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Everything posted by ChronicLoser

  1. truthfully I don't really have a "favorite" band, but here are a few noteworthys ^_^AlterbridgeThree Doors DownDaphne Loves DerbieSmile Empty SoulLost ProphetsSomething CorporateLifehouseLinkin ParkThe Callingi like the acoustic sounds of a guitar probably cause that's what I play though... =P
  2. lol, i don't know if you'd count that as starting...but can you be more specific? WHat kind of programmin you should go into? Well, first off, I don't know what the site is for. But generally, you're gonna need html and css. PHP is also a good web coding to use, but check to see if your current hosting supports it...Design-wise, you're gonna need more colors and images heh, good luck with it
  3. not too certain what you're asking here....so you have an image. And multiple layers containing the same image. And now you want them all to have the same background...? Supposively when you save a sliced image it will have all the layers merged together into a .png, .gif, .jpg or whatever you save it as.
  4. if you're more accustommed to Fireworks, I say stick with it. Personally, I never tried using that application and have only used psp and photoshop for graphics, so I can't provide you with differences and similarities =/
  5. in my opinion, css is something you can master by looking at the coding of others and by checking out little tutorials throughtout google. It's pretty straightforward and simple, unlike actual programming web codes like php and javascript. But it's still mighty useful and almost a neccesity for websites (unless you plan to do it all in flash...)
  6. lol, all of your posts are way to long.ANyways, back to the subject...i have an ipod mini and an iRiver 128mb. I regret getting the mini...wish i had gotten the original with more space. The mini isn't that small anyways...
  7. i'm also another bit torrent fan. THe application i use to support it is BitComet. It's easy...i don't have to keep my computer on for long periods of time...and it seems to be very fast and efficient. Only prob is that you can only download albums that are currently at least somewhat popular...
  8. lol, i'm so confused. what are you trying to do? Are you trying to take something out of google...?
  9. hmm, it's hard to simply tell you what you should do because there are a lot of parts to it. Colors should be pleasent to look at. Don't mix and match colors simply cause they're your "favorites." Make sure that it looks smooth in the end. Sizes...i personally think that all sites should be compatiable to a 800x600 resolution screen if they plan to use pixels as their way of measurement. Percentages fixes that problem, but i think they really limit the possiblities you could do. And with html...there are a lot of parts to it, so i recommend simply research for a tutorial on google or something
  10. lol, sorry i didn't catch that for ya. I just saw a missing semicolon and decided that it was the problem so i didn't look through the rest =P glad you fixed it up though
  11. lol yea...the one in cpanel is useful too lol. But i find that my cpanel page loads too slowly so i just stick with a simple counter. I could care less what where my visitors are coming from and/or what browser they're using, etc.
  12. eh...as long as a site does it's job and presents it's material in an orderly fashion, it can be considered good. Anyways, I've considered designing sites for others, but i'm sorry to say i'm a bit too lazy to meet a deadline and will most likely procrastinate =P
  13. whenever it says it means that you simply forgot a semicolon. And after a quick runthrough, i found that you forgot a semicolon here:echo 'Total including tax: $'.number_format(stotalamount,2).'<br />so add a ( and you're done
  14. statcounter.com is nice for that kind of thing. It gives you lots of misc info about your visitors though most is somewhat useless =P
  15. i don't see what's the problem. It seems to work well enough in my firefox...unless i'm looking at it wrong lol
  16. it's not a new thing...it's already been done. ALl it does it calculate your running patterns/weaknesses and the distance and time you';ve covered. It's pretty useless to you unless you are a long-distance runner like myself =P though i think it's a bit too complicated for something a personal trainer could provide for you by watching you run a lap
  17. i'm sure this is already mentioned by one of the posts above me...but i think that each is good at different things. Swish is excellent for animation but only allows only basic coding. Flash MX makes it somewhat difficult for detailed animation and such, but is effective at advanced coding. Never tried Free-hand so i can't say how that application stacks up with the other two =P
  18. javascript is pretty useful. But i don't like how some people make their pages too flashy with excessive rollovers and/or too many flashing/moving images floating around the site. Otherwise, i believe javascript is wonderful for little things like expandable sidebars.
  19. yea, i don't really mind too much if it's for something small like the news or a shoutbox...though i prefer the div scrolling ability more then a frame where you have to manage two seperate pages...
  20. help? eh...not really...i've finished the game a few times...but what would you say is the easiest way to get grade? Besides taking your time and fighting weaklings from the beginning of the game.
  21. lol, i've always wondered why Photoshop always seem more popular then Psp. Well, i'm not sure if i posted here yet, but I'm also a Photoshop fan. I like to use a Cinema4D-Photoshop combo
  22. well generally i do not think that resources are really all that necessary. Do not forget that you are also a viewer of the website. Do you think the colors you chose is easy to look at? And does it bring up the mood you are looking for? That's what I ask myself when choosing colors
  23. heh...sorry for double posting...but i really need an answer to my question soon. I kinda have a deadline i want to meet. So here's my question again: how can i use PHP to draw out a comment/word from inside a <span> tag with a specific id/name/class and echo it or set it to a variable so that i could use it somewhere else on the page? I do not know what is in the <span> because it will constantly be changing depending on the user viewing the page with the code. Hope I was clear enough this time...
  24. but what if i do not know how the comment looks like? The way you're showing me is if i knew exactly what the entire code looks like. Say i do not know what's within span1 and span2 but i still want to draw it out using php and echo the comment somewhere else on the page.thanks for the attempt anyways
  25. This is my first time actually programming with PHP. I used to only use it's dynamic inclusion abilities so i never really learnt about the functions of objects and such. Alright, on to the question. How would i fetch the text inside a span tag using php? Sorry, I'm not too sure how to explain this... so let me give an example instead: <span id="span1">comment1</span><span id="span2">comment2</span>Is it possible to get only the 'comment1' and 'comment2' out of the span1 and span2 using php then echo it somewhere else on the same page? I know javascript could do it but I'm not too sure about the capablities of php. And it doesn't have to be the span tag. If it also works with <div> or <table> i'll be happy too =P thanks in advance
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