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Everything posted by organicbmx

  1. wow. i thought that is was some kind of add on four counterstrike source. [dont laugh, i know little about games but i really loved goldeneye] from what i read it isn't it is standalone. correct me if im wrong.
  2. yessss! im worth $2,102,030 on human for sale.relating to the orignial post. i don't quite understand the figure. is that you gross domestic product per capita?
  3. thats really great.wouldnt it be nice if those people, who there are atually quite alot of, that could easily afford to give money to people who 'need' it much more than them, did. the world would be a much nicer place.
  4. a couple of points to add to this conversation. [did just write loads of stuff but timed out connection and quit tab - oops]* going to mars takes very many years.* humans are designed for earth and when they spend a long time in space it deamages their bodies, their organs and their muscles.* mars is very cold, but scientists think that with the right nutrients and in the right place some of the very tough arctic grasses that grow in the tundra might be able to grow normally.
  5. i personally doubt that very much. google is painly much better. msn search has had it's time. here in england i dont atually know anyone who uses anything other than google search. what source is that from?
  6. talking of google, money, credit cards and share is really wish i'd got some of their shares when they floated. they were fairly cheep at first, now they are £19.519i could have made a fortune.
  7. i have a external harddrive for backups and additional storage. mine has two firewire ports and one usb. so i guess it would be phisically possible to plug into two computers. but i am very sure that it would not work. it might if only one computer was on at a time. i think this is not possiblewhy don't you just buy a new 200gig and share it on the network [do you have one?], then you could both access the media and keep your individual drives for your own stuff.better still you could piece togeather a really cheep home server. the guys on here will help you with a linux server install. just find an ok old copmuter and a couple of drives and you have it for free. and non related to having the other computer turned on.
  8. the monkey is the signature. but that doesnt help it make sence.can we see this work you talked about them?
  9. are you hosting on Xisto, or any other cpanel hosting?if you are you could quite easily give ftp access to one folder in your account. then give the username and password to your staff for that. go to the ftp manager in the cpanel and add an account for the folder you want.hope that helps
  10. about a week ago i bought a polaroid camera on ebay to experiment / play with. one problem is that i can't find where do put the batteries. im pretty sure they aren't in the film becasue this camera has a flash.the model is the polariod impulse and it takes 600 film. does anyone own this camera or simillar? any ideas as to where the batteries go?thanks in advance.
  11. There is also an individual program called FreePops that will do the same. it is an open source project that i used to use and can be found at freepops.org. i used to use it but: there is an extention for mozilla thunderbird called 'Web Mail' that will also do the same, but only run inside thunderbird and not be an unnessisary background process like freepops. and if your favourite email program is really outlook express i seriously recormmend that you try thunderbird [it is free]. get it here. my parents love it and they went from microsoft's 'top of the range' outlook.
  12. I dont really understand this question. if you believe in the 'first' god, like you said is in the old testament, then you are following judaism. if you believe in the 'second' god, the new testament, then you are a christian. because the new testament is after jesus christ, therefor christians but i really dont think that there are two gods. maybe two sides of one. but the old testament says that there is only one god. if that was a different entity then the christian bible would only be the new testament.
  13. i need to install mp3 support in my kubuntu install because i need music!i tried to do that using a guide on the amaroK wiki but it did not seem to work.i installed two libs for the xine engine but this did not work.a walkthrough of how to install would be great. if anyone wants to do it.
  14. youtube.com is great. i'd say that it is better than google videos. and the embedded player is better than an embedded windows media player video. ive never uploaded to it but alot of people embed videos on myspace with them.
  15. that is really sad. a horrible story. it's also horribly ironic. i cant really think of what to say other than why was he along without someone noticing for 50 hours. thats probably the most worrying part. no wonder his life was only computer games. he needed someone looking out for him. someone real.
  16. it looks like a pretty useful pack to put onto a new computer that is blank. but seriously missing a few programs if it's gonna be a one stop fix:* firewall - zonealarm* antispyware othe stuff - spybot [adaware is good but spybot has other useful functions]* imaging software - gimp* may as well go the whole way and add openoffice [but there is a google/sun version on the way apparently]* p2p - may be a bit legal difficult but all the same limewire
  17. I really dont expect you to believe me.but i saw a ghost once when i was younger on holiday in france. i woke in the night for no reason sat up and saw the image of an old woman in a chair sitting and looking at me. obviously i screamed and run out of the room to my parents room. it was really scarey.apparently the house used to be owned by some woman who lost two sons in the war.that may sound like the usual made up story but i promise that it is true. but as i said i dont expect you to believe the words of a stranger over the internet.
  18. i was just wondering if there was a problem with the credit, maybe just for me. i went away and got behind and i have been struggling to catch up. but recently i seem to get my credits up to around 1 [i know not good but still] and then i come back the next day and im down to about -4. this keeps happening. then yesterday i got no credits at all for a post. just wondering what might be happening. thanks
  19. Gulf War 1 may have been UN sanctioned. but im quite sure it had finshed becasue if there was still an official war then the UN would haven't needed to allow the second war. if there was still a war going on then the UN would have sanctioned a second war. the fact is they didn't and america and britain went against the international community. we are not the world police, we don't have that right. The war was sold on the specific claim that Saddam could launch warheads with active wmd in it. That wasn't true. The 45 minute claim was absolutly rubbish and that it fact. Are you quite sure that those camps were in Iraq? i could believe the iraq/iran border. There are many reasons to believe that Al-Qaeda were not confortably settled in Iraq. One big reason is that Iraq was [still is] a target for islo-facist extreamists becasue it was secular. It was not an islamic state, the aim of these kind of groups. Also the delay in the resistance coming into strength would suggest that it took time to get people into the country. All for now.
  20. austria used to be part of germany but it isnt any more. austria is a different country. irving was arrested and tried in austria. [just to clear that up]im not too sure what to think about this, but im certainly not particually bothered that a nazi or nazi sypathizer [same thing in my opinion] is in jail.the problem is that he was denying historical fact. there are thousands of documents, photographs, and most obvious people that will testify to the holocaust.if he was expressing an opinion, that he agreed with or disagreed with an opinion, i might feel diferently. but i think it was fair and i think that he needs to be rehabilitated. therefor he should be incarcerated.
  21. haha. thats amazing. you must really be able to meet deadlines if you can play games in your sleep! [apologies if english is a second language but from the way you type it doesnt seam that way.] loads of people i know have psp's and they seem really good. at first i wasnt sold on it becasue i didnt see the point in it. but as it play's mp3, plays video, [therefor all ipods can do] you can play some good games on it, and go on the internet from hotspots. all of that is fairly brilliant. but the games and umd movies cost way too much.
  22. yeah. the biggest problem on 2006 is the scan at boot. it takes about 10 seconds or something on an alright laptop for it to finish. just to check that the definitions are up to date and that the program has loaded!
  23. I really think that the winter olympics are very boring. im not a great fan of the summer olympics either but winter is worse. the proplem with it i guess is the way it is presented. once you have seen one guy do the luge you have seen them all [excpet if they fall but it is a bit sadistic to **** there hopeing one does] i can see that some people would find it exciting but really it just seems to be a television filler to save the bbc [or whoever] money.sorry. could someone please amend my post. and accidental h got adding into 'sit'!
  24. that is crazy. it's windows in java on the net! shame you can't go on the internet. i was trying to goto getfirefox.com and install that.but i dont really get how this is going to be useful or atually make any difference to anything?
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