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Everything posted by guangdian

  1. it's just having a so high suggested set up!my computer is that:sempron 2400+nvidia 128mb 128bithyduan memory 256M ddr400X2k700 board..when i installed the bf2...just can not go in...clicking the icon,black screen,1 second it comes back to desktop.i just got another bf1942,it can been played but it's so slow..i fainting.even 1942 would be that bad status,so my computer just can not run the battle field 2!so i kept the dvd room i 'm thinking just after 2 years later,maybe i have a computer can run it. guangdian
  2. er,well.now my warn level is 50%.i just don't want to talk why i got this warn level,may be of the spam you said.and,...for a long time i always tried my hard to help people about their host problems.er,i think you would forget my warn level...is still there.so,gentlemen,is it the time you discrease my warn level??or may be sometimes later.okay.i just waiting for your response,gentle mod. your good friends,gun dian~
  3. it's imposibble i think.actually you need not do that,the speed of atahost is not more quick than here.and may be i think,the credit system is the same with here either.thank you.guangdian
  4. and what do you mean of cheating?,cheating for what?if they loved each other they needn't do this sort of thing,if they did not,they should part,but they did not part so there was something hard for their parting but not the love..sorry.Guangdian
  5. i'd just read an ebook which released on 2000 year.and i think it's also useing for now.it have been saying 7 ways to improve your traffic.7 ways to bring you large bandwidth.1.created ebook with your site's url and logo,so that who read it or maybe come to your site for more contents.2.enginne.yes.search enginne is always a large bandwidth comes from.we just modified our site for the enginne,but don't been banned by them.3.public reality.if you have some public relations like newspaper about it,or something else like that,you would write an article published on newspaper which is about your site(better)and may be something others can got more details from your site(you must contained your site url on the article) actually i think you just can made some news from your site and having connection with your site for public,more and more people will know about the news and the website of the news.4.link exchange.do your best of that.now i 'm doing my best for this..i'm sorry i think i have forgotten the other ways left.i just think the 7 ways to more traffic means.... more and more links back to your website...that's important tips.remeber made more and more links which link back to your site..I'm just thinking good ways about that.Good LuckGuangdian.
  6. yes.well, on 14,august, I have a traffic of 1G bandwidth but i don't know which some files useing so lots bandwidth.. it's a record on cpanel bandwidth i have not got more details about that problem. is it some one ddos me? or anything else. just help me for that thank you, guangdian.
  7. i'm gaining money for future.gaingning a house for my life.and i just not think living underground is an good idea.
  8. Take it easy. sometimes you just made some mistake but they just treat that as an Real Fault of spam.i just met the things for times,you can just know it's the problem of communication,if you really know that how your site has been suspended or deleted you will know how to do next time.that means you must know our moderator 's thoughts.so i just suggested you not copy a so long article posting here ,then it will been thought of spam.that's so clearly.i just have problem of and i just got the affair that your reply just not the sort of the topic and the moderator thought of you are spaming,then he will warn you just not think more,not think if it's because your enlish skills,no,no.so what we should do then,we just need the webhost and just supported the Xisto for so long a time and we just trust the admin is working very hard for the server and so so.it's really an perfict webhost provider,the quality of it even more better than some paid host provider.so we just think we posting here is a sort of supporting Xisto,and we posting here is another paying for our Xisto webhost.i just came here from september last year,and as what i have sawn,there it changing so many moderators.i'd just memory some of the moderator former like Tripple,he even more serious with the post and the members. now we have some kind and working hard moderator also,and they even not got one pinnes from working for Xisto forum,we should not blame the work of moderators,they spending more time than us on here.but they just do it as let the forum clear and moving moothly,helping people of hosting,keep not spam or useless words. so do it,we just not say so many times sorry. evenly,bak your data always.we will not sorrow future. just support trap. Guangdian.
  9. Hi,if you would like to image gallery, i just wanna to introduce some to you. Coppermine Gallery LinPHA Singapore SPGM WEBalbum yappa-ng you can just got the more details and download url @ http://www.opensourcecms.com/
  10. good work frozen i just check your site.however deviantart is my best love pic site.your works is so great in many artist.
  11. oh yes sir,? you are so confirmed about your free web hosting just until it's been suspende you come here? for what ? i am just so sorry about your affairs. i think you need do your credits from 0 to 30 points i think you would re apply the account. you will be more patient about your host next time. thank you good luck guangdian
  12. talking it just better to tring it.you just go to sf.netand opensourcecms.com just choose what you like but not others said""this is the best"best not fit for reality nee of us i think.sometimes ago i installed so many content management system even used over all my diskspaces and mysql data..at the end i just don't know what the cms aware i should install they all got so many plugins and big storage.so i just waiting for a so small cms going on.nowdays i just use a opensource php blog for my index page and i install a forum for my communication place.the blog is os and can created to htm pages.i'd not so like it because the style and the css even not better than any cms i ever installed.i always feel left is higher but right is heavier when i click one of my article of blog..what i wanna to say is there are so many cmses.but so many have mutiple language support.i just know there is a wiki named media wiki can support many languages,then sorts of people from all over the world not the same country and not the same language can use that.but i didn't like wiki.i'm just searching a cms for the site owner can edit and add article.it must can created html pages.you know html pages can been noticed by search enginne more chances than php or asp dynamic pages.there i give you some advice.as blog you can choose: pivotas cms you can choose : drual cms.what i more minded is the style and beautiier to the cms system.one ugly cms the people wouldn't mind how powerful it is.
  13. welcome here..you would just go to the forum of graphic and got something good tutorial or professor's advice and experience. and you will be like here.trap17.Guangdian
  14. okay.whether you got the problem just post on the forum,we will do our best to answer you.Best Regards.Guangdian
  15. but got 40 points? sometimes it's because the point system. sometimes you need know more about the tos. i just suggested you take it easy,don't spam,calm down, then you got you should been given. guangdian
  16. no no,i just suggested you buy some books of php script learning.so it's very well.better than any ebook or websites.^_&you can always go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ GoodLuck guangdian
  17. yes.i would choose GTA..gta is my own self game in my childhood.oha.but now however pc games or PS games all get so high effects causing man faint.and don't having more pleasure than GTA
  18. Gmail needn't to open it's Gmail signing for public now the member invitation system is the best choose for it because the server need more avaliable user but not the spammers.
  19. yes. there posts you will not get credits..and i just learned webdesign in 2000..so i just interesting in the new standard of w3c..
  20. Oh.so good thing??i just posted 5 post then i think i just got 1 points..i don't know if it's because my warn level is 40%i think,however,my warn level should be lower:)
  21. doz that a FPS game or 3D game?i just not sure of 5 cd's.
  22. just open the xp 's guest account..and do some sharing dir.and i think you will see eachother.
  23. guangdian

    Dawn Of War

    oh i just so faint with FPS game..it's let me faint.i just wanna play some mmrpg or 2D game..
  24. if we buy domain from enom site directly it's about 20 $ ... so expenciveand if we buy through resellor it just 9 $/year.
  25. OH...facing it??the story i have read all ...and why you would kiss her??why??just because she is a girl?no no no plz..don't do that stupid my friends..if you will you just stand the risk of it..and what the post mean,or the purpose let us know that affair?
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