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Everything posted by CrazyRob

  1. If your on windows and slowly want to transfer to linux the best distro would be Xandros they off a paid distro and a free one. It like bridges the gap between Windows and Linux, you can also run windows programs on there as its got an emulator that comes with it.
  2. looks good mike but id change the text to somthing more evil as the current one really doesnt go with the design. You've done better before
  3. it all really depends on the speed of the webhosts servers. tables may take more time to load on some sites as the are bigger thus requiring more bandwidth to load. Just Because css is smaller is size doesn't mean its better ok so you can make nicer things with css but to get a good layout its best to use tables and then css over the top.
  4. Id go Internet, Space and energy all combined in one so id be running a monopoly on all of them and make a lot of money
  5. Unfortunately Google Checkout is not available to UK users at this time :lol:Its a shame as it looks really good. when its released to UK users i will probably sign up straight away.
  6. lol.wow pretty neat piece of scripting i wonder how many songs they have in a database as there are millions out there - it just shows how the webs advanced in 10 years
  7. i use tables and css for my site. i set the table width in css and to make my page load faster i just use a faster connection. Most webhosts now use 100mbit connections to the internet to it really doesn't matte what you use be it tables or css. But css is easier to use and i use it a lot as i hate using tables all the time but they are usefull as its sets the basic layout for me which i then css over the top.
  8. hope to be seing you around sometime Coolduck, we will all miss you. Your family is more important than a forum. catch you later
  9. Hmmm how long did that post take to make? It looks copied to me and apurva said
  10. No IP. Board is no longer free the minimum price for a licence is $185
  11. i like all of the mbu id have to say number 3 as i like the colours
  12. zach101 have you read the documentation that came with your forum package? Yes you upload your forums to that directory or if you want a different directory create your own- but the directory must be in public_html You can manage your forums from the ACP (Admin Control Panel) PhpMyAdmin - phpmyadmin can be used for managing SQL Databases PostgreSQL Database - PostgreSQL is a database type like MySQL phpPgAdmin - Again the same as PhpMyAdmin Your forum should run on MySQL if its a PHP board. MySQL is already installed on the server. There are other Bulliten Board types other than PHPBB, The most popular are: IP.Board (Invision Power Board) VBulliten SMF MyBB they all run on MySQL but a few such as IP.Board and VBulliten can run on multiple database types.
  13. detportal cPanel wont run that well on the latest Apache version untill cpanel 11 is released. Not many software packages currently support SQL 5.1 as its recently new so developers have to update there software which takes time. Again the same as MySQL developers need to update current software and also 5.2 is unstable in some areas and is sometimes buggy around cpanel servers.
  14. Wow...Guess what. Anyone living in the UK will know that we have had and are still having some seriously bad weather. What im about to tell you is quite amazing and is an extremely rare happening here in the UK. Today in the afternoon a tornado hit a London Street, It only took 1 minute to take the roofs and demolish whole half's of buildings. The good thing is that only 6 people were injured but around 100 people are without homes and may be for a while - so that has ruined their Christmas. A witness of the event said the following: We have had some really bad weather in the UK lately even where i live we have had small tornado's in our area and winds that have gusted up to 100MPH. it is really amazing as ive never known weather in the uk to be this bad. Ive attached and image of a house so you get the idea of how bad the damage was. See Below -------------- (Quotes from daily telegraph) Notice from jlhaslip: merged similar topics
  15. Yeh thats right IPB 2.2 is now released and for those of you who have it it harder for hackers to hack as half of its encrypted! Ive upgraded just got to re install my mods!
  16. Whats the point in installing that When vista is commin out in Jan / Feb. Vista's coming to me in the next few weeks as it was released to businesses on Friday. I dont know why its released to businesses first as usually their the last to update.
  17. have you tried downloading an FTP program such as SmartFTP or Filezilla? Usually that helps. Again what the other members have been saying dont put ftp:// in your ftp url unless you are setting one up in windows under Network Places.
  18. Google Analytics is a great piece of software for your website. I use it on my site and it tells me in graphs and pictures all sorts of important information that i may want to know about my site. Such as:Who visits what pages Where my visitors are coming from How much traffic i have receivedIt is a great service from google and i would recommend it to anyone
  19. have you set the incoming and outgoing mail servers to mail.runexchange.trap17.com?
  20. Who did you register your domain with as most registrars provide a market place on there website where you can sell your domain
  21. There are currently Three licence options. There is:
  22. If you were to get IPB id get a yearly licence now for $69 as the prices will go up soon to about $135. I use IPB and i have to say its a great piece of software. If your feel adventurous you can integrate it into your website foir a completely unique look.
  23. it cant be the .htaccess file as CHMOD overwrites and overrules it. Like jlhaslip said id submit a ticket to support and see what they say about it
  24. Yeh i have to agree with you about WHM Auto Pilot. You be better betting like WHMCS. Anyway we all really appreciate the work you have put into Trap 17 and its other sites. Well done
  25. this has happened to a few of my clients before. As BH said id advise you to contact GoDaddy support and ask what's going on or just transfer your domain to another provider
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