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Everything posted by guangdian

  1. i checked ,but do not know how they paid us for per click,or any paid ways?from paypal or else?they don't tell me.
  2. higher settings need more money..:Plook you played like hf2,doom3,other or bf2?haha.it's no use reinstall the graphic card driver if your computer bought 2 years ago,you need upgrade your computer,just paying 1 time money for it you personal computer could be a play station i think.
  3. nothing.now i am 25 years old not even do one birthday party or celebration.i'm not thinking about that.i just think that i'm old again ,elder.so i must be working hard for my future,don't wait for until it's too late.
  4. i am sure of it. it's something illegal,or even not illegal then it hurt someone,with business. so it broke the TOS i think.you would banned the site for it's doing.
  5. oh my god but thank you sir .a website of serious won't add so lots of java scripts or other scripts except html and php asp..:Plike Xisto.com..the index page of the Xisto or Xisto forum do you find some unuseful scripts? no,i am not finding of it.so if we just thinking for the guest of our sites,we will know that script will using so much computer memory of the client of Browser .so we should thinking for our guests.tihnking for a confiremd purpose site but not the one full of confused things..sorry guangdian
  6. what i'm thinking of it?oh.well .i just suggested you install the sp2.don't like sp2 so install sp1? why,plz.
  7. HI,i just know that gmail have new feature of Gmail Talk any one know of it? and i just don't know if it's useful and which our part of life for that? thank you .~ ps:i have so lots of gmail accounts,if you need invitation contact me.
  8. after you reformat,install all anti-spyware you could find .update normally..just forbidden all spy ware.i just hate spyware also,i'm using mcafee and microsoft anti-spy
  9. Do you know the " little cherry"Oh,i'm sorry i just don't the english name of it.but i know the role of the play named cherry.and some anime of japan i just like so much but i just don't know the name of it.the English name..and of course i like japan anime the best the second is american anime
  10. Do you need Content management system,you hosted member,then you can log in the cpanel check the fantastico.
  11. Guys you are just kidding..Do you think the free webhost can do anything you wanna?no no no...you use your own computer for game server,yes,it's enough..no any free server,So confirmed,No.there wasn't some web host provider give you this permission.money paid for it,for the server,or you just could using your own computer..there is no such free lunch..even free webhost they all need "active",so do you know it..you can not host teamspear here.it's a web host "web" but not Game server.guangdian
  12. that's sure confirmed.i just add watermark on my pictures and there is not so many pictures on my site just 20--30 pics i think.my site is usual site..:^^
  13. just don't know what had happened on your life.best good wishes for my friend.I prayed you will be good tomorrow.good luck..you will always welcome back here.guangdian
  14. okay. no,no,it's not my_html. your all files must be in publi_html just not mentioned the www dir it's no use i think then remember your dir must is a index.htm,or index.html,or index.php file.so it could be display your index page. if you find the templates creating work is so hard i just suggested you can install a cms system (content manegment system) which will be more professional style you would choose.just click on http://www.opensourcecms.com/ you would got more information. and which more added:if you lik html very much and just wanna doing something with code or by your manually,then i give an advice that most important thing is the CSS,it's the most thing to beautify the webpages. good luck Guangdian.
  15. well,okay.when on the night on my roof of house,i ever sawn the lighting things on the sky.they sometimes are craft sometimes are stars.but even one time i think there must be something wrong with it.it's round...flying.it's very quick,very very.even can not think it's a craft.because it's moving so quickly from north to west..it's not looking so big ,just one hand big from the position i stand.it's a round shape and on the edge of the shape there were a round of lighting blinking...i just don't know if it's a lighting mistake..but it happend on my childhood so i just not confirmed if it is true now.guangdian
  16. Hi,snlilde,is it a link exchange or a banner exchange?
  17. is it a business project or programme?i just searched this sort of php rpg games for a long time.there just english games bur not a mutiple php rpg txt game i found.and is it using so much server resources.when i click attack or train..it will lag for a long time then it display the result.if we just host a game like that,we just need our own server or hosted on Xisto can do this thing?guangdian.
  18. sometimes,eh,maybe renting the server of your self will soluted the problem. and just thinking if a site getting bigger and bigger ,the downtime is a big problem confused us,we just don't know when it will down,and when it will get back.if we just don't know the downtime ,or while we just not online.we will lost so much traffic and we just not telephoned the service provider.if the money is a problem for your server.i think rent it with some friends is a good ways.choose a good isp and enjoy our own server. guangdian
  19. snlildude,your chinese name seems not so cool~*_*but translate from website just like online translator .it's not correct.:)guangdian
  20. posting your link here and there.exchange the links with the sites on web.use good way of search enginnethe most important: make your content good and growing~.
  21. Okay,well.you just ever learnt the HTML,so there isn't any hard the dreamweaver for you,just got the dreamweaver mx,flash mx,firworks.yes.they are good web tools.you will be like the visual tools.and i always think a good site must be with photoshop and simply html.you learnt all of this,then you can start with php language.guangdian
  22. I just checking it.i can not found the ip address.but i just know that my index.php is the most file downloaded.so i just ask some friends,i think there would be a guy refreshing my page by some tool on aug,14.he runs my 900M bandwidth.
  23. wish that would be like that...coz my warn level is 50% ,...oh i just don't know what will happened~ so scarcely..
  24. oh sorry my site just htm,php,some pic..not so large files.and i don't know where to get the ip address?
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