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Everything posted by organicbmx

  1. thats sort of cool, but i'd definatly get the newer mini mac instead of that, on both style and technology. but mac release their new x86 stuff in the new year so id hold on to see what happens to their product range.
  2. all i know is what scientists know about dreams, that they dont know if/what they mean. but i know this. if you have a really good/weird dream you really should send it to this site
  3. for me the jury is still out on stratergy games for this reason. last weekend i wasted almost all of it playing rome total war. for some reason the desire to conquory 150 bc europe in a painfully repetative fashion overtook my desire to have fun, create and see my friends. although i agree that they are a 'fuller' type of gamethe good thing about simple games is that they are often more social and also more throwaway - i.e. you can just pause while you wait for a pizza, and then just go do something else.
  4. that sounds like a internet explorer bug not a xp one. still thats surely some sloppy programming. [you knew it was coming - it pretty well obligatory] you probably should get firefox
  5. im sure that the internet police - [who ever they are?] would care more about people running proper illegal sites.that court case makes no sence. so what if they used that forum to say that. you dont take schools to court if someone else writes something illegal on the blackboard. if someone sprays a slogan invoking revolt on the wall of a bank they dont take the bank to court.generally people can say what they like on my forum.
  6. this is a bit random but ireally wonder why it isnt called 'linuXbox' sorry to be weird but i just would have thought it would be.i dont think id bother with a xbox but having a xbox 360 dual boot as both a pc for the tv and a game machine would be pretty neat. the old xbox is just so ugly and the new one so much nicer.
  7. totally got to be u2 in general. totally overrated.the worst thing is the amount of totally underrated artists. there are so many brilliant artists that no-one has ever heard of, me included, thats a realy shame.also the sex pistols were overrated musically in the genre of punk - there were better bands but the sex pistols were still important. then agian not all that surprizing seeing that sid vicious once said its not about sounding good but looking good.
  8. im properly impressed. thats awesome.but some constructive critisism:*possibly a matching cardboard case for your monitor.*also it would be good if you could get on to making some of the boards on cardboard aswell. selotape lines of copper down and the jobs a good'un*and just a little addition of a desk fan duct taped on the side would help cooling.and im not being sarcastic - im being serious!
  9. do people trust gmail now? i really love mine, pop3 and smpt for free is so good and with a @gmail.com its just sounds good. nice to see antivirus at their end now on email.my friend was sceptical at first becasue of all the spying allegations but now he has just been won over by spec.
  10. apparently the reason that there are a lot of sold out shops is becasue maicrosoft planned it. they only provided retailers with less than they knew the could sell, and also provided big sold out signs and instruction to put them in shop windows once the shops did sell out. this was apparently to increase customer excitment about the product and make them seem even more attractive to buyers. if non tech buyers 'see' that all the proper gamers have gone crazy they will feel that xbox360 must be really good!?!not sure how good a tactic that is, but apparently becasue this is/has happened in the usa AND europe it is true. if the shortage was just in europe that would apparetly suggest a stock shortage.
  11. could someone help me understand the way wordpress creates rss feeds. i need to figure out what the address will be to my feeds so that i can put them up on the website so that visitors who are not very tech can easily access them. my experimental feed is here. is the address needed by a feeder - thundebird for example - just that address + /feed.bla or something. i tried /atom.xml but that didnt work and i sort of got stuck. thanks in advance
  12. yeah - top job - well done. cant think of anything that would make it better other than removal of that strip along the bottom but i understand why thats there.
  13. is that possible? i tell some of my non-computing friends that im getting an upgrade [im not a bore, they care as i run our website] and they say that my pc wont cope with 1.5 gig RAM [next week=lush] it will blow up or something. that makes no sence right, more ram = less system strain ?
  14. i dont know what camera you took these with but i guess it was probably a digcam. i also guess that it was on auto function. it would probably help you if you could use it on manual - if you have manual - then you could set a faster shutter speed. if you look at your cat photo it is not sharp. to get a sharper image you need a quicker shutter speed, but may need more light. shutter speed/aperture/exposure give those a read and hopefully you can dramatically improve your images quite quickly. hope that helps
  15. arhhh. i need to clear my name. i didnt mean that in a perverted way, read the lines before that - i think thats unethical and i wouldnt do it. i meant it would be fun to play with the lense though - see what it can do.
  16. those 'africa spam's have tricked a surprizing amount of people. there is a whole criminal industry in one african country. Which has produced so much money there are gangsters livving in mansions, and having young l33ts working away at night in internet cafes for a split on the profit.i remember years ago when the internet was really new and no-one had even heard of spam we got one of those, and my dad printed it off and almost took it seriously, not through stupidity but inexperience of the internet. shame spam isnt are rare as that today.
  17. i was just browsing on ebay for pc bits and i came across offers like these: #1 #2 #3 could someone explain to me what is going on with these pcs, possibly some experience of such sales. they look like really good offers, basically postage for an unwanted pc - either take parts and scrap the rest or run a few home servers. i would be interested. or do you think they are stolen. i cant figure these out, either people have too much money basically throwing these away or there is some scam. thanks
  18. photography is brilliant. but dont just stop at photography - take lots of photos very quickly and animate them - i.e. take film. i really want a nice super 8 camera off ebay. gonna get one when funds are high. can wait. exposure, aperture, frames per second on video. most people, including me, have only used digital video cameras - i cant wait to go analogue!!! for some photos check out my photo part of my site - some by me, some by others
  19. here you are and your still wrong for the reasons stated in the above thread. in fact i just had a convosation with my parents about the matter because just now in the uk a police woman was shot dead by robbers, no reason to give in to hate.
  20. ok ive found 2. #1 and #2 the main difference is the 16 or 8mb buffer size difference. will this make much of a difference, id would have thought is would but according to all the seek-read/write info it wont. also will the WD be quieter? thanks
  21. does this only work with cuteftp, would it work with smartftp? or just on its own. cuteftp costs money now as far as i can see from its website.
  22. ive come across free ipod.com quite a few times and have always though it was just a scam. they work by some kind of points per reference/advert thing but i dont see how that could make a profit for the promoters so i guessed it was rubbish.but today someone i know told me he knew people in his school year who had 'earnt' one. are these people lying or is the 'offer' real?
  23. 3g doesnt seem to really have happened here in the uk as far as i can tell. ive never met anyone with a 3g phone. but are blackberries 3g becasue alot of bisness people have them here.they have tried to sell 3g as amazing with watching football highlights on your phone and downloading games and music. but its expencive and i dont think anyone here really cares for it.
  24. is that an example of backwards compatible?
  25. i disagree, the point of a splash page is to load quickly and allow the vistier to guage if they want to view the site. a minimal first impression may not totally express the site but it is much better than the same impatient visitor to just leave becasue the page hasnt loaded yet. splash pages are great as long as they aren't stupid ages to load uninteresting flash animations, then they are a serious crime. also my opinion of flash pages is very low, they are un-nessisary, slow, irritating to get images or words off, and often bloated with too much animation.
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