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Everything posted by organicbmx

  1. thanks very much for the help so far.unfortunatly i dont have sata ive only got ide. i would have thought better from a newish sony highish end pc [can you tell i feel a little ripped off for this sony, but it does look pretty]about the os on one drive and video on another: i am going to be installing gentoo on this drive but im gonning to use premier in windows for video editing. that should have the desired effect i surpose? also a further question - its not totally hardware but related. do you think that i could install my windows agina on a small partition on the end of my current drive and only install premier in there are not have network etc running in that one to keep it fast and clean. ntfs partition tools? - on the install cd? could i use my oem version for that?p.s. im not loaded but im the kind of person that waits and buys the very best i can afford.also could you guys just advise me on this. i went to my local computer hardware shop the othere week and the guy in there has been useful - [im having this stupid problem identifing some crappy ati chipset and some random board with the worlds most unusual dvi output that wont let me have two monitors.] he has a 1gig stick of ddr ram in there at £90 [$157.473] seems alot but again im totally new to hardware. i earnt £150 [$262.456] the other day for a website and my aim is to get my hd and ram with that. is the ram too much and will i get the hd for the other half?thanks very much again.
  2. apparently the only restriction on the amount seperate desktop monitors is have many graphics cards and what drivers you have. i myself have seen three screen audio editing computers.
  3. it just came to me today as i was looking in the cupboard.the next step for the ipod is a wifi card. with that and a home wifi network you could stream to anywhere at home and plug into stereos anywhere.there are of course a few problems i can see there. to do with updatingyour ipod. other wifi networks.do you think im right or wrong. i just thought that the video would come out and then a few weeks later it did. it'll be more than a few weeks for this but whatelse could it be.
  4. if you dont want to imagemap you will have to try splicing the image, really in your situation it sound as if this is not the best idea. there is no need when an imagemap would do better. i guess you looked in gimp for imagemaps but found none. you need a plugin of some sort. one that wil probably work is here. the plugin if not google 'gimp imagemap' also html imagemap reference here: html image reference if you still want to splice, really dont - you will have a nightmare trying to position the images properly. im currently struggling in css to perfectly and precisionly position some difficult images. its much harder than using a gui thing to make an imagemap. hope that helps
  5. really really like it except:the font - really doesnt work you need something very plain or slightly bubbly like the graphics. just try arial - i rekon that'll look great
  6. well that was a long read! luckily it sounds as if the Xisto forum people are mostly nice people. [dont come back and say im nice but i hate gay people - thats all about that hate, its no good, dont be a hater] anyhow my main point to say is that really this whole debate is amazing. people say all these anti-homosexual things but it really is our 21st [or should i say 20th - prejudice is so outdated!] culture and the way our [old] society works. case study. the ancient greeks. this is one of the most respected societys in human history. they achieved many brilliant things. but lets talk about sexuality. in the provence of sparta hetrosexual relations were normally used for making children and little more. the young of this society were brought up with homosexual sex because in an age without contraception this was an easy way of family planning. also their's was a military society and they thought this the best way to say a powerful military state. and of course other reason that we will probably never know. it was normal and it happened, it was part of growing up - just like first kiss etc in our society. in the provence of athens it was most certainly not unusual for best male [and i guess female] friends to have sexual relations. does this mean they were lovers - in a way i guess it does - but that is not the point, the point is that this could happen to anyone. this is straight to the homophobe: Xisto or not. if you weren't born in the 20 century but in the 10th century AD then the exact same person - exactly you - would be thinking and being activly homosexual just like you are active in your hetrosexual relations
  7. i want to get a new hd for my computer as a second drive.i want to get a high capacity becasue im going to store captured video on it so 200gig/250gig/300gig.i live in the uk so im buying from uk dealers. i was wondering where is best to buy. ive looked on ebay and there are lots on there but i dont know anything about hardware brands or storage or anything hardware much. will the drive come formatted or will i need to do that [not a bit problem as im gonna be using linux on it]. how will i install it onto my current xp. could anyone tell me any useful infomation about brands/prices/dealers/sizes anything useful really becasue im a bit warey as i dont really know what im doing ;)thanks in advance
  8. on the issue of a death penalty i have a solid view that i really feel is uncontestable - but no dout it will be it is uncontestable that not everyone who is in jail is guilty. humans make errors, sometimes court is a place to purely gudge who's word is more valued. There ARE incarcerated people who are innocent. therefore there have been people put to death for crimes they did not commit. i feel that in this situation that is not aceptable.also i had read [until he was realeased] for 2 years the weekly article of a convicted murderer and he was fully repentant and fully rehabilitated. when he left he became a normal member of society that paid his bills and worked a job.so for the prison situation you can either ask for punishment which will most likey leave a resentful, hating person that is more likely to re-offend. or you can rehabilitate and hopefully gain a new contributing member of society.
  9. i really like the pagan, might be wiccan but i dont know, ideas of celebration of the seasons and of nature's miricle.im not sure to the fully truth of this but i think al least some of it is true. in england we celebrate guy faulk's night [a lovely, effigy of a human burning, cilivised occation in our 'moral' and 'developed' society !? ] basically it is an excuse to have a big fire and set off fireworks. but apparently there was a pagan occasion at a similar period in the year as a celebration/event to bring in winter where a big fire was burnt as a representation of the dying light of summer.whatever it is it's definatly much nicer that re-enacting the brutal death of a political dissident!
  10. the screen itself is paper thin but it atually required about a centimeter of plastic either side to make is strong enough to last at all. and it can show moving images becasue it is really slow - really slow as in you can see the image wipe off as it changes.basically it is going to be used to wrap round lamp-posts and such for advertising.but it does have a more exicting future i surpose
  11. everyone need to not get confused. ozone and greenhouse are two very different things. the process of 'global warming' natural or not is a defence mechanism that keeps the equilibrium of earth's climate the hole in the ozone does no good - only serves to give those who live to the north or south of the world [argentina, australia, uk, sweden, north russia, north canada etc] skin cancer and damage our eye's. not fun. i live in dorset and when my dad was a child and before the mass use of cfc's he could go out pale in the summer and not burn his skin like we do today. its such a shame becasue now we have to wear loads of horrible sun lotion.
  12. those are amazing. i dont like the virus one but the other wall papers are nuts. i dont normally like that kind of 'computer art' [what a bad name is there a better one] much but these are really good.its interesting how a lot of real computer users seam to have these kind of rendered 3d graphics as their background and really like them when just about everyone else doesnt even know they exist. im personally a photographer and like photos for a b/g but why do you think computer people like to have distorted reality images like these?
  13. that is a really excellent concept and exellently executed. i wish that had been my idea.i thought anamorphic meant super widescreen like the cinema becasue you can get anamorphic lens converters for film cameras.
  14. is that real. it seems a totally ligit website and all, but how can you be sure that it isnt a scam. it doesnt seam possible.if it is real and atually works and people find out more, think how bad it will be for celebraties. the paparazi will love 'see-through clothing' and that will be so bad for people in the puplic eye. there are so many bad uses of this product. burgars looking through curtains, anything.but i sort of still want one to play with.
  15. i like it. the swirly lines are great. but it takes a bit of time to really read what it says, and im still not really sure what the mian title says. "romfordreject1" ?
  16. i disagree. i dont own a console and never have but i have not problems with these new pc like consoles. they can only be a good thing. better power and performence can only be good - to recreate the magic of old games you dont need old technology but you need good game designers and good gameplay. the increased performence will decrease loading time and such problems.i think the 2 controller playstation was one of the worst ideas ever. you need 4 controller to make local multiplayer fun. and with xbox live mega multiplayer is getting better on consoles too.we will have to see with the next generation consoles out soon. not sure how many xbox people will change straight away but i think people with ageing ps2s probably will buy the xbox 360 when its out for christmas. i think the movement with these consoles towards being home media servers is definatly a good idea becasue it is much nicer than having a media pc in your lounge which most people dont want. using these new consoles for media is the way forward.next step tv tuners and hd recording aswell?? i think so.
  17. ok this is something i have to get straight becasue it really annoys me. my friend is getting a new computer, i say get a mac becasue they are better. but his brother in law is a guy who works for a pc equiptment firm so the family say - ask him. so does and this guy, who make his money from x86 pcs, says he will help him. my friend says he was thinking about a mac so he says: no dont bother you cant see some websites on a mac. !!!WHAT!!! that really cannot be true but becasue this guy's job is computers my friend sort of believes him but im well dubious. has my friend been had? - i want to check so i dont sound like a fool when it turns out its true.
  18. my friend has one and it looks pretty good, windows seems alright with it. Its reasonably nifty - doesnt weigh much and comes with all the stuff.but he has a problem with the screen backlight not coming on at first with his gentoo. possibly a x problem or possibly his install!
  19. Ok then thanks everyone but im not gonna use up my pc running skinning programs becasue i personally dont think it is worth it. I was just wondering because i was on some website and it was offering downloads of boot splashes i guessed it was just about replacing certain files with others in c/windows or something but no problem - thanks anyway.p.s. i still run windows but i am a linux user to. no point throwing away something ive already paid for - it has some advantages like premier pro.
  20. Are there any good open source for windows programs that convert audio to mp3. I can never seem to find any even though they must exist. I have lots of badly organised music and want to convert all to mp3 then use mp3 gain program i found to equalise and standardise. thanks
  21. I am planning to get a second hd drive for my pc and run gentoo as well as xp. Is it possible to boot from a secondary drive or should i install gentoo on the end of my primary hd and then mount /home on the second one?other questions to follow.
  22. I atually like amarok. it looks odd in default kde but it works pretty well, nice album covers and such, pretty confusing program but the best thing is the pop up thing that tells you the details of each track as they start.In windows they are all about the same. tell you whats pretty rubbish - sony sonicstage, i use it because it works with my remote. Real is nice, wmp always used to crash and it looks ugly so it loses. i dont like winamp either. Never used itunes but no doubt its good.
  23. Its good but if you want to make it perfect here is what I think - listen or not its your choice * the font doesnt really work with the futuristic style of the rest of it* i cant atually read that is says ebbinger_413, the E looks like and F* i think the sig might be a little to high for forums and such, might be better lower and wider?just my opinion - have fun
  24. could someone write a tutorial on how to make your own windows boot screen and how to impliment it pleasei know i could google this but it will only make the forum better
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