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Everything posted by manuleka

  1. run Linux hehe... i can't remember the last time i had to do something with mod_rewrite on WAMP Server a few years back!
  2. looks like an awesome printer... wouldn't mind having a wireless one, my current brother-130c printer was a pain setting up with driver issues... but eventually got it working and it's been with me for a few years now and still going
  3. yea if this issue keeps happening i will have to shift to LMDE... i would like to see how good it's roll out updates go... i've been reinstalling everytime there's a Mint release, just like how i use to when with Ubuntu. Eventhough now you can upgrade versions, you'd more likely to stumble upon more glitches and issues compared to a fresh install.
  4. thanks yordan now everything runs well... but with one problem, the laptop runs on dual GPU - ATI HD 4330 and Intel Onboard... at the moment it's running only on intel as XP Driver for HD 4330 dosen't exist... i have tried mobility modder: http://www.hardwareheaven.com/tools/ and followed these as well http://forums.guru3d.com/showthread.php?t=325619 which enables windows XP to recognize the existence of the ATI GPU but unsure if it's actually running it or not!
  5. update: SOLVEDSlipstreamed XP SP2 with SATA Controller driver
  6. unfortunately i no longer have the media! it's an old piece that has lying in storage for sometime now (may be a year or two) just trying to breathe life back into it
  7. thanks yordan, this laptop shipped with Vista... it's an Acer Aspire 5810TG, but replaced the malfunctioned HDD slipstreaming? i might try nLite and integrate the chipset driver (i'm guessing it's a Storage Controller issue)
  8. yes privacy issues has always been a consistent matter for Facebook development, but i guess that's why it's good to do some research on the tool to know it's setting options before accepting or using it! this revolves around what use wants to be displayed on their page, to whom it will be displayed to! i think a lot of Facebook users don't realize the importance behind privacy settings until someone screws up with their page (esp. personal information) if i recall correctly, bebo.com network had some feature (or maybe still has - haven't used it in a few years now) around that line... where you can see your timeline/or taskline on your page (or friends pages)... especially with media uploads...
  9. wouldn't it be much effecient to leave portable bookmark managements in the cloud/online? that way accessing them requires only a login? although the having on USB is a more tangible/secure alternative
  10. so i'm doing a fresh install of Windows XP on a laptop, but setup can't see the HDD... i ran Bodhi live and it recognizes the 60GB disk, so i installed it and it runs fine... could this be a driver issue?
  11. Welcome aboard Rizla, hope you enjoy your stay good site, just needs a bit of work on the layout there's a lot of free themes out there online you can use...
  12. thanks for the share, very handy tool
  13. OK... i guess most new subscribers aren't spammers, but it's those few ones that just makes those annoying spam posts, makes me just wanna give one of 'em a disciplinary hiding hehe
  14. it's quite interesting though... even with all the Apple products so popular, i always wonder who is more well known in the world (to people) - Steve Jobs or Bill Gates???
  15. you're not alone my friend I've been on that page for sometime now... but it shows how vast the internet is and how much it has evolved into our daily lives
  16. should there be a category for initiation, where newly singed up members should get orientated and allow to make a few posts so their post counts hit certain number (like 5 or 10) before they are allowed to start threads/posts in the mainstream categories?i recognize that most (if not all) of the spam posts are done within the members first 5 posts
  17. i'm posting from a live 11.10 edition... it's looking great, i'm not fully convinced though with the interface, unfortunately i never got a chance to try out the 11.04 edition but reading from reviews and photos online they seem quite similar on the surface, and i guess i'm use to the fact that i'm use to the old standard style (Windows XP and Linux Mint) it's a big change though and a big call for this Unity theme, but it also has its' advantages with much simpler and easier accessibilitya recommendation for Windows Emigrants would be to start on LinuxMint which has most necessities for a standard Windows User readily available (especially with codecs and media applications) -off topici'm having a good think about installing 11.10... i think one of the main reasons is that Ubuntu Forum has some pretty active and prompt discussion boards
  18. hello james, welcome aboard... hope you have an enjoyable stay
  19. looks good, downloading it now to try it out... but i never really tried the 11.04, only via LinuxMint 11
  20. i think that's one of the success of apple products... their hardware-software tightness ensures optimal performance, where software utilizes the full capabilities of the hardware....
  21. i guess it helps making the device smaller and lighter... i've never come across a netbook with one audio jack
  22. lol yeah i was actually thinking of buying one "cough cough".... Apple should have a FREE/Light version of it's OS for people to test, it might assist in fueling in more customers, not that they need more from their current success in the i-gadgets
  23. are you sure? because i've tried that on one of my recent posts, i left the edit page open (got distracted) and eventually got back to finishing it (after a few minutes) and surprised that clicking (a few times ofcourse) on the submit/complete button nothing happened... i refreshed page and the edit option was no longer available
  24. i notice these failings on OPERA 11 when i visit this site: https://www.eventcinemas.co.nz/ XML parsing failedXML parsing failed: syntax error (Line: 74, Character: 130)Reparse document as HTMLError:invalid entity reference in attribute valueSpecification:http://http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/ 71: </script> 72: 73: 74: <a id="background_overlay" class="jigger" target="_self" href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; 75: <div id="mainContainer"> 76: <div id="header"> 77: <h1 id="logo"><a href="/">EVENT Cinemas</a></h1> does this mean it's more of the site's not complying with the w3 standards or is it just Opera being so picky? Chrome seems to run it with no issue
  25. interesting... could be that you need the ones with mic and earphone in one... never seen a netbook with one audio jack
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