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Everything posted by organicbmx

  1. Interesting - just wondering if you think that people will spend the extra £16 to get windows or will they opt for linux? Interesting how many 'third world' [whatever that is surposed to mean!] countries are going toward linux because of the price difference. Could this change the dynamics of computing and computing retailers attitudes, becasue the markets of africa, india, china? are much bigger than europe or north america.
  2. basically best things about Xisto:- no ads- php- cpanel- ftp- excellent b/w and space- finding this forumto tell the truth i am atually about to buy some Xisto - Web Hosting hosting but i am plainly too lazy to get round to it so i havent bothered - i like the forums, i like the comunity and i can get some really brilliant help on most subjects, and i feel that i contribute as well. i dont really understand how Xisto is commercially viable but all the same its awsome. i was concidering putting a 'hosted by' tag on my site anyway but havent done that either. I personally feel that a way of buying a sort of 'top up', say if something unexpected happens and keeps you a way from a computer, so that you dont get your hosting suspended for a certain number of days would be pretty good.thanks all the same
  3. i know that there is limited customization available in windows but some is possible. Lets see some screenshot of peoples desktops and compare. Here's mine -
  4. so do i but e17 looked interesting. but its too much for me at the moment, ill stick to kde
  5. i have a vga and dvi output graphics card. i have a spare lcd screen so when i get the adaptor cable will i get a better resolution/quality if i use the dvi cable to my best, largest, main screen? or will the adaptor remove any benifits or are there none anyway?
  6. in my opinion good website look better in firefox. and tabbed browsing - i know its gonna be in ie7 but ff got there first. basically ie really sucks but you need it for windows update - dont understand ie for mac's Heres an ie story - once i was trying to help out a computer that was messed up and windows update wouldnt work on ie so i just used windows explorer in a kind of konqueror way and it was no better. [i know it is the same base but why do m$ even both with ie if everyone could use windows explorer?]
  7. thanks but becasue i am tring to use the idea from abhiram with this area#product span {display:none;} and the doing this <area id="product SHAPE="rect" COORDS="39,39,186,477" HREF="#"><span> text is need to insert </span></area> and using this area#product:hover span {*--text formattingand positioning--*} but this wont work becasue the area tag doesnt close like this. how can i make this work/ use a different method to hide and show the text??? thanks
  8. needlz - that is on ubuntu - is that a verson of gnome or is e17 another window manager. becasue ive never heard of it. But i really like your desktop. Could you describe how with a bit more detail what is going on? thanks
  9. ignor my last post. ive done some work on this an i have got to a problem. i need to be able to give a a:hover action to a area on a imagemap. <MAP NAME="product"><AREA SHAPE="rect" COORDS="39,39,186,477" HREF="#"><AREA SHAPE="rect" COORDS="195,36,342,477" HREF="semi"><AREA SHAPE="rect" COORDS="363,36,513,480" HREF="skim"><AREA SHAPE="rect" COORDS="519,243,678,486" HREF="cream"></MAP> how can i set a class onto each area on the image. I am trying to use the same technique as abhiram used to make his full css layout ideas. He uses some <span> tags to put blocks of text into a position:absolute placement. his css layout i am attempting to do like he had for his menu extra texts but onto of the image of the page. help will be very much appresiated, thanks in advance
  10. Yeah. 'our' 'governement' in england are attempting to implement a law that will allow 'detention' for up to 3 MONTHS without trial. And we have those compleaty vague laws about 'supporting' terrorism being a crime. Not sure but here goes: british foreign policy in the middle east creates an environment in which, were i to live there, there is a possiblity that i would become a terrorist.Am i a criminal? - i dont think so, i am purely expressing my human right to free speach.
  11. The problem i have with windows is that i really do not feel that i should need to do that. I dont think that many mac or linux users spend a whole day doing that. All i'd do in linux is just make sure that kynaptic [or the same] is fully up to date about once or twice a week. (but maybe im need to do more because im still new to linux)
  12. also ive noticed a marked change in my eyesight for the worst since i have started really intensivly using the computer. these kid will hardly be able to see anything if they end up spending hours online.
  13. oh dearon my p4 ht 3 Gz 512ddr RAM XP about 1min25sec. Thats bad, but ive had it a year and i havent reinstalled at all becasue its too much of a hassle and i dont have the disks i need. The real comparison will be soon when i get my second HD and 1 gig ram and gentoo linux.
  14. Sorry i fail to understand what is wrong here. all of the above is called growing up. Teenage years are about forming a personality, opinions and learning to become an adult. I fail to get why beating up your kids makes them 'better'. All this kind of punishment serves to achive is resentment and hatred of elders, authority and parents - that wont make for a better society. Go ahead and beat your kids but expect more school shoot outs if you do.
  15. yes - it used to be a tax loop hole that if you didnt 'finish' your self build you were tax exempt, but i think it has been patched up now
  16. i know of a magazine who has just got it. one neat thing about it is that you can drag layouts from indesign into golive and creat a page. I guess its pretty good and its very cutting edge as it is almost exclusivly css.p.s. the correct forum is probably /designing/web design and html/
  17. im gonna try to remake this using tables and then using css a:hover classBut how would i get the css to make the rollover affect the other part of the image? (or could i do some strange css posisioned div on the rollover) Basically does DOM work with the a:hover or is that only jscript? If dom does work then what would the code look like? If DOM doesnt work then what would the code look like?
  18. the problem is that those settings arent being saved.i connect using a wireless ethernet card.i didnt configure the network at the install becasue i wasnt sure of how to do the wifi and i was in a hurry. I'll go back and have a look.what configs do i need to edit? i guess i can just 'sudo nano -w' them?
  19. On my new Kubuntu install i have managed to make my WLAN connection set up by using "kdesu konqeror" and then adjusting in settings. But for some reason the connection won't start at startup. I have to use kdesu to enable and activate both connections. Which is a problem on this computer because it is a family box and my parents cant do that and i dont want them to have the ability to gain root just in case.Any ideas - this is really annoying.
  20. My vote for you as a newbie, but you dont really seem like much of a newbie seeing that you can code those three, is to go for a gentoo install with kde. Its a fast distro that will make the most of your hardware, and you should have the ability to get through an install. You dont have to go for kde though but it is easy gui.
  21. Im not totally sure about this, i think the problem is nothing really to do with software or windows - although i think things could be better. I think the problem 'people like us' have is with normal 'less intelligent' people. [ive put both those things in speach marks becasue im not totally down with the standard of intelligence but thats a different story]Here is my history as at the moment i am still using windows and have done since 3.1. My parents have always been fastish on getting computers becasue they run a business and they have needed spreadsheets and word processors for a long time. So i would occansionally go on their 3.1 pc and play random free games from PC user magazine free disk. Then i got older and 98 appeared and we got a pc with a cd rom and a modem. The internet was a big novelty at the time and getting that really excited me. After a few more years i got my own 98 pc for games and homework. I still hadnt heard of linux, and barely knew of mac's. A family friend introduced me to programming a few years back [2000/2001ish] and at the same time i got interested in html after finding a book about it in the school libary. I learnt very basic html and coded a few text based games on QBasic on the old 3.1 pc. Crashes were an exceptable park of computing, i had never known different. And at that time i had heard of a virus but i dont think we had a virus scanner. Out comes xp and some people say its amazing, other people keep on win 98. I got a new sony xp nice looking pc about 2 years ago. The family friend who introduced me to programming comes to stay again and makes me install firefox 1 preview. After he leaves i find out more about open source and i start using open source on my pc quite alot. I also find out that linux can really compete with windows. At the same time i am being driven mad my virus scanning, spyware finding, everyday intense maintenence that windows requires. I'd like to say that although im not a super user i feel that saying it is possible to run windows without getting infected is possible for a good user is not quite right, i really have run every checker - updated all the time and still i get problems. So now i found out about linux and i got knoppix from a friend that i had recently discovered was in to computers. I was impressed but i had now hard drive space left on my sony pc for an install. This friend of mine is a genius and told me to get gentoo. I dusted off my old win 98 pc and tried. Gentoo really didnt happen so that was that, till i found time to try again. Then this friend found out about ubuntu and sent me the link. I was instantly interested. I got the live cd from an other friend. I installed ubuntu on my old pc about 2 months ago, but it had no network card and we are LANed now. I then cleaned out the old work 98 and installed kubuntu on it as a family pc- it's still bedding in but now im on the way to *nix. I say *nix becasue as my parents it advisor the next computer they buy is gonna be a mac. I did work experience the other week at a magazine, and their mac setup impressed me so much - its perfect for a business.Other friends of mine have been exposed to computers and had computers at their homes nearly as long and they still arent running enough protection, they cant code anything, they cant set up networks, they dont know what a WLAN is. Im interested and they aren't but they still want to use computer - do their homework and go on the internet. Most of my friend, if they have heard of linux, think that its incompatible and that macs are impossible to use. The other day i offered to fix my friends pc that had litteraly died from windows. it had had dialers, trojans, everything [even a hack that printed off pages of 'im watching you' until everything was unplugged] The virus deleated system files and windows won't boot again. Its fixable but im not gonna for at least a long time. I started to install Ubuntu on it and even then - even when a usable alternative was on the horizon for a pc that had collected dust for months - my friend almost got angry about me installing not windows - 'we dont want it' - he hadnt even seen linux. Its that mentality that is ruining computing not even the appaling software that is windows. But the only thing we can do as people who know what up is to promote almost militantly linux and tell everyone we know to buy macs.Thats a load of my mind
  22. Well i can try and help. i wanted to do exactly the same thing - wifi on knoppix. i never figured it out and installed kubuntu anyway. So here is how to set this up and this should hopefully work - im not a hardware person but im guessing that kde will have support.First - Open KWiFiManager from one of the many menu's - putting that into the konsole should get it too. Go to Settings => Configuration Editor.Fill in all the appropriate detailsDown the bottom you need to autodetect the deviceThen activate the configurationThen applyNext open KonquerorSettings => Internet and Network => Network SettingsConfigure the settings and EnableThen applyThat should give you the wifi and then just start samba or whatever you want and knoppix should be easy on the rest. I hope this works - Im pretty sure it should, onyl problems i can think of could be irritating needing root - and i havent a clue what the knoppix password is - i think it is autogenerated.
  23. no - i used paint shop pro 7 or something rubbish. yeah im not sure about that loading then slotting into place. that was what was happening then it stoppeded happening on my pc and it definatly doesnt work on ie, also ie thinks the jscript it trying to install a virus or something stupid!!!im gonna look at the css a:hover class - sounds interesting. css is the way forward in web design.thanks for the help both.
  24. Here is a link to one of the pages i am designing for my parents business website. all the other pages - except the main page - are just imagemaps. this page and the main are spliced images - the main contains a iframe blog - but in this one in xp/ ie and firefox/ all the images are pulled apart the idea for the page is that the user mouse-over's the cartons and the blank box of grass in the bottom has the details of the product printed in it. i am totally able to git rid of the splicing if nessisary and use div's but i cant figure how. could someone help me stop those white lines from ruining my page. thanks
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