you may add mouse.com, or probably and autoexec.bat or and/or a config.sys file. 4) Discussion. I love this method because it's simple and harmless. You do almost nothing special on your flashdisk, you just add a couple of files. I used some other more sophisticated tools from the internet, they started by a flashdisk reformat (and I lost all my favourite files) and then they did not work. That's why I love this way using an old win95 system and just type "sys U:"
  7. OK, I knew that I took a risk when I bought my "Made in China" tee-shirst. But I knew the risk, and the only problem I had was that after first washing they bacame too small. It's a minor problem.But I was really afraid when I bought a remote control for my TV. When I opened the box, I saw a "WARNING : this device respects the chinese security standards". What does that mean ? Does that mean that it does not respect european/american security standards ? Does that mean that using this TV remote control is dangerous ? Very nice, because if somebody want to sell something in USA, it must fit the american security standards ; devices sold in Europe must fit european security standards. Warning, chinese security compliant seems to say "warning, there may be danger!"
  8. I just tried it. Does not work, could not register : So, in the "con's" list we should also add : "seems not to work today". One more problem we don't have here at Xisto.
  9. I think that this would be very dangerous. Already today, the stdandard "hear only" phones are dangerous, because a lot of people talk over their mobile phones while walking down the street. I heard about a japanese guy who died due to that : he closed his eyes in order to get better concentration, so he did not see a tree, he banged his head, big trauma, and he died. Simply because he closed his eyes a couple of seconds. Imagine what would happen if you are walking down the street with your modified visio-sunglasses and your girl fried calls you in order to show your her new bikini ! You would probably look at her and not see the schoolbus just crossing your path !
  10. I would like to have a stress detector interacting with me. It should be able to tell me "keep cool, Man ! Your stress threreshold has been exhausted. You should not answer this question, just smile and make a joke in order to release the pressure. Else you will start being angry, and all your shakras will get closed".This would be nice. You could keep working without being exposed to the danger coming with too much stress, and ou would take benefits of the experience of skilled people in such situations, where a small behaviour change could completely remove the danger brought by some situations, at office ot at home.Yes, this would be nice. Prevention instead of curation, avoiding danger by simple surfing around the pontentially dangerous situations.
  11. That's why I love paying with my e-card. My bank gives ma a one-shot credit card number. The guy who tries to do double-billing gets rejected !
  12. It's still the same problem. You need 365 credits in order to simply last one year. So, 800 credits will allow you simply to last since two years...
  13. What I really appreciate, is that this sites mostly wants computer things : CD's, USB flashdisks, etc... Seems that computer geeks are are supposed to be good customers for spider hunting devices !
  14. Have a look here, it's really funny : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Besides the text describing the device, you will see a little movie showing how it works. It's really great ! Unfortunately it costs 19 euros, else I would already have bought it ! Until now, each time I see a spider, I take my shoe in order to destroy it : this makes a big splat on the ceiling, and it's very bad because it destroys a life. With this device, you take the spider away from your keyboard (where it's not really useful) and put it two kilometers away in the nature, for instance on a tree, where it is not disturbing for you. It's even sold with a fake plastic spider in order to allow you to train yourself ! Could you believe that ?
  15. Basically, from a purely arithmetical point of view, 1000 credits will last 1000 days. So, if he had 1000 credits three ago, he has more than 900 today.And, thanks, OpaQue, this free domain name feature is great, I'm sure it will be really successful.
  16. Thanks for the prompt action, and thanks for the good news from OpaQue, and thanks for the link. The additionnal info is inside this link : you need to have at least 280 credits because the domain-name feature will cost 250 credits.
  17. I cannot vote personnally vote, because one item is missing on this poll.The missing item would be : "Please tell me, what is Habbo" ?And I'm pretty sure this item would have a lot of votes ! (Unless I need to wake up ?)
  18. Thanks for the info. You are right, this visual way of displaying a lot of info is very nice. I found another "almost false" thing : if you look at "login" you see "Prints password", which is obviously false : "login" asks you your user name, probably followed by your password, in order to let you log in !
  19. Very nice map.Unfortunately, for beginners such as me, it's only nice. It's understandable for specialists, probably. However, for beginners, it would need some comments. I see the network drivers named "network_drivers", but this is not more meaningful than that. Some subtitles or comments could maybe be useful.
  20. When a rich friend of mine asks me the question, I tell him to buy McAfee Viruscan.Unfortunately, I have very few rich friends.When a poor friend of mine asks me wich antivirus to use, I tell him to use AVG free. It's easy to install, and has a reasonably frequent automatic update upload.You will find a lot of topics here about which is the best antivirus, people who pay their software have to carefully discuss about the differences.People who have no money should not leave without antivirus. So, as for a free solution, I think AVG is a very interesting one, the one I recommend.Yordan
  21. Thanks to Arbitrary for this very complete introduction.I would also add a suggestion. If you are hosted here at Xisto, and if you like "learn-by-example", I would suggest you to use the Xisto's "Fantastico" facility, and install a phpbb forum or a 4image gallery, have a look at the sources generated, and see how they manage the database connection and user/passwords handling. I really think that looking at other people's programs help understanding a lot.And, of course, having a working system, which correctly connects to a correctly database, is really helpful.Then, comparing the working scripts to your faulty scripts could help correcting your errors.And, of course, when you will be grown, you will start writing down your own programs from scratch, and they will be far better than any examples that could be provided.RegardsYordan
  22. As soon as a judge wants you to show this licence, you are in trouble. So, it's simply safer to do nothing illegal here.
  23. So, none of you has seen mysql databases as big as the Oracle databases, which currtly go to some hundreds of higs, and sometimes several terabytes.
  24. Another point to be mentionned, when running on (really) big AIX machines, is a feature of Oracle name "parallel query". If you alter your table "parallel (degree 12)" Oracle starts a coordinator for the query, which fires a lot of slave processes (in this example here 2*12=24 processes), each process being in charge of executing a part of the query. So, if you have a huge database splitted on twelve disks, each process reads one disk, so the system reads all the disks concurrently instead of sequentially, taking full benefit of the disk throughput of a powerful system.This parallel query is a feature only Oracle has, and is very useful for boosting batch processes on huge Unix systems.
  25. Look what happens in my own case. My door is locked when I am not at home, so physical protection is OK. My computer boots up on my account which has a password. So, remote people have to give my password in order to see my files. But I can power-on my computer and go and do something else, and when I go back my computer is booted and logged under my own name and ready for use. I do this with "control userpasswords" on a wind2k system, and with TweakUI for XP computer which have more than a single user.
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