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Everything posted by organicbmx

  1. well i rebooted and up came the drive in my computer. i opened it and it asked me to format again. so i did a quick format to see if that would work and it was formatted in a split second.
  2. its a diamond max 10 and i got it on ebay. 16mb buffer and not sure on spin speed but i guess 7200.looks like you are not too late on the topic. i seem to have quite a problem. i used the windows disk formatter tool as recomended and it worked away, when it finished [quite a while on 300gig] it told me it had been unsucessful. i dont know why it just plainly said that. so i tried again and the same happened. but after the second time the drive has disappeared to windows, its not in system infomation or in the formatter program.help - what has gone wrong?
  3. hii have got my new harddrive for my pc. what i want to do it run gentoo from this new drive. but i might want to experiment with other os' and distos [skyos looks really interesting] i also am going to use a large amount of the drive for a ntfs partition storing raw video for editing in either windows or linux [havnt decided].im not really sure where i should put my partitions and how i should lay them out. would it be better to put the windows partiton at the beginning. the / in the middle. then possibly a /home after that and then free space or whatver.im quite interested in seperating my mount points up quite alot. i'd just like some experienced advice on how to logically set up this drive. btw its a 300 gig and i guess i want at least 100 gig for video possible more.thanks in advance
  4. skyos looks really good. definatly one to check back on in a while, becasue it seems to lack apps at the moment. enough for most users though, but not yet for me.
  5. well i put in in just now. i can find it on my system infomation but not in My Computer at the moment. but thats becasue it has no partitions.im installing it on windows. could you guy's help me partition it? all i want is one big ntfs partition, because im going to partition it further for linux later but i want some of the drive space to be ntfs.thanks so far.
  6. i was just about to do it but i found out i didnt have any screws! and its a bank holiday so the shops are shut. i'l post when its done.p.s. what is cs on the jumper - just for further knowledge.
  7. ok here we are. my new harddrive came in the post today. 300gig ide maxtor.i need to install it into my computer, but this will be the first hardware anything i've ever done so im sort of anxious. basically what do i do? i know that i have to put the hardrive into it's slot and screw it in. then plug in the ide cable. * but the hardrive is in it's anti-static bag and i dont own one of those earthing gizmos. will i ruin it if i just handle normally, or is there an easy way to earth myself?* i think the cable running into my current drive has another end on it that i could plug into this hd, or is that not likely. i'm pretty sure i have free ide ports, if so should i buy another cable for the new hd? would a sperate cable be faster?* i know nothing about slave drives or whatever, i've just heard it said. will the way i plug it in affect how it works in the computer?thanks in advance
  8. that is a prime example of moronic, have to do what the book says to the word, thinking.have they never heard of time zones. it wouldnt matter when the call was recieved, it's his mum and she is in a position of continued mortal danger. iraq is in a very different time zone to the us, it was obviously the only time that she would be able to speek with him. whoever enforced that should be sacked for not having a soul.
  9. its really interesting, and i hope someone might be able to tell me, why i have read about rebates [mostly on internet guides] in america but here in enland no companies offer rebates, no one does it. ive seen cashback on cars but that is like £200 back from a £5500 car.what is the point of rebates, why dont you just take it off the inital price. are they designed so they can get lost in the post, which is mostly what i read the happens
  10. do people on this board think that windows is now in its decline and that it peaked at win98 [or even 3.1!]correct me if im wrong but is windows the only non-unix like os still around? it appears that unless microsoft can either totally revolutionise the core base of an os or rewrite windows on a unix base its just going to keep get worse.again correct me if im wrong but im sure that we have started to see people moving away from windows in recent years. most servers are linux/unix. macs are more common and are likely to get even more common with the x86 versions comming soon. the linux comminuty is expanding with people like me getting into computers, and wanting to get out of windows, on their current hardware.i dont know about how fast vista is going to be but gentoo on my friends vista style spec laptop [64 bit/1 gig ram/good graphics card] was unbelievably fast. if windows wont keep up with the hardware it requires then many people are going to question it.
  11. i just wrote loads but accidentally destroyed it so here is mycomment lite:i think you should:*re-assess and clean your css and put in it a seperate linked stylesheet. [the page rendering was a bit odd for me with the main central content block being over the top of your top banner*put the blog box on the right of the page.*think about not having backgrounds in the div blocks becasue they were not working when i scrolled them.*not have the change of text size on the a:hover in the links box. [but i like the border]but well done so far on coding a complicated image heavy layout by hand. i know first hand how long that takes.
  12. thats really good. probably the best sig i've ever seen.
  13. i dont think that is a matter of re enconding. i think you will need to import the original into a video editor [any open source / download a adobe premier/ after effects trial] then adjust the video so it is how you want it then export. if you want the end result in .wmv format then you can either find a video file type converter or import the .avi in to moviemaker than export as whatever bitrate .wmv yoy want.hope that helps
  14. i think linux becoming more mainstream would be better for everyone. if hardware and software developers can work with a stable and logical base they are more likely to produce a better final product. linux staying a minority thing will hold back technological advancementi think for this to happen there are a few things that need to change. first people need to stop being pathetic and scared of everything [ive used the example before of my friend who's winxp pc died of a virus and i told him i could salvage the computer with linux. at first he was almost angry - he almost said he would rather have nothing than something new to him]second is much harder. it is the compatability issues. not only the real ones but the percieved ones. many people think linux [and Mac osX] is totally incompatible but this is out of date by nearly a decade. there are real problems though and these need to change but most are ompossible to change, they either need microsoft support [!] or just time. one example is the ntfs write support project. i badly want that.the third is if computer lessons in school atually help in using a computer. my gcse [final exams of compulsory education] was based on how to use ms access. if that gcse had started with basic languages and moved on to simple advanced stuff that would be useful. for example installing a linux distro onto a old pc would be not too hard but really educational.
  15. i think they look great and i would definatly buy one if i was searching for a new pc.i just wonder why, if these computers are easy enough to make without using any specific components, don't big brands make pc's like this. i can see it being a great marketing tool for dell or a similar brand.
  16. aol worth 20 billion wow. thats alot more than some countries - that is odd.this is sort of strange news though. 'dont be evil' google joining with one of the most restrictive and basically bad isp's aol. not a match i would have thought. i would have been unsurprized however if google started a google isp.weird isnt it how all these massive corporations are just like rival global superpowers with their politics.
  17. does limewire atually have embedded spyware or not? that would seem strange as it is a partially open source piece of software. also there are thousands of people using it including lots of intelligent computer users on linux who generally arent into viruses, spyware, and adware. that is a fairly important question really becasue i will have to change otherwise
  18. ok strange - i just refreshed and now im on 0.59 which seems probably correct. ?!? how odd.
  19. im sure my account has gone down strangely fast, and i have no messages of ill behavior.i think it was on sunday night i posted and got my account to about 4/5. 3 days later my account is on -4.21.just wondered what happened. thanks
  20. i cant wait till ie7 either, then hopefully standards html/css websites i make semi commercially on firefox will atually look close to how they should. and my life as a designer will be much easier than the current process. create website then spend 1/10 of the time again creating bodges and dodgy patches to make ie cope.
  21. haha. i use other/ knoppix!but my new hd comes this week so a no doubt traumatic and long gentoo installation will begin soon. [it will be my third ever linux install!]
  22. i guess thats in here for comments and construtive critisim. so...comments: thats really a good first effort, well done, at first i thought that it was on photograph.construstive critisim: just to make the two images totally match the contrast and saturation on the image of the girl on the left needs to match the guy on the right a bit better. you might want to sharpen the image on the left a bit then tweak the histogram with less gamma.thats what i would do so i hope that helps
  23. recently i had to provide some artwork for a magazine that i was contributing to. i currently have psp7 !?!the .psp file format isnt even recognised by photoshop cs2 - it thinks it is a prefrences file. when i saved as a .eps the file didnt work on photoshop. so i had to use a .tif for what needed to be vector graphics.just to say that if you ever want to be serious about this area you need photoshop.
  24. here in the uk the media is constantly reporting people getting mugged for their phones. this is a good idea but somehow it needs to be safer so that if you lose/are mugged for your phone you dont lose a whole load of other money.does the system require a pin code?
  25. norton dont seam to say on their site exactly how goback works. what you need to find out is if it has some kind of bootloader in the program, you say it starts before windows but what exactly do you mean.if you were to do the linux install and not install grub then you could try and use the windows bootloader becasue that would be after this norton program.also mepis linux looks a bit odd. id stick with one of the more famous distro, especially if this goback program becomes a problem.try searching the gentoo forums for this. im sure you will find something.
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