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Everything posted by ChronicLoser

  1. I'm want to transfer my IPB data to a new hosting service (cough, cough this one), but I'm having trouble with the database or something. I tried editing the conf_global.php file but it doesn't seem to be helping. I have a feeling that the problem is either in that file or the actual mySQL database because everything else seems to be in order I'm not entirely sure, but I think that the problem may be these lines: $INFO['sql_database'] = 'chronic_ivpd1'; $INFO['sql_host'] = 'localhost'; $INFO['sql_pass'] = 'NfUnzIC3hY'; Where can I find the password? It seems like a randomly generated password and i'm pretty certain I didn't input it...so I'm guessing it's already set in the database somewhere. But the thing is, I was able to successfully move this other mySQL database and it didn't seem to have any problems identifying the backup database. Oh, and here is the error it is giving me: click here. I'm not too good at reading these kind of errors lol. I looked at the lines they gave me and they seem to be okay. I mean, nothing I can change that will make a difference. The forum I'm trying to move is on the bottom of my signature... Sigh, will someone please either tell me what I'm doing wrong or give me an url of a site that would be able to help me...thanks!
  2. Alright, I have a few hosts I want to compare the speeds of...is there a site I can go to that will give me generally how fast it took to load everything on a webpage...the page and the images? I'm pretty sure I've seen sites like that before...but i can't seem to find the topics where I first encountered the site...SO once again, I am searching for a website that will be able to tell me how long it took to load a random webpage of mine thanks in advance
  3. I also like fine arts more, but commercial arts are easier for people to understand as a whole. With fine arts you have to stop and think about what the artist/author is trying to express through the work whereas commerical arts is more practical...as hihihi stated, for a informative and purposeful situation. So i guess what I'm trying to say is...it depends on the situation... =/
  4. lol, looks...nice...but like chiiyo pointed out, using only brushes like that makes it not quite as outstanding as before =P Anyhow, i like it when the banner blends in with the site layout like the one on my site here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - actually I don't know if it can be considered as a banner...nevertheless, unless the banner matches your site, it can't be considered perfect I'm saying this because I can't really see that banner matching a website too well... =P Good job on it. Alone, it looks fantastic
  5. i can't seem to get on the site =P perhaps they shut down...maybe they're simply experiencing some technical difficulties with their server
  6. Alright, if you want to do it without css, you can always do this: <table> <tr> <td width="x" height="y"> content </td> </tr> </table> or you could also do this: <table> <tr> <td style="width: x; height= y;"> content </td> </tr> </table> which is pretty much the same thing
  7. i hate it. tk domains are annoying. Like you mentioned, it has that pop-up...plus it places everything into a big "invisible" frame which causes everything to run slowly. Plus, if anyone refreshes the page, it will jump straight back to the original tk domain because, again, tk places your site into a big, single frameset. Personally, I liked uni.cc domains more because they allow you to set the domain to a different DNS server like a .com or .net domain would. UNFORTUNATELY, uni.cc recently announced that they had had too many people signing up for DNS support, so they don't do that any longer. Luckily for me, i already have a DNS account so I'm good =P
  8. i know i've heard of a extension that will supposively "trick" a website into thinking you are using Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera, or whatever browser you want to set it too. I've never really tried it myself, but i heard it is fairly effective in fooling most of those kind of sites =P
  9. lol, fun fun fun. I love web designing. More specifically, I like the actual graphic part of designing. Coding is a bore. Thus, you can probably see thay most of my steps are based upon the artistic aspect of designing ^_^1. First off, I'd take a blank sheet of paper, and start playing around with ideas. This includes, but isn't limited to, the shape of the design, the general color scheme, the placement, etc.2. Next I set up quick/rough proportions. I keep playing around with the numbers till I get something that seems to fit a 800x600 resolution moniter perfectly.3. I pull out graphing paper, and start sketching a more precise rendering with how I want the site to look like. Usually, i have every five boxes equal to 100px4. I finally turn on the computer and go straight to photoshop. Again, sketch it out with straight lines to see about how large each part will be.5. If all is well, I start drawing the graphics/banners or what have you for the site. This usually takes the longest for me cause I end up spending a lot of time coloring and "perfecting+ the design to my tastes.6. I have slice up the .psd file and have imageready set up the generaly html.7. Next I open up notepad (enhanced with ConTEXT) and start editing the imageready code with css, php, and javascript. 8. I look at my design on different computers/resolutions/color contrasts. And finally, I change it as needed
  10. lol, as long as you keep everything in well-marked folders, you don't have to worry about clustering yout desktop too much. As for hiding all the icons...i don't know. The icons are supposed to make things faster. If you get rid of it, it's like studying a book when every other page is blank and the order of the chapters are completely random. It's going to take a longer time to find things
  11. personally, i had always found it simply amazing that google is able to keep a "fairly" updated cache of each site they stored in their search engine. Just the mere thought of how many different pages they do this to is simply astonishing of course, that's just my thoughts about the google cache =PAnd i never considered using it to bypass a restrictive blocking system. Creative thinking, i have to admit
  12. you could also do something like this:Change file.rar >> file.rar.txtor something along those lines. I'm sure after clicking it a few times, even a rather unintelligent user would consider deleting the .txt or whatever extension. Better yet you could do this:file.rar >> file(delete_txt_extension).rar.txtThat way you have some instruction as to why you are placing two extensions. Again, I believe that most people would figure it out after a while if he/she really wants the file opened
  13. hmm, if you count Flash as a website creator, you might as well add in Photoshop/ImageReady and other graphic software. Personally, however, I usually choose to use notepad as my coding software. Though I've updated my notepad with "ConTEXT" to make it easier to read php/html/java coding. ConTEXT had really made my notepad into a wonderful editing tool without making it into a huge application like Dreamweaver
  14. sorry, but i can't really name specific tutorials of which i have had experience with, being that i have never and probably never will use Maya, but I'm pretty certain http://www.pixel2life.com/ has some tutorials for that. CLick the link, look to the left of the screen on the sidebar, and click on the graphic application you want (in this case Maya). From there, you can browse through multiple tutorials made from different sites.
  15. here it is:<STYLE type=text/css>BODY { SCROLLBAR-FACE-COLOR: #color; SCROLLBAR-HIGHLIGHT-COLOR: #color; SCROLLBAR-SHADOW-COLOR: #color; SCROLLBAR-3DLIGHT-COLOR: #color; SCROLLBAR-ARROW-COLOR: #color; SCROLLBAR-TRACK-COLOR: #color; SCROLLBAR-DARKSHADOW-COLOR: #color; SCROLLBAR-BASE-COLOR: #color; }</STYLE>Just plug in whatever color you want and test it (example: #000000). It doesn't show up on mozilla products...just warning you
  16. very interesting! lol, i'm having fun clicking each site. Amazing how these sites are so old...who would have thought they'd last all these years? Sheesh. I guess the only way to have a site that will last that long is if you use your own server because regular hosting will probably shut down after a while...even paid hosting =P
  17. Personally I am a big fan of Cinema 4D...but as MajesticTreeFrog said, it may be best to explore free applications for 3D modeling/rendering before deciding upon which software you may want to use. I never tried the free applications myself, but after using 3D Studio Max on someone else's computer, I decided to avoid it and use a smaller program. Studio Max is powerful, but very slow... As for the Photoshop CS...I don't think it's worth installing onto one's computer if you have Photoshop 7. CS doesn't have anything worth changing in my opinion. It'd be safer to stick with version 7...plus I found CS to have a hard time loading certain .psd files I made with Photoshop 7...I'm not sure if that's just me =/
  18. lol, how is 3D Studio Max old school? It's one of the stronger 3D applications...at least that's what I thought when I first used it. Problem was, it's a bit large and slow for my old little laptop so I had to switch over to Cinema 4D which is another dandy 3D rendering application
  19. =P...lol, alright I got that part...but what makes it better at drawing stick figures? Is it simply easier to navigate and control them...? I guess I misstated my question the first time...
  20. personally, I don't mind the 3D effect...but lay off on the blurring. I'm not sure if you did that on purpose...cause i know sometimes a .jpg image can add a blur when saved under low quality. Otherwise, don't blur it as much it's not too bad when you disregard the blur =Pmaybe you can also add a border and some more interesting effects to the floor
  21. wow, i'm pissed. I was hoping there would be more changes...alright, let me backtrack. I just got a copy of the Photoshop CS 8.0 into my laptop (upgraded from 7.0). Yup, just made the change half and hour ago. I was hoping it'd be more powerful...but nope...it looks exactly the same as me. I played around with a but of CG, then moved on the abstract art, then tried a bit of tech designish things...I don't see a difference. The only MAJOR difference I noticed is the change of the logo...*sigh* this is rather disppointing. Can someone tell me what's the difference in the 8.0 version?And in regards to the original topic, I love photoshop too. I've played around with multiple art applications, and photoshop is definietly up there. I'm not too keen on using other's brushes though...it makes me feel like I'm using a premade image and it kinda feels degrading >_<
  22. yea, i tend to use hibernate and/or stand-by instead of actually turning off my computer during the day. Of course, i'd let my PC rest at night by shutting it completely down, but during the day it seems faster to simply use the stand-by/hibernate
  23. lol, i have a lot of bookmarks. I split them all into nice and tidy little folders here are the folders and some of the noteworthy links inside them (i'm not listing them all): quick links - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (my site) - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ (my forum) - cpanel - Another folder full of sites where I vote for my site webcomics - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - http://applegeeks.com/ - http://www.megatokyo.com/ - http://www.nuklearpower.com/ - http://www.bobandgeorge.com/ - http://www.misfile.com/ - http://www.vgcats.com/ - https://www.penny-arcade.com/ - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - there are actually many many more but i think you get the idea CUSP - bunch of links for the comic management site design - http://www.pixel2life.com/ - /cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi - http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=eclipseunleashed&e=com - and a few other sites...all tutorials for both drawing and comp design music - cough cough, some sites for accessing...music files... torrents - heh, some bit torrent searching sites school - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page - http://www.probertencyclopaedia.com/ - http://www.answers.com/ - http://www.wordreference.com/ - https://www.freetranslation.com/ Misc - a bunch of sites including Xisto and some other hosting sites i use And that's pretty much all that's favorited on my browser. As you can see, I'm big on webcomics (probably cause I also own a webcomic I update 2+ times a week). I didn't name every site, but these are the ones I use the most often and google is my homepage, so bookmarking that is pointless...
  24. hmm...i agree that comments are useful in html...but I think it's much more important in scripting (example: java, javascript, php, etc, etc). With html, it usually doesn't get so convoluted to a point where you absolutely need/require comments and such...but I completely agree with you, vujsa. Comments do make things simpler
  25. lol, that's pretty cool is it simpler to make stick figures on that then other animation programs...i mean...it seems this one is specifically used for stick figures lol
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