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Everything posted by yordan

  1. I also performed this in the 80's, my time was also about 2'15''. Of course in order to do this you must not have a look at the cube, because this would make you loose seconds.And of course I stopped, fully disgusted when I saw the World champion's performance, he did the thing in less than 30 seconds. Because he did not follow my algorithm, he had a look at the configuration in order to find the fastest algorithm.
  2. Where is this .sql file coming from? Did you get it from the feelay starter topic text ?
  3. I would say that portable XAMPP is the best solution for this. You get it from here : http://portableapps.com/apps/development/xampp
  4. Please avoid double-posting, you have to choose between opening a new thread or answering an existing one, but don't post the same problem in both places. You were probably talking about this post : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/84321-topic/?findpost=1064306363 Also, for sake of privacy, do not post your e-mail on the forum, asking for a forum private message is safer.
  5. uni.cc, the famous free domain name provider, seems currently down. The only info from the main page is the following : Seems that the corresponding user sites did not disappear, they are simply frozen.
  6. I have two different point of view : 1) I'm always interested by useful and interesting information. However, if the information is copied, I would like to know where the info has been copied from. 2) Precisely from the google adsense point of view, sites with original infos are better rated than sites with copied text. So, if we want to obtain free web hosting sustained by a high-rated forum, we should not put copied texts.
  7. I first understood 1 TB RAM memory. Now I understand it's 1 TB disk memory.
  8. Obviously the topic starter (try guessing who is behind the <(-'.'-)> username? ) started a nice topic and does not want to give him his secret. Which is rather unfriendly, except if he has no real secret.
  9. This topic concerns self-made PC's, in order to have the best hardware you can obtain now for a reasonable price, running Windows or Linux.Apple's computers are not concerned, because they are proprietary very closed systems, where you can only buy a limited set of upgrades and building everything from scratch cannot be imagined.
  10. I want to make an syslinux menu merging several distros. One of them is grub, which syntax is not very different from syslinux . For instance "kernel" works similarly. I would like to know which is the equivalent for the followin instruction : chainloader /BOOTMGRwould "kernel memdisk append /BOOTMG" do the same job ?
  11. Sorry, I forgot to mention that I was talking about command line under Windows or under Ms-Dos for nc, and under Unix (AIX) for Firefox.
  12. Nice info, thanks.However, your post is a little bit too short (less than 500 words), so it can not be really considered as a tutorial. That's why I moved your topic here, where it's place most probably is.RegardsYordan
  13. Nothing on the screen ? Can you see the bios settings ? Can you boot on a floppy or on a CD ? No beeps could simply mean that the beeper is disconnected.
  14. I knew Norton Commander (nc from the command line) but I did not know mc (or MC).I know the capital letter problem, sometimes I have to type Firefox on Unix systems and sometimes it's firefox, it's slightly confusing.
  15. OK, first of all you should know that this must never be done on a Windows system : you must use the the standard Microsoft way of powering off your system, else you simply test the Microsoft recovery program, and now you see that this recovery is not fully efficient.Now, the easiest thing is to boot on a LiveCD operating system, the most well-known is Knoppix, but Mandrive One is also a good solution. Boot on the Linux liveCD, and then copy all your own files (texts, pictures, music etc...) on a removable media (an external USB disk for instance), and then you can re-install windows and take your files back to your new windows disk. And, of course, next time, put your data on a separate partition, so in case you loose Windows you don't loose your data.
  16. 1) First of all, go to the kontera site, http://amobee.com/platform/brand-intelligence/ If you don't have an account yet, sign in there. If you already have an account, log in, and then go to "Content Link Setup", and you will see your kontera account number in the field labelled var dc_PublisherID = XXXXX You also have a better explanation here : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ 2) If you write down interesting posts, people will come and read them. When they click, the click is associated with your kontera account, which will register the clicks and put the corresponding money in your account. As you have filled the way of payment (check, wire, paypal, or international EFT) you will receive the corresonding money. Of course, if you only wrote only spammy or junk post, nobody will read them, nobody will click anywhere and you will never have ad revenue. Hope this helped Regards Yordan
  17. Correct, in a relational model, a table with userid and groupid is the best way.
  18. Of course you don't need to store the username in the group table, because there is already a table associating the userid to his name.I would like to know if each user is in a unique group ? Then, the table could have two colums, groupid and userid.
  19. first of all, avoid double-posting. Your post is exactly the same text you posted here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/88637-who-is-your-favourite-free-host-whats-your-fav-free-host/
  20. Simply post interesting texts, several lines long, written in decent English, and that's it.for instance, open a topic saying why you want ImageMagic. Till now I was able to do without it.
  21. There are already several posts about this subject.The main problem with the free web hosting companies is how long they will last and how secured their service is.Websites sustained by post-for-hosting companies like Xisto or Xisto last since a very long time, with a very low downtime.Free websites with a small bottom-line add, like our sister site qupis.com also show a very professional service without downtime.A lot of competitors have problems due to the lack of revenue, and user sites suffer downtimes or simply disappear.Personally I prefer I prefer the Xisto system, where the ads invisible to our members generate enough revenue for paying a very professional hosting for which standard users have to give real money.
  22. I must protest against that. I am not unable to find them. Simply, maybe I'm a little bit slow...
  23. 1) We have a " Comments and Feedback (Guest threads Allowed)" area, it's here : http://forums.xisto.com/topic/35-forum/ All comments and suggestions are welcome in that area. 2) We want our forum to be known as a very serious ans very technical one, nicely referenced in a lot of search engines, that's why spams are not accepted here. However, I think you can do a lot of things in "The Lobby" forum (http://forums.xisto.com/topic/30-forum/ ) or in "jokes and humor" (http://forums.xisto.com/topic/22-forum/ )
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