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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Please read Xisto rules. Here, we don't do such things, and on sites like ours it's it's forbidden to talk about this. Next time I see a user talking about cracking wifi passwords, this user will be banned and all posts deleted.
  2. I think that this is exactly what the Xisto forum precisely does : I see that your previous post is dated five minutes ago, in terms of my local time. And probably, your local time is not mine, and is not Xisto's city time.
  3. By the way, from a semantic point of view as well as from a generalized relativity theory point of view... Doing this you are not changing the Xisto computer server time, you are changing the way the connected users see the system clock.
  4. I guess that the server time is the local time for the city where the server is physically located.Of course, like in my forum, the time seen by the user is the user's PC local time.
  5. yordan


    Hi, cnumen, welcome aboard. I hope you will enjoy being with us.
  6. Sorry, I was thinking about the Unix command line, which is governed by the ssh access here at Xisto. I can guess that you have no ssh access, so let's forget about the chmod thing.
  7. Just a funny suggestion : if you could suffer a downtime for your official site, I woul try temporary renaming your main folders (for instance rename "forum" to "rename_to_forum") and see what would happen to the pirated site.Another thing would be chown and chmod the php files (chmod go-r) in order to prevent others from reading.The last thing woud be to password the folders (that's done in .htaccess as far as I remember). Good luckYordan
  8. I love this your tuto. It's clear, with nice examples. Exactly what I was looking for, a step-by-step explanation on how to do the thing.By the way, I hate the sig obtained that way, I hate this blur, I hate the colour you used, but that's not the aim of this topic. The goal was teaching how to do this, and this goal is obtained. Thanks.Yordan
  9. Hi, RockaRolla,When I do crawling for fun, it simply opens the php scripts, so I get files named somehthing.php down to my PC, nothing more. For instance, in 4gallery photo galleries, I don't have the pictures. However, I have the php scripts, so I can re-create the website. But of course I cannot connect to the database (for instance at asta it's your database so, even guessing the passwords I could not connect) so I cannot reach dynamic pages which are displayed using a particular user's rights and name and passwords.
  10. By the way, pages needing passwords cannot be crawled, because the robots cannot guess your passwords.So, pages you protected or scripts needing you to login before entering make the things not searchable by robots.
  11. Nice post, Ikhsan4488, very technical, with a lot of precise infos.However, for me it does not sound like a tutorial. For a tutorial I would expect more text, more step-by-step explanations. I don't really learn a lot from this, except that my proc could simply blow up. So, if you could add a reply here and be more descriptive, with real sentences explaining really what has to be done, I would accept this as being a real tuto. Else, it would remain a standard hardware (and very useful) topic, but not a tutorial.RegardsYordan
  12. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure you have a hardware problem with your battery. If you know a computer shop where people are kind enough, I would suggest to ask them if they can test a new battery on your PC. If a new battery works whereas the old one does not work, that means that changing the battery will be the solution. Also have a look at http://www.aboutbatteries.com/ maybe a spare battery happens to be very cheap.
  13. Sohaib : here you can only share official and free things. You can point to http://www.copernic.com/, or explain how to obtain the official installation key from copernic.com.You cannot provide us directly with your professional software nor your own installation key. This is a violation of Xisto rules.
  14. Hi, mika, welcome aboard. I hope you will enjoy this forum. By the way, I moved your topic to the "Introduction and Welcome" subforum, which location is more suited to your text.RegardsYordan
  15. I already deleted some of them. Do you mean that some ones are still there ?
  16. First of all, the obvious question : where are your backups ? (HA HA HA, sorry, bit it's time to remember about that).Now, I'm pretty convinced that the user has been distroyed, but that the files are still somewhere in your computer. So, do you remember the name of one of files ?Then, right click on "my computer", "search", and type the part you remember of your file name, and it should tell you where the files are.
  17. tamuna, avoid such one-word posts, mods here hate that and could consider this as spamming. Bu the way, I moved this topic to the Life Talk forum, it's first "computer and tech" locations was not suited to this subject.
  18. I guess that you forgot the name and/or the password of the first admin account.Simply, go to the control pannel, users, you will see the list of the users, and look the exact name of the first admin.Then, logout the second account and try again the first admin account with the correct name and password.If this does not work, go back to the second admin account and go again to the users control pannel and change the first admin user password. Now it should work.RegardsYordan
  19. My father always told me : our world is governed by fanatism and foolishness.Here you show a proof of the foolisness part. And your other post shows how surprising is the power of fanatism.
  20. Nice post, Ijin. You are right, the answer is strangely simple, and almost incredible. And, you are right, nobody think about removing the power chord for physically resetting the USB devices.---P.S. I slightly edited your post, putting between quotes the part copied from forums.techguy.org , which is more polite and meets the asta forum rules.
  21. I had a shoulder problem last year, and the kine's asked me to train, shaking 100 grams object in order to train my shoulder. Which you cannot do without feeling very stupid. Except if you are playing with a wii. So, this makes sens, re-education by means of trining himself with a wii is a great idea.
  22. Sohaib, You should use quotes when you copy text from somebody else. Politess says that you should put quotes so that we know that you repeat something said by somebody else, and politeness ask you to mention where the text comes from. Today your text comes from http://www.copernic.com/en/products/agent/index.html I put the quotes for you today. Next time, you should put the quotes by yourself. Except if you try cheating, which is quite unhonest and quite forbidden here. At Xisto you should not try posting copied text in order to earn hosting point, the admins here hate that. Regards Yordan
  23. Unfortunately, a lot of people don't see the difference between religion and fanatism. Reliogion explains you how to become better. Fanatism leads to hate anyone who does not agree with you.
  24. Two things Alok. 1) Your question is not fully clear, probably. I'm pretty sure that if you crete a password-protected .doc or .xls file, the password protection is inside the file. 2) password cracking is against our rules. Here we talk only about fully legit items. If an admin put a password on a file, you have to ask the admin to give you the password. If this file was yours and you forgot your own password, too bad, next time you will remember it. But teaching crackig techniques will never be allowed here.
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