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Everything posted by guangdian

  1. ye,my domain of pr 3..just not have links out or links in.. i just use that to be an test page.. i've heard the alexa is the important standard with a site..but as i know in korea there is so many people using alexa toolbar so the top ranks of the alexa have so many korea site..
  2. OHya!! surprise.... ------------------- btw:oak isle is a story i have read when i'm a child i think.but i haven't remember what 's the good for that time..oh good memory
  3. if we register domain via resellor then he pushed the domain to my free account i just repay through him..is it have any risk??the domain is mine?
  4. if you cheated then i think Google will not pay for it.but i always think : there is no free lunch in the world...
  5. i just got that Public rank? and i have a domain not using very much .it has been for half a year.when i quory it's pr it's 3.. ^_but i ' am not do much with it.when i checked the domain in alexa it's no record.. why?andi have another domain in alexa it's 163,0000 and in google pr it's 0..but why??
  6. i'd just loading a googleearth but when i zoom to my city i just can not going to view the streets..
  7. that will not skipped. yes. however what software made pages all got that problem. i think you can just edit the code your self manuall.
  8. is that a spyware?or you can just usiing microsoft anti spywareand mcafee anti spyware.
  9. welcom nice...this is a mythful forum...Good tour for here.
  10. because she always a mad ... so she fall in love so she kills a girl.:*
  11. can not connected your img...you can just send it to xs.toor how good you make so you must protect it with jgp?faint.^_% Notice from Johnny: What in the world are you talking about?
  12. which three games?Gta vice city?all bad.My computer not so high hardware to install it.i always found myself faint of the graphic or screen.
  13. if the space and bandwidth is enough i just suggested you donot upgrade.because it's cost so many credits if you upgrading and you will be paying more time in credits if you upgrading .but if you are the first package one of the plans you will don't need so much time for keeping your credits..it's just my own opinion i just don't know if it's right.but however i'm finding myself is really tired.so you will choose what you just want.and you will got what the same hard for the good.
  14. the question has been talked many times.i think even add a spelling check but not so many people use that( the people spell bad words just like me)^_%sorry.Guangdian.
  15. if you have no money for busines anti-spam project.i....oh,i'm sorry.i think you must use lots of business anti-spam project like trend and mcafee and sun..then no good ways for the spam mails
  16. he should been.because he closed the door to others then opend the door to thembut he closed all my door.i'm just be going thrusted.
  17. Oh ..need much bruses and something special so that can been more clear..
  18. Oh if you just got the ACDsee you will convert it by ACDseeif you not installing it.i think photoshop can do it.butthere is so lots of programme (open source or not opensource ) you can just trying them just search on enginne for this sort of programmes.GoodLuckGuangdian.
  19. it's just a small business.i think you shoud do as that:you just post the question on Hosted Members,and the question is about your webhost.don't mention now there no man answer you but waited for one day,then you will got your answer.i think you posted so many same posts on forums topic one by one is not correct and you just got nothing help with it.
  20. you just copied so lots of things for your credit i hate that .we just so confused with that...!
  21. delete the temp dir i think.then add more virtual memoryor you can format your disk to reinstall the windows.
  22. oh no,can not view your image just check it again.and reuploaded.
  23. just wait some time i think it will be one day or two day then i think you can use your webhosts on Xisto.it's a very interesting place good luckGuandian
  24. if you have money if you runs a big company why you don't choose solaris or sun or IBM?so ,you are not so big.then you just selected linux for your server.but if you don't know how to install it and how to configure it and how to do with it.then you can choose windows..
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