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Everything posted by organicbmx

  1. other than the fade of the background image, which i think is needed, i think that you should remove the 'band performing' text and use the space to make the more important bands text size bigger. that may be the nor for gig posters but i think the right way to go and makes the viewer realise that it is a gig poster.also i think that if you are going to center justify it should all be central, i.e. the web address should be central.hope that helps you and good luck with the gig.
  2. there are the occational problem that i have on knoppix that i would like to know if i will have them when i install linux.i.e. file format issues - especially music files .wma?dvd player wont play one of my dvd'ssome of the programs on the menu dont start when i click on themgaim wont workjust wondering
  3. i cant see the point of running a os inside another os. the reboot point is interesting but does your windows have to be spyware clean for the security benifits of linux to occur? anyhow reboot on a gentoo box has been clocked at 15sec so thats hardly a problem.is there any point?
  4. the only situation i can think of in which space exploration could be bad would be if it became too military and if certain countries forgot that space belongs to everyone like antartica.does anyone know what happens with land ownership on the moon - i guess its owned by everyone but did that craze of people buying acres of moon on the internet atually mean anything at all?that i think is bad. space you be puplic and that will force us to get along and co-operate to gain its potential use.
  5. surely with peer to peer software 'a limited period only' now means the paintshop pro 9.01 will be free forever. Im into free and open software alot as im a student but business wise, unless its totally bugged and 9.02 is the only useable version, that probably not a clever move
  6. wow - didnt expect that! i'm glad i dont live in Tennesse. I certainly wouldnt want to die due to a misunderstanding and I'm not posting in this again until i know the full facts of the situation
  7. Spybot says that ctfmon.exe or ctfmon32.exe im not sure which, is part of a coolwebsearch parasite. i google ctfmon.exe and microsoft says it fine. All spyware searches on the computer comp up with nothing but on the spybot startup settings ctfmon.exe keeps allowing itself to startup.whats going on? thanks
  8. I need to understand domain names becasue im moving my parents hosting soon and need to have their domains go with them.Could someone please explain:* how they work* who 'holds' then i.e. what are the point of retailers* anything else i need to knowthanks in advance
  9. You need to have linux, or at least mySQL and PHP for wordpress to work or any other open source blogger app so you might want to check that as not all hosting is good. If its Xisto then your fine and Xisto i great.I use blogger but i wish i could be rid of the adverts, the main reason i use it is for multi-person blogs with non-tech people. Im making a business site soon an im gonna use wordpress for that
  10. Ive already posted in this topic but im back becasue i love it so much!!! The burning of hydrogen is a very simple equation: Hydrogen + Oxygen = HydrogenOxide which is h2o which is water !!! no pollution at all just pure water. that i like. Also some research info just to show that hydorgen has go what it takes for power. UK based ex-MoD research company Qinetic have a current project to build a hydrogen cell powered sport racing car. The project is not for commercial interest just to product a good looking powerfull ecological sports car to get those old petrolheads over to the green side!
  11. your goning to have to take the plunge though. There can be no insurance against losing data with a resize but its pretty unlikely. I would personally backup any important files but the system should be fine - ive never heard of anyone destoying windows by partitioning.You could always do what im going to do for my main computer - buy a new seperate harddrive an install linux on that and leave your windows one alone. Someone please tell me if that not going to work - im sure it will.I used QTparted on Knoppix a while ago to resize a fat32 partition and it worked perfectly. I think if you were to do the partitioning on knoppix then run the install program for your distro it should find the partitions and all you would have to do it select them - dont quote me on that though, i use non gui gentoo.
  12. The latest development on these explosions, most likely detonators failing to set off high explosive, is that a suspected bomber who was on the run has been shot dead by police. This is really getting crazy and i cant imagine what it must be like to live in London at the moment, ev erything seems to be going mad.But what do we think now, it is almost unpresedented for the police to shoot to kill when chasing a fugitive suspect. Is this an inevitable development in the progression of England in the modern world? and will this see a rise in demand and likely hood of all officers carrying firearms?
  13. very striking all of them and i like. all digital i guess?do they have paintbrush like filters or is that just a export image quality issue?im sure you could become a professional is you wanted
  14. Hiim going on holiday on sunday and i read somewhere that the x-ray scanners can expose and ruin film in film cylinders and in the camera itself. Is this true and if so what can i do about it. Also other tips about taking a camera and shooting photographs abroad, im going close in the world to where those amateur aeroplane enthusiasts where imprisoned for spying and release a month or so later!thanks for the helppaddy
  15. thanks for this help. ill try something else but i have a wireless LAN gentoo install coming up so ill be back!!
  16. I really agree with your rant chiiyo. I try to emulate the old masters when i take film photographs and not resize, recrop or after edit my photographs.I beleive that once you start to edit and crop photographs they sort of become less of a photograph and more an element in a graphic design piece. What im tring to get at is the way images and used in magzines and such, they are almost not photographs, even though they were taken with a camera, they are mearly images. There is nothing wrond with this and i often like the results. But i feel that this i not really what photography is about, you are right - it is about 'capturing a moment'.But ill propably take it all back when i want to get a job
  17. For your person on a pogo stick it is perfectly possible to do using Premiere. I also would guess that the other thing is possible too as premiere is a powerful professional editor.To make the person 'cut out' you would have to use a blue (or any other colour) screen. You then adjust the trasparency in the transparency tab on the effect box or clip > video options > transparency. You either use a chromo or blue screen key. Then adjust the variables as you wish. Do do this you need to have your clip in a superinposable track i.e. not the main track.If you dont have a simgle clour background for the pogoer then you have the unenviable task of cutting the pogoer out of every frame in photoshop or similar (photoshop is easiest if using Premiere) similar to how they made light sabres in Star Wars except backwards.Hope that helps, on the second question i havent a clue but would love to know as well
  18. the next big thing will people atually using their computers. Full house wireless networks with a pda as the 'remote'. control tv, telephone, internet, music, heating, lighting all from any 'terminal' in the house. this will allow people to really use computers and appresiate how good they are. And of course it will be affordable bescause everyone will have linux and opensource software and the hardware will be the only expeniture. thinking about it the only hardware that needs to be developed it the wireless network as servers in the losft could store all the files with a fast enough network.i know this is all possible now but it will take a bit of time and reduction in price, and it willall need to have more marketable names. and p2p will have to figure something out about music and film if those industries are going to staysounds nice doesnt it - i want one of these houses
  19. I really dont think the pope is a nazi. nor do it agree that critisism is fascist, quite the opposite. this sounds very much like a bit of a load of trash.
  20. have you never eaten tiramisu !? Boozy puddings taste the best.just wondering how this is in the photography forum ??
  21. in england handsfree kits are required by law. Normal use is illegal.but Ive still sen people doing it. I think that handfrees seem to be good enough personally but it really depends on how good the driver is. Shame there is no good grading for that. Imagin getting an A in your test!!
  22. oh dear. i have no idea whether they are distfiles or ebuilds. sorry about that but i guess you goning to have to explain the difference and how to find out. sorry and thanks for the help so far
  23. i dont think that the extreme mutation that caused superpowers could ever be a reality with out other severly damaging mutations that would probably cause infant death.but im not sure what you are discussing - that we no longer evolve individually or that the x-men are on the way?i do agree that those in modern society that we consider to be lesser, or behind us [not me atually but as a group this is often the consensus] are serioiusly important. we have alot to learn about life from these so called 'handicapped'. these are people that often are compleatly devoid of prejudice and very different socially to the average person.i guess you might be tring to say that these people, who before 20th century medicine and care would have died or not flourished could cause the next step of human evolution. that is a very interesting point and worth considering to those who say evolution has ended it is only 'survival of the fittest' that has stopped.
  24. i definatly like the 2nd of all of them. [order= 2,1,3] the light in that photograph is amazing, not totally sure about the abrupt angle. for me the angle would work better if you had done more to hide the obvious picture and made it more abstract. if i had taken it i would have used the angles of the wires to get a level vanishing point. but dont get me wrong i'm really in awe of how well you captured that light. great
  25. thanks loads so far.i tried that and discovered that those files are not in portage. this is more of a base command question but:how do i scroll up and down at the command linecp won't work for me. when i try to CONSOLE cp /mnt/cdrom/x11-base /usr/portage/distfilesit ommits the cdrom side. have i got the command wrong or is there a mounting issue. (when i mount the cdrom it says some stuff about it being read only, but that shouldnt stop copying).i sure hope gentoo is a great distro this install has been a long part time project - i was so pleased when i even managed a base command !!! my spelling ruins .conf files constantly.
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