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Everything posted by finaldesign1405241487

  1. I think a 50 mb is really enoug for your phpBB unless you expect 1000 visitors per day, and 500 posts daly...
  2. hmm...try to refer to some google researching... It's possible, but Im not sure tough. But anyway if they find a cure to cancer it will probably be for specific "cancer" like breast cancer, and when they find cure for that, Im not sure that they can use the same cure for other types of cancer... So basicly it means, there is a whole bunch of research waiting to be done... I started a little research via google and this is with what I came up: http://www.1cure4cancer.com/ - These people claim that vitamine Vitamin B-17, "also know as Laetrile and Amygdalin" can stop cancer in persons body... That vitamine can be found in most of todays fruit, or apricots. - they say if you have cancer, you can stop it and maybe even regenerate your organs (!) but of course, they are selling a book, (probably scam) http://clark.pamrotella.com/ This people have something different theory: And if you just google a bit you will find just a bunch of "Herbal Cancer Treatments" so basicly I would say there is no CURE for cancer, there is just many similar types of treatmens for curing cancer, and a sad thig about all this is that, people just want to make money of it.
  3. I use Avast, after many antivirus softwares tryed, Avast is still No.1 choice for me and company where I work. With a builtin windows firewall, and Avast running in background, you are safe.
  4. go for it man. don't hesitate. Im using it. Everybody's using it.
  5. welcome to Xisto, feel at home here... and enjoy your stay.
  6. I just know, if they release starcraft 2 I'll buy it. It's just an awesome good game.
  7. Oh, my, you really have noo idea.. huh? Ok, lets start.First of all visit my cafepress account: http://www.cafepress.com/finaldesign Ok, now, how do you make graphics like mine? Hard. But, it's not soo hard to do, if you do it in - Adobe Photoshop. Well, anyway if you don't wont to use pirated versions of Photoshop, and you don't have money to buy it - you can simple get yourself some similar program, I would recommend GIMP, it's a free full version program very similar to photoshop, just google for "gimp". Now when you get it and install it, google for "gimp tutorials" and download some tutorials that you like... start learning, and in day or two, you'll be ready to make your graphics... Anyway when you start GIMP, and start to make new graphic for cafepress, press file>new and in the box that shows up would be something like:width: xxx px height: xxx px (where xxx stands for numbers)- now you there enter your size of 2000x2000 pixels, and in programs like GIMP and photoshop there is something called LAYERS. I think you understand the meaning of them but if you dont: "layer" is one image, "layers" is two or more images blended with different blending modes together in one image... Like that fancy signatures people have... Now I would recommend you to open that template from cafepress and make a new LAYER and work there, later just delete that layer from cafepress, if you leave it visible, it will be printed like that... so that's it... good luck with designing... and making graphics
  8. Now this is some plugin that shows some respect to us - graphic/web designers. I've been looking for that a loong timeago... and the fact that it's extension for browser is just, well, great.
  9. nice concept for them, maybe they will generate more money now... but that logo V//V really reminds me on that sattelite TV station VIVA.... it's sooo similar like they ripped the logo from them
  10. to make soundcards work under linux is really pain in the *bottom*... But I have surprized myself, when I booted UBUNTU bootable CD, with that test lynux system on, my soundcard embedded on motherboard worked instantly with generic drivers... I would say they had done an awesome job with Ubunto to make that work.
  11. I would stay with fedora, primary it's a legacy of redhat, and people would be already familiar with it, because it's basicly the same system they had before...
  12. Interesting, but as far for now, I'll continue to use gmail, and other email accounts that I have.. I think that e-mail is still one of the leading sistems of global communication.
  13. Anyway whenever you will need some script first goto http://www.hotscripts.com/ and search there, If you are unable to find it there then try here at the forums...
  14. Well, I agree. English is not really my best side... so anyway, if anyone here have some spare time, please report me all grammar and spelling errors, that you find...
  15. does anyone knows is there any bitthorrent client that would work behind a firewall in public librarry... or something?
  16. good for you... I started too with my designing of logo... good luck, and remeber: keep it simple
  17. probably not. you'll site would need to be generating very much traffic, and be linked to many other sites... but that is not the case here... So if you would like to make it instantly on google, try submiting for adsense, then you will be added to google very fast...
  18. thanks for a review John. I will try with validator later, the problem is I done all the coding in Dreamweaver... but there is a lot of junk in code... and still it does not open good in Firefox... but I'll correct that later... Maybe I even transport everything in XML. that way there is no space for errors.
  19. Well you're a quite right about that. but if I ask every single author of tutorial that I have, I would loose too much time... What if I recreate all tutorials myself, and use only general idea?
  20. Hey!Your site looks very pro. I like it. And content is really neat. Anyway, I wish you best of luck with your games, hope to see some popular game from you one day... Anyway I just wonder: If I buy a .com domain would that generate some more visitors to my site?? like in your case?
  21. Hello! First of all this is link to my site. Now, it's all about graphic design going on on my website. There isn't so much content really. There are some design news, few tutorials, my wallpaper gallery, and some of my own songs that I composed. Everything is free for download too. Now here is where I need some help. I would like to collect tutorials to my site. Now, the problem is that I dont wont just to post links to tutorials like other sites do... I would like to make PDF document's from that tutorials on other sites, and ther allow people to download that PDF documents with specific tutorial in each file. But Im not sure if that's a copyright fraud? But anyway, there is all the info inside PDF document about ownership of file, like the like where it's taken from... Can I do that? Thanks for a review in advance!
  22. I've been able to overclock it sucessfully from 1,6ghz to 2,0 ghz. Actually I found instructions printed on MBO that show exact position for switches to change CPU FSB. and if I raze it, AGP and PCI freq. remain the same... so I can't hurt to the system just CPU, am I right? anyway here are some specs after overclock: Taken from CPU-z: and some performace picture:
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