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Logan Deathbringer

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Everything posted by Logan Deathbringer

  1. Ok the problem seems to be that your trying to connect without the user name and password that you use to connect to your cpanel. From what I remember, and its been awhile since I used FTP to upload anything to my site, you cannot connect anonymously via FTP. This is do to security issues, so just try to log on with your cpanel username and password. That should fix your issue, if it doesn't please post here, if it does or doesn't, and I will download Filezilla and see what it takes to connect and post the way to fix your problem.
  2. I had been planning on moving and redoing the teamspeak window, the problem is that I'm still working on a new CSS for it, and then moving it down to another place on the site, or replacing it with a different module that is more "configurable". Thanks for the feed back, all this input has made all the work I've put into the site worth it.If anyone else would like to give their input then please do. As for changing over to Joomla, I've been thinking about it and looking into it.
  3. Well everyone after much reworking, and revamping, I'm back for another review. HERE is my site, please check it out and let me know what you think. Thanks.
  4. I tried this game out, after a day I had my cpu upgraded, bandwidth upgraded, firewalled, had my waterfalls, AV, ect... I've lost interest in it, but those who find it entertaining keep with it, I'm sure its a good game, just not my type.
  5. While I find the ablilities of the X-men and the possiblility of them to be interesting and a thrill for the imagination. However as stated by many of the posters to this thread, the current technology doesn't allow for this.The more realistic, and possible occurance of "Fiction becoming Fact" is a television show from the 1970 that aired in the USA called "The Million Dollar Man" and its spin off "The Bionic Woman". We have already started down the path to these TV shows becoming reality. Also, following this train of thought, a couple of RPG's called "Cyber Punk" and "Shadow Run" are also more likely to become reality, in one form or another.All the technological enhancements that were used in those 2 TV shows and 2 RPGs are, in one form or another, possible with technology that is available currently, or being developed at this time. We have already developed replacement limbs, although not to the extream in any of those story lines, but they are all in the works. As for the brain enhancements of "cyber punk" and "shadow run" its only a matter of time till our scientists figure out how to link the human brain with a technological storage device, then with a processor to help with calculations and communications gear.After the technologically enhanced human becomes a true reality, not just a way for the handicapped to be productive and live a "normal" life, then the genetic enhancements added to it for super healing abilities, better oxegen usage, sharper vision, better hearing, and more resilient skeletal structure will come into play. At this point you will have a "genetically superior" homosapian that is "technologically enhanced" and the almost perfect planetary explorer, or the most leathal killing machine ever to be produced by a government for the perpose of making war.What one must remember is that even the most well intentioned idea/invention has always been used to make a better war toy by those in power. Thats why we have the Nobel Peace Prize, thanks to Alfred Nobel wanting to leave a better legacy to the world, then the one he had been labled with "the merchant of death."
  6. Well for short flight between cities on a continent I can't really see the internet being available as a "necessary" thing, however intercontinental flights or intercountry flights that last for 3 or more hours I can see having the internet available as a positive thing.As for the tech support issue, have 2 flight attendents that know how to work the system and the rest just having regular duties. That way if someone has a tech question they can have the 2 trained people deal with the issue. Getting WiFi to work usually isn't that hard of a problem, and if it is a major issue that someone is having with their laptop or hand held then they will just have to go without their connection, or just have a kiosk set up in the terminal that will help people get their equipment set up for their specific flight.As for the noise of the key tapping or VoIP use, well we already have to deal with people using their laptops and cell phones on the flights already, I don't really see the addition of WiFi adding that much more "white noise" to the flights that will have it available, out side of some person getting a bit over excited when their game gets a bit more intense then they expected.
  7. Well lets see in the past week I've played about 40 hours of Guildwars, and 12 hours of Starcraft Broodwars, plus sent and receive email, posted and read here, worked on my site.Hmm I think I need to take a vaction from my job and the net...well I'm going on vacation next week so I will have to make a point of leaving the computer and communications gear at home...lol
  8. I would have to disagree with you on this subject. I have played WoW and as far as I'm concerned the graphics, game play, and community are much better in GW then WoW. I can afford the monthly fee for WoW and I'll never go back. The reasons for this are as follows. In my opinion NCSoft and Arena.net are much more customer friendly and if you have a problem they will help you out fast. I remember when I used to play most, if not all, the Blizzard games and when I had a Tech problem I would have to wait forever to get help, also their systems were a breeze to hack and so their games where hacked to no end. With NCSoft and Arena.net they are very adamit about keeping the bots out and they have done a great job doing so. As for the graphics, IMO its amazing that while GW requires less on the system requirements the graphics are amazing. While in some areas the graphics of WoW might be better, over all the World of Guildwars out does WoW graphically with, as stated before, less system requirements. Also the way GW works its missions and gaming is better IMO. Instead of having to wait to do certain missions for monsters/mobs to respawn like you have to in some WoW missions you have "Instanced" explorable areas and mission areas in GW. This allows you to do missions without having to worry about beating another party to the punch or having to wait in line to do it. Also with the release of the Second Chapter of the Guildwars Saga being released, Factions, they dropped a lot of new skills, another entire continent full of new missions and objectives. With the addition of Factions they introduced and ingame Alliance format to allow multiple Guilds to join in Official alliances and interact with each other accordingly. Also they added the abbility to take over towns and do special Elite missions when you do. On top of all that NCSoft and Arena.net released a "free summer update" last year to the original Prophesies chapter and it looks like they will do the same with Factions. With GW there is planned to be a new Chapter released every year for purchase with a free "update" to be release later in the year. That way the game stays fresh with a content release every six months. Also the way this game is developed you don't have to purchase every chapter to play the next. Say you didn't buy factions, the second chapter, but you want to play chapter 3 when its released next year. Well with GW you don't have to go back and buy Factions just to install and play Chapter 3, you just go buy chapter 3 and install it. Also if you are new to the game and don't want to puchase Phrophesies and Factions just to play the new release, you don't have to. Yes there are advantages to haveing all 3 chapters but its not required. Well thats my 2 cents...
  9. I'd like to see the answer...I still stand by my original post though. I hope he posts the answer. lol
  10. Sweet setup man, love it. Thats the nice thing about some of the new "high end" laptop systems that are coming out these days. If you know where to find em at a reasonable cost they usually don't cost much more then desktop systems and they perform pretty much the same.I have to admit that I'm truely jealous, but I hope to have a similar system soon. If you could let us know where you got it I'm sure that I wouldn't be the only one greatful for such information.
  11. I think that it might be that, from what I read, MS didn't ask permission to include it in Office 2007, second OpenOffice is Free. Apple I think did ask permission and pays royalties. MS just added it, charges for it, makes money on it, and from what I understand wasn't gonna pay royalties.Personally if I, or a company, worked hard on something then saw another person/company making money on it and not paying me for use of my product I'd feel screwed and want to sue also.
  12. Nice catch, I don't think many of us would have noticed that. Good work.
  13. This sounds interesting but I must say that the amount of drive space, and bandwidth they are offering seems "to good to be true" and from experiance that tells me it not true.I would definetly say that while it might be worth investigating, I would have to say that this is one of those companies that will probably dissappear about 6 months to a year after going "live".I would like to see a link to their website if anyone has one.
  14. ok I'll put in my 2 cents...First off I have to say that the graphics of Guildwars seems to me, at least, to be much better then WoW, which is sort of surprising to most concidering the requirements to play GW is less then that for WoW. The enviroments are rich and eye catching.Second, there is, as stated by others, no monthly pay to play. You buy the game and your good to go. Also as far as updates and expansions go, if NCSoft and Arena.net stay to what they originally said and their previous track record with the game, they will always keep up with the "balancing" of the game also their should be 1 free area added aprox. 6 months or so after the release of Factions then another "chapter" or the next expansion 6 months after that. They have stated that they plan on keeping the game as "fresh" as possible. Also each "chapter" is planned to be a "stand alone" game so that it can be played by itself or "linked" to the previous "chapters" so that you don't have to have the previous 3 versions to be able to play the 4th installment. In otherwords you can have Prophesies, Factions, skip chapter 3, then buy chapter 4 and not have to go buy chapter 3 if you don't want to just to play chapter 4.Third, the ability to only carry 8 skills/abilities in my opinion adds an interestin "depth" to the game. Since you don't have access to all your skills/abilities/spells through out the game you actually have to THINK about where your going, what you need to do and as such you have to not only be able to pull your "weight" you have to rely on others to do so also. This means you really have to understand the game and your character and its over all abilities. This means you have to know how to use your various skills together to be able to do what needs to be done and as such how each skill/ablility can be used in conjuction with another to get the most out of what you bring.Personally I started playing GW because there wasn't a monthly fee to play. Although I have stayed with it because I personally find the game to be as complex, or as simple, as you wish it to be.
  15. around here your recognition is showed by the fact that you get hosting for helping out your fellow forum members. As well as making friends with people from all over the world.Sometimes knowing you did something is better then actually getting public recognition. I know that for all the I've spent here I've made a few friends and I know that if I need help I can get it.Thats my 2 cents
  16. Not a problem always happy to help out. Just wish I could have given more pointed information but without being able to research a specific area I had to leave the answer very vague. The best Idea would be to decide what type of work you want to do, then research the types of Certifications that would help you get into the business.The first step I would take would be to go around to the local companies that do the computer work, find out what they require as to be hired by them, then look into the types of degrees/certs/experiance they want you to have. After that look into what it takes to get whats needed, then go back to one that you would like to work for, and see if there is a way that you could possibly work for them, in a entry lvl position, so as to possibly take advantage of any education assistance that they offer, and get to know the people that you will be working with and learn from them.By doing this you will show that not only are you willing to start at the "ground floor" but your also dedicated and really wanting to learn. Now not all companies will let you do this but you might luck out and find one that will and help you get started on the path you want to be on. Also by doing this you might also discover that your original idea might not be exactly what you want to do and will help you make a more informed decision, thus helping you spending money and resources on a degree/certification that wont help you in your persute of a career you want.
  17. As new members show up we will always be willing to help out, and I'm glad to see that the sharing of knowledge will continue . Also I'm glad to see that new ideas are coming in to, but at the same time I'm also happy that while new improvements can, and do, happen here that it only strengthens our community, and I'm sure you will be a good contributor to the forums here. Welcome to Xisto and the community. Logan
  18. Well I don't know if this is the example your looking for but I'll explain a situation I was in a few years ago. I was going to college full time and working full time, so I was regularly putting in 16-20 hour days 5/6 days a week. I had 1 day a week where I didn't have to work or take classes or do homwork so I crashed those days, or partied depended on how tired I was. So anyways I had my car break down and didn't have the money to repair it cause I was paying a lot in rent to stay close to my job and school, so what did I do...well unlike your example I'll be honest...I did steal the parts I need to fix my car so I wouldn't lose my job or fail college. Also at the same time I HAD to have a computer to do my homework. I was taking classes at that point to get my Associate of Applied Science Electronic Engeenering Technologies degree and I had to use a program similar to AutoCAD to map out Electronic circuits. So the software I needed, even at a students price in our student store, was over 150 USD also had to have the computer, and OS. So ya I pirated my copy of windows at the time and the software to do my homework. I wish at the time I could have afforded what I needed to get the job done but I couldn't. As for piracy, its been around for longer then computers and alot of the countries we currently know. The pirates have just turned from the out casts of sociaty to the kid next door.
  19. While the idea of a reputation modification is a good one at the core, I've seen it abused to the point of being meaningless on to many sites. The probem I have with them is that someone decides they don't like someone they spend as much time as they can giving "bad" rep to someone and then new site members start getting the wrong idea.So once again I'll say, good idea and fun at that but as the same time I would really rather not see it come here. I'd rather see our little community here stay like it is and we all earn our reputation by helping each other out and making the occasional funny joke.
  20. The best way to find out any real details about these certificates would be to google them. To truely explain what they are I would just do the research then quote whats already been put up on the web about it. You could probably get a part time job at a help desk or working for a computer/network support company. There are lots of possibilities. It just depends on what part of the country your in and what the local economy can support or needs.
  21. Ok here on Xisto inactivity means how many days you can go without posting on the Forums. 1 credit = 1 day without posting. I would definetly suggest that if you have enough credtis to apply for the main hosting package that you do so since when you are accepted you will lose all but 5 credits, its the way the system here works, and you will need to start posting to get up above the suggested 10 credit limit.As for the question regarding "index.htm" you always have to have and index page, whether your using pure html or pure PHP. The index page is how webbrowsers recognize which page is to be displayed how where to start looking for directions on how to "render" the page for proper viewing by the visitor to your website. So I guess the simple answer to your question is yes, you must have a page named index.html/index.php
  22. Well in the US MCSD RHCE CCNA MCAD Certifications are a good way to get into a job. Most companies in the States like to have their perspective Employees have these certs as-well-as a degree.People with both the degree and certs will get interviewed before those with only one or the other. However as far as a degree from a foriegn country goes, it just depends on how well known it is.Hope that helped.
  23. and Viz saves the day again...lol. I was about to tell him the same thing but you beat me to it...But ya Viz is correct if you make/update those entries then you should be able to fix your problem. If you keep gettting errors let us know.
  24. first off I hate to ask but I have to, are you running a legit copy of windows, also have your run all the windows updates?The reason I'm asking is that in some cases the problem with windows not recognizing processor properly is that windows is missing some key component updates. Also make sure your running the newest drivers for your mobo, it sounds to me like your not running the proper/upto date drivers.
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