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Logan Deathbringer

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Everything posted by Logan Deathbringer

  1. I personally think the whole idea behind the Apple suite is crazy, the basis of it is that the patents are in the Physical design of the phone, i.e. the round corners. Now I can understand the basis of any code or hardware design but the phyisical aspect of a rounded corner is just ludicris. Oh well just my opinion, I just hope that it ends between the two of them and doesn't bring down the whole house of cards. If it does it will mean a major problem for the end user as we will probably see only 2 or 3 major companies left running the whole scene, just like in the mid to late '80's with the micro processor legal battles.
  2. I like to get my news via the web these days, but still like to read an old fashioned news paper in the mornings. Granted its a out moded delivery form, but I still like to start the day with a coffee and news paper, a bit cliché I know.
  3. Thats what I see as the problem with this whole thing over the smart phone and the tablets. Hell if they are going to sue each other over OS looks, operations, and phone design...and the court backs up apples claim, couldn't the original "smart phone" designer come out and sue EVERYONE making smartphones because they came up with it first. Granted everyone has seriously improved on the idea, but if we follow the logic of improvement is but an extention of the original idea, then they have everyright to claim infringment as well.
  4. Unfortunatly, from my experiance, your data probably isn't recoverable. The only time I was able to recover lost data on a flash drive that was accidentally formated was with a program called Get Data Back, and I think it was pure luck that I was able to get anything back since the person I was attempting the recovery for formated once and then didn't try anything again until the flash drive was given to me. Also I had to trick the program into thinking the flash drive was a hard drive, it was an older copy of the program, I haven't looked at any versions of it in the last 3 years, and the copy I was using was at least 2 years old 3 years ago.
  5. This is both a good and a bad thing for all smartphone/tablet producing companies. The good is that it shows that the courts will uphold patents that are held by the company and protect their design and itellectual property. However the bad is that it will cause almost everyone to rethink and redesign a large number of products currently on the martket.The redesign could mean that we will see a higher cost of new products coming out in the next year or two, as well as a lot of possibly buggy, unproven designs. On the flip side it could, and hopefully will, lead to a lot of new and diverse designs and inovations in an attempt to keep from getting sued. It also could mean that we will see a lot of companies leave the market and focus on other things.
  6. The subject of euthanasia has been on my mind a lot over the last year. My grandmother had been of declining health for about a year and had made a conscience decision to forgo a pace maker batter replacement. Over the following months her health quickly deteriorated and she went from a senior housing apartment to a hospice residence. At the end she was kept alive only with life support systems.I have read a lot on the subject and have seen and heard arguments based on religion, personal beliefs, and social reasons. Socially the arguments usually revolve around letting nature take it course and we shouldn't interfere with the natural passing of a person and that there is always the possibility that there might be a medical breakthrough that might cure the illness. If we were to stand by and let nature take its course we should stop all medical treatment across the board and stop playing with genetics and stop extending life.On the subject of religious arguments they almost always fall back on the "thou shalt not kill" argument or similar depending on the religion. If we are to go by this one then there should be no capital punishment or standing army as well as no euthanasia. How can one have a total and blatant double standard of no euthanasia yet support a standing army who's only reason to exist is to take life, whether its in the name of peace keeping or defense.Now the hardest one to argue against is personal beliefs. Here I have to say that to each his/her own personal beliefs and I will leave it at that. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs, and only they can decide those.As for my personal belief on the subject, I believe it should be allowed. The reason for this is that if a person is suffering and there is no immediate way of eliminating the pain and allowing for a decent standard of living. One without pain, clear cognitive ability, and the ability to live without bulky life support equipment. If this cannot happen and the patient can make a clear and sound decision to end their life with honor and dignity then I think they should be allowed to if they can find someone that can help them in a nearly painless way.To live in pain, without dignity, is no life at all. To keep people alive in such a state is torture in the truest definition.
  7. Well I've been gone for a long time, but now I'm back. Don't know if anyone out there remembers me but I hope to be a contributing member again, get back to learning, and helping out as I can. I've missed the forums and I'm looking forward to hanging around again.
  8. I deal with comp issues like this on a daily basis, check how many processes and processor power is being used through your task manager. Also go to a site like webroot or trend micro and do a free virus/spyware scan and see if your comp is infested. Also you might want to download and run RAM test program and check to make sure your system RAM is fully functional. After making sure your comp isn't playing host to some virus or spyware, and free stuff like McAfee that a few ISP's offer or AVG are good, and so is Spybot S&D but they don't get as much SW as a paid program like Spysweeper or Pest Patrol.After scanning your system and making sure its clean then checking for updated drivers would be the next step. Also as someone stated before, make sure that your optical lens on the mouse is clean, but from what your describing I don't think thats the issue, its your system thats freezing up for a split second.
  9. Its been awhile but I'm back...just thought I would say hello again.
  10. I have to agree that while MS and Windows have produced a "clueless user" at the same time it has made it possible for the end-user to be able to do things; such as surf the net, send and receive email, and even do some basic editing of pictures and other things with little to no knowledge of how to "properly" use a computer.While I have to say that I'm not MS fan, at the same time it keeps money flowing into my pocket since I fix what they screw up. While this isn't a good thing for the most part it does allow people to access vast amouts of information without having to know much about the hardware they are using to access it. That was the whole point behind the PC and Mac/Apple from the word go, to develop an OS that would allow everyone/anyone to use a computer without having to be a "geek" to do so.Don't get me wrong I'm not defending the OS creators, and I have as little love for Mac as I do for MS, both have done shady back room deals to keep themselve alive, but so has any other major company out there, but at the same time they have "empowered" their customers so they can do things without having to go to lots of classes or teach themselves how their computers work and what not.Over the years I have seen, relativly speaking, as many "clueless" mac users as Windows, but at the end of the day the only ones that can truely be blamed are the users themselves since they don't want to be educated for the most part, or even worse, they think that their next door neighbors kid can fix their system and end up with a larger bill then if they had let a trained professional do the work in the first place.
  11. OK,Here’s my point of view. First off as long as you keep the “tutorials on hacking” To a minimum if not totally off your side there should be a problem. Second, as stated before questions regarding how someone can keep their systems secure while at the same time how that security can be bypassed should be OK. But if someone directly comes out says while I want to have such and such a network with such and such security in that type of topic should be allowed, as you already know.Basically, the way I read the terms of service, it’s basically is saying that you cannot Host a site on Xisto That is dedicated solely to hacking ( i.e. hosting a forum that is dedicated to how to exploit known security issues of operating systems and networks and a host tutorials on how to do it). As long as you stay away from that sort of Postings on your forms there should not be an issue, of course I could be wrong and the final word does come from power administrator and our moderators.Logan
  12. It sounds interesting and has massive potential for AMD but also has a lot of downsides to it. While it gives AMD inhouse chipset design it also gives Intel another company to totally alienate. Granted most of the chipsets used by Intel Proc boards are NForce based but with the AMD buyout I see the ATI chipset and GPU's becoming almost a AMD only product, since Intel will probably get even more friendly with NVidia and make it so that their Procs will only work with NVidia chipsets.Also it gives rise to the thought of an onboard GPU that interacts directly with the CPU through the new HT2 designs that AMD is developing thus reducing, if not eliminating, the communication between the CPU and GPU as a bottleneck.
  13. If everyone put the economic questions aside for a minute and actually looked at the technologies required to switch to alternative fuel sources one would find that the ability to do so is already available. Biodiesel and Ethanol are easily produced and distributed, Hydrogen cars exist and are used in very limited areas, and electric car technology is advancing at a good pace, concidering the limited amount of research put into them respected to other areas of research.I think that most people will be surprised at the roll out of the "new tech boom" when oil suddenly becomes so limited that world governments can't rely on it for their military machines. When it gets to the point that governments like the USA, Russia, and the UK can't keep their war machines rolling due to very limited oil reserves I think we will see a sudden abundunce of alternative fuels hitting the market in a very short period of time.Corrupt governments or not, when they can't have their militaries working and rolling where they want them on oil, these "alternative fuels" will become the main focus of research.
  14. To clone or not to clone? Well this seems more of a philosophical debate then a actual discussion about whether its moral or ethical to clone a human being. Well the ability to do something doesn't necessarily mean you should, but that is a question best served by ones prodginy and the years that follow the decsion to allow human cloning and the fallout of that decision.The best corrilation I can draw, in my opion to allowing cloning is the wide spread use of antibiotics. While their use has helped millions to live and servive what once would have been deadly desies it has lead to, some might say, over population as well as the advent of the super bug, i.e. antibiotic resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae.The major problem I see with Cloning is the unnatural continuation of human life. Humans are only ment to live for a set number of years, as we push the medical barriers back and allow ourselves to live longer and longer we are putting more of a strain on our planets limited resources. If we start cloning ourselves and continue to enlarge our population through normal conseption means our ability to feed our population will continue to get harder and harder.Also the ability to clone a human, while in and of itself is a problem unto itself what about the ability to transfer the memories of the original to the new body. Cloning only allows the new "product" to look like the original, without its original memories and experiances it might look like the first but it won't act like the first. Without the ability to transfer the memories and experiances across then all is for not.The biggest question that I see coming up in this whole ordeal is the one that I have seen posed by the religious side of our civilization, will the clone have a soul. Now that is a questions that I don't see any easy or final answer to. So that is how I see the issue in a nutshell.As for the "perfect" human ideas that have been put up, that is just a matter of opinion. As for cloning being used to weed out and kill deseases, that is for gene therapy and what not. Cloning, in and of itself, will have no direct impact on that except for allowing the new "product" to be susceptible to the same deseases and illnesses as the original.
  15. the exact specs on the laser platform that the US is testing for miltary use, I don't have. However from what I have been able to learn is that its rumored that the aircraft carries a small nuclear reactor to power it, but thats just rumor. As for a laser gun, the size of a side arm like a Barreta 9MM, lol, keep dreaming, thats still just for Sci-Fi.
  16. Yes, buy the best you can afford, thats the best idea. Just remember that the AGP format is now obsolet so you might have to search around to find the card you want. There are sites on the web you can purchase from like newegg.com or pricewatch.com and others. Just shop around and take your time.
  17. The best way to do it is to have a video card that has dual outputs. NVidia uses NView to split the display between 2 monitors while ATI uses Hydravision (if I remember correctly). Just use a vidcard that can run 2 monitors and skip the external box, they usually don't work correctly and take a lot of configuration to get them to work, if you can.
  18. I think its just human nature to find an "easy out" or "scape goat" in this case, and others stated it was the iPod. In the past people have blamed their "Walkman" or "Discman" for acidents while they were riding their bike or driving their car. Ok listening to music when biking/skating/jogging on a busy road isn't that smart since it is distracting and makes it more difficult to hear traffic. Now for the "my iPod got me electricuted" I have to laugh, an iPods construction in an of itself doesn't attract electricity enough to pull lightning. Now if he had been standing in the middle of an open feild, with his iPod on a 100 foot pole, durring a thunder/lightning storm, now that would attract lightning through the iPod but then he couldn't blam it on the iPod itself, just his own stupidity.
  19. Well I have to say that I find this slightly disturbing. Not because the HK Boyscouts and what not are doing it, thats not the problem, its the fact that the government went to the extream of encouraging them, if not out right backing them. Ok so they turn in a few piraters for a merit badge, cool, but it seems that they are being encouraged to turn in their neighbors. As posted on the site with the artical it seems like a modern day "Hitler redux" to me.If they don't like their neighbor, they say they have been pirating music and turn them in. Whoo now they are being rewarded for spending tons of time in chat rooms/forum wasting their time, and dropping a dime on those they don't like.
  20. Well you pretty much already have figured out the card you need. The only problem is that I would suggest going up the ladder a bit more and go higher then the 6200, if you can find a 7600 in AGP format then you would be set. My reasoning is that the newer games run slow on anything below a 6800. Also if your gonna try to run Visat with its aero theme you will need the Geforce 7xxx or better.Your main problem will be finding them in AGP format, and most of the NVidia cards coming out have stopped being made in it. You might have to go with an ATI card, you can still find them being put out in the AGP format all the way up to the x1300 I believe.
  21. When i went to reply on a how to, i realized i forgot somewhat how to do it... so i did some searching and came across a greatly helpful site http://freepctech.com/pc/001/guide_dual_monitors.shtml like it says having 2 video outputs is needed, or 2 video cards i.e. one output each, from there the windows settings are quite simple as to setting it up i believe the setting you will want is a "extended desktop" where you can drag windows from one monitor "out of the screen" and onto the other
  22. My input on the HDD section:ATA/IDE - ok here is the OLD standard for the normal end user, comes in multiple "standards" and has 2 main rotation speeds 7200 and 10000 RPM. The RPM has a lot to do with the Data Transfer Speed as well as seek time, also the onboard Cach of the drive has a lot to do with Transfer Rate as well. The lower the seek time the faster you can get the data you want off the drive.SATA - the new standard that is taking over the normal end user market. This new style of drive uses a serial data transfer mode rather then the old parrellel delivery method. There are currently 2 versions of this standard SATA 1 and SATA 2. With these drives you still have the 7200 RPM and 10000 RPM speeds. Also, the lower the seek time and the larger on drive cache will also help with faster data transfers.SCSI - Mainly used for Servers, though some people do use it for their home systems. Although with the advent of SATA we might see SCSI die off. Fast, but old Tech.
  23. Ok here is what seems to be going wrong. You not only have to enable the encryption on your Router but you have to have your computer use that Passkey to access the Router and the net beyond. To do this, first your router should have come with a disc, put it in your comp and run through the setup wizard. If you can't figure that out, then post the router model info and I can research the problem your having and hopefully come up with a easy guide to get you working the way you want.Though I must say that you have to enable the encryption on both the computer(s) you want to access the router and the router itself. Whats happening is that you enter the passkey into the router, thus encrypting the WiFi and then since you haven't told the computer(s) you want to be able to use the WiFi the key, they can't access. When you remove the Power cable from the router your basicly removing that Encryption from the WiFi and allowing computers to access it without security.
  24. Alright, I'm an Electronic Engineer by trade and have worked with lasers in multiple applications. As for the laser being able to cut through 6 inches of steel in such a short period of time, possible yes, practical no. As stated before it would require such a massive power source and super cooling so as not to burn out the optics that its not currently feasible. Although the USA military is currently developing and soon will be deploying the first airborn laser based Anti-missile platform (it was shown on the Discovery Channel awhile back).The Display you mentioned, while not practical for use as a monitor, at this point in time, but as a medium for advertising the e-paper mentioned in previous posts is probably what you were thinking of.Now the processor, now thats probably a joke, as stated previously. This is due to the fact that with current tech we have just about reached the wall in speed, per single processor, due to the heat generation of the CPU. While I could very well be wrong here, unless we come up with better ways of dissapating heat, or lowering the amout of heat generated by the CPU. The current Dual Core processors are by passing this problem, a bit but they are still generating massive amounts of heat and due to this we might not see another drastic jump in CPU power unless we develop new tech.
  25. It could be a driver problem, I've had windows restart for no apparent reason and eventually I tracked it down to a bad driver. Please let us know what version of windows you have, and if your running 2k or XP jump into your control panel/Administrative Tools/Event Viewer right after a reboot and check the system section and see if it gives a yellow warning or red warning and the software section and see if you have a yellow warning or red warning and tell us what error is being given.We will be able to help you out better if we have that info.
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