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Everything posted by manuleka

  1. very interesting... does google have any hosting services yet? free? gmail is quite a success, would be awesome to have an email account merged with a hosting service
  2. number 1 visited site varies between analysing sites... some say it's Google while others say Facebook, but considering how popular Facebook has become... i'm not surprised if they are infact the most visited site i think Facebook is probably the most successful social network service ever and probably for the years ahead
  3. OK... thanks managed to set it up... its so awesome getting 7GB of free email space under my domain
  4. i notice on cpanel that the hosting package i'm currently on doesn't allow email accounts, is that correct?
  5. welcome aboard... great website by the way
  6. lol @ Aunt Kim - its just sad that these stories make headlines and a lot of the young generations are looking up to these celebrities
  7. i'm sure there will be a useful and fun way of utilizing this bend feature for gaming and other applications... touch screen is now a norm, need something new to excite our tech-hungry eyes and cravings lol
  8. http://www.gsmarena.com/samsung_wants_to_see_the_iphone_4s_source_code_are_they_for_real-news-3337.php and the battle continues... how long will these two fight for? i hope one day these two company will merge hehe
  9. celebrities are suppose to be role-models for young and future generations... i can't believe this is what young girls and women look up to... but i guess the whole wedding was a reality show as well
  10. @starscream... no problem yes technology is booming... was looking at some videos on the new Nokia N9, looks amazing... that phone would've been awesome if it was running on Android though hehe
  11. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ so is this quite funny or what? lol.... i guess this marriage was just another reality TV show! at least they made millions out of it from Broadcasting rights and stuff
  12. yes two hands seems more work compared to finger tips... but i guess as mentioned above, outdoor use this bending system can be quite useful... for example, in weather conditions where finger tip swipes wouldn't be well applicable or accurate
  13. update: fixed http://support.amd.com/en-us/download needed the ATI HDMI audio driver installed and it worked problem was, i tried to install the Latest Catalyst Driver (which has Video and Audio) but the Video driver isn't compatible with my Mobility card so installation never went through... running Mobility Modder fixed the Video Card problem but not the audio... so installing the Audio Driver on it's own (latest) fixed it *phew*
  14. http://www.gsmarena.com/nokia_demonstrates_flexible_oled_display_at_nokia_world-news-3318.php would you prefer twist and bending or using your fingers to swipe and tap? still this flexible OLED looks cool though...
  15. another tool that spent most of it's life in the dark... i wonder if google+ will be any different from buzz
  16. k, mite have to look for cheap soldering kit...
  17. I got a Video Card with a broken capacitor connection (solder bit), there two connections but one is broken so i'm seeking advice on fixing this... do i need a proper solder kit or a heated needle would be enough to melt the solder bit for reconnection?
  18. agree, and also because HTML says it all - HyperText Markup LANGUAGE
  19. foxitpdf reader has portable version as well never heard of SumatraPDF... certainly will check it out
  20. i guess it really comes down to how one sees a programming language to be... HTML is interpreted on the fly, some characteristics of Java falls in the same line
  21. out of all those tools, Gimp is probably the one I've actually used, although i would add Paint.NET can be an alternative
  22. yes it still isn't as quick as Chrome with page loading and rendering, even the whole applications loading time on start up isn't up to the sick slickness of the mighty Chrome browser or Firefox makes me wonder how quick Chrome and Firefox is compared to Safari running on Mac ??
  23. hey David, welcome and i hope you have an enjoyable journey with us here at Xisto Forumscheers,Manu
  24. manuleka

    7zip Or Rar?

    i know i can unpack with RAR on linux, haven't tried archiving with it though...
  25. agree totally, i've used it for over few years now! Foxit Reader is light and slick... it's got plugins for most browsers now (including Firefox and Opera) Foxit Reader is one of the first aps i install when installing Windows on any system
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