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Everything posted by yordan

  1. Did you already test phpMyadmin for administrating a mysql database ? I think that for administrative purposes (creating tables, creating databases, modifying some records inside some tables) it's enough, it works like toad.
  2. For sure we will miss you. It was nice having you aboard. Good luck in your new life. Yordan
  3. Very interesting, thanks. thanks for the info, and also thanks for the download link. Just a small point I would like you to pay attention. Have a look at our forum rules again. If you want to give us some info's you learned from somewhere else, you are welcome, and thanks for sharing them with us. However, for sake of honesty, each time you post an info which is copied from somewhere else, you must say where the info is coming from (in our case the info is coming from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ) and you must put the info between quotes. Today I put the quotes for you, next time please do it by yourself. Yordan
  4. Please use the "code" and "/code" tags to delimit the portions of code inside your post.I did it for the first portion of code. Please look how I did it and do it the same way for the other portions of code mentionned in your post.I unlocked your post in order to allow you to perform this.RegardsYordan
  5. Hi, theSman,first of all, this post is not a real tutorial, so it should not be in the section "Free Web Hosting > Computers & Tech > How-To's and Tutorials > Internet > Internet Browsers ". That's why I moved it here.Secondly, avoid double-posting, mods have to clean-up and most of them are rather busy. Maybe the reason is that you could not see your own post ? Then you must take care of some facts.If you want your post to be immediately visible, avoid posting in the "How to and tutorial" section. Tutorial have to be reviewed. So, they remain invisible until a moderator reads the tutorial and accepts it (or rejects it). So, for short posts or polls, put them in the normal forum sections and they will be immediately visible and you will immediately be able to have answers.RegardsYordan
  6. Yes, I know, it's actually not a single disk. The modern disk cabinets have a lot of disks, organized in RAID groups. The disks I am using are one thousand 150gb drives, organized in Logical UnitS named LUN's. Each LUN has the size you want (some megs to some terabytes) and is seen as a single disk. Of course, Windows system need smaller disks than Unix systems.So, a 30 Terabytes is simple a bunch of 200 physical 150 GB drives. Simply, I would personnally not leave it as a single drive, I would split it on quite a lot of single individual LUN's, for performances multipathing purposes.
  7. Thanks for the info, Joson.Just a small detail : this is simply an info, it's not really a tutorial. That's why it should not be in our tutorial section, so I moved it here.RegardsYordan
  8. You really bought a 30 terabytes disk in bestbuy ? I would be curious to know how much you have paid for that, and see if you have really seen yourselv writing 30 times 1000 gigabytes, and how much time you needed to write down such an amount of data. Here at work my system was able to sustain 1 gig per seconds (1000 megabytes per seconds) so one terabyte in 20 minutes. Are you sure you were working on such a system ? Regards Yordan
  9. Hi, Kel, hope you will enjoy your stay here.
  10. And first of all only use phpmyadmin or pure sql in order to create the tables and populate them and start simple queries (select * from mymoney where date < '01/04/08') in order to get familiarized with the SQL syntax first, then create a php program which reads your input from keyboard and then fires the very simple sql query (select sum(money) from mymoney;)
  11. That's the funny thing with console games. They are protected against piracy, so donwloading them from the internet is useless, your copy will not work. And if you try harder, you are not respecting our forum rules which are also against piracy, so nobody here will answer your question.
  12. Don't worry about the RJ45 and wifi, nor wigth the dynamic IP address, Ani, your router is in charge of that. Simply create a shared folder on each computer, and reboot both. Then, there are several ways to see that both computers are ready to communicate. The simplest one is the following one. Open a CMD command line box (Start, Execute, cmd or comand). Then type "net view" (without the quotes) and you will see the names of the computers and their sthared folders. Then, you can type "net use * \\the_computer\the_sharared_folder_name" (without the quotes once more of course). Hope this helped. Yordan
  13. Thanks for your opinion.By the way, I moved your topic here, where is it's real place.RegardsYordan
  14. You said thet you would correct it, but I did not see the quotes. :)Please be polite next time and add the quotes. And be careful, if your warning level keeps increasing the admins around here will believe that you are cheating and you will never obtain hosting at Xisto.
  15. Each time it's possible, I put a blank page as starter page for my Internet explorer. So, when I want to go to a "normal" site, my Internet Explorer page comes very fast. And when I want to perform some goggling, I'm so familiar with https://www.google.de/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=BwkjVKfAD8uH8QfckIGgCQ&gws_rd=ssl that I type it fery fast.By the way, you are wrong on a funny point : you posted this in the How-to and tutorial forum. And this is not really a tutorial. What ne name "tutorial" is a rather long post, for instance step-by-step instructions for performing something rather complicated. A one-and-a-half line text we don't weigh as a tutorial, even if it's as interesting as yours. :)That's why I moved your topic here.RegardsYordan
  16. And your winter is during our summer, if I remember correctly.
  17. You could also consider using the portable version of the vlc player. This version has embedded everything needed. If it cannot play your video, at least it will not install anything, so no pollution for your system.
  18. Are you sure ? I also did it, and I my search result was six pages long.Have a look here : http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?act=Searhlite=%2Bpaypal I think you forgot to uncheck the box saying "Search this forum only? ". If you leave this box checked in if you happen to be in the single forum having no concern with your search subject, this could be the explanation why you had no answer. ------------------ By the way, I moved this topic here because it's not really a tutorial. However I must confess that the docduke answer can be considered as a tutorial concerning the way of looking for related infos at Xisto forum. Yordan
  19. You can use the FileZilla standalone ftp client, it does not need to be installed : you can run it from your USB flashdisk, or you put it somewhere on the hard disk and you erase it when finished.
  20. Namely, you will try killing the hardware withou giving the operating system a chance to wakeup. Now comes the next challenge : which mod will first get angry and close this useless topic ?
  21. OK, I heard a lot of questions and answers on the shoubox, let's put it here.I have been asked where I am from, I am near Paris, France.Then I have seen on the shout box the following things : Doc.h0llyw00d - US EST phplauto is Rafael from Brazil S/A And you, where are you from ?Yordan
  22. I'm absolutely not familiar with Ubuntu, but...If I correctly undersand Jeigh's answer, you don't need to download the "wine" software from the internet, the package is already included in your Ubuntu distribution, on the CD's or on the ftp server if you used the network install. So, you simply have to use the ubuntu installer in order to install wine on your PC.
  23. Thanks for the link. You forgot mentionning that the description is coming from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Yordan ------------- Edit : Really thanks for the link. I had to switch PC's at work, the new one didn't have XnView, so I just went to Xisto, your topic was in the "Latest Activity" list, and I could download and start using. So, thanks again.
  24. Don't be confused.Don't mix the database, which manages the data, and tle php program, which is a way of making a computer do things for you.Mysql by itself is a database, it's langage is SQL, which is a very simple language. The sql language started from a very simple idea, that data should be organized in such a way that they could be queried using a language very close from the natural language (the "natural language" being obviously the English language).The SQL language, which is the mysql language bug also the Oracle or the Informix or the Ingres language, uses very simple sentences like :select * from people where name like "John"; or :insert into people values ("John", "rich", "stupid"); ordelete * from people where quality="stupid" ; It become more complicated if you want these things to be done by a program, but the complication is coming from the php syntax (if you use php) or even the visual basic syntax if you refer to the last visual basic tutorial at Xisto forum. So, don't mix the database concepts, wich are relationnal ways of organizing the data, with the programming language learning, which is hard for beginners but will seem very simple for you after a couple of weeks/months/years
  25. Learn my post just above yours, click in the mentionned links, and you will see a lot of links with hundreds of templates, some very nice ones and some very professional-like ones.
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