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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Well although I am not a mac user I wouldn't get the new OS right away jsut because of the problems they are having and on top of that I wouldn't even upgrade it either just because you don't know the problems you might have. Of course like its Pc counterpart doing a fresh installation would get you the best results and then just reinstall the software, and that way you can see where the problems will happen with certain software if you have any. It would be interesting how quicly Apple will fix all these problems because everyone knew it took about 6 months to squask most of the vista problems when that it first came out, and its been about a month now, give or take a week.
  2. Also there are various websites that have templates that will cut down the time coding the website. I recommend this website as the layouts are bare bones which means you can everything else with in that website, and if you want to go to the CSS way of coding a website then I would check out this website as it has everything you need to know about CSS, AJAX, DOM, fonts, etc etc. Although truefusion has a good point on designing your website through a graphics program he forgot to mention the amount of hours that you need to put into designing, slicing, and coding a graphics template, especially if your converting from tables to straight CSS. So if you plan to go that route expect to put in a lot of work into a design like that.
  3. Haslip is is correct you put it in the right place, and what do you know I can see your website which means you should be set now. I will say this though I should slap myself for not looking at the first image a bit closer and realize that it was the wrong on, unless thats the same menu but looks different after putting in the server address. Then in that case I was correct, but now for the god news I can see your website so talk about a New Years gift right there for you .
  4. Although I agree with haslip thats the best place to go he forgot to mention the awesome offer through Xisto and that is for 250 hosting credits you can get a domain for one whole year. You could say it would be a trial offer to see how you like the services before going to paid hosting which is about 10x times as better as the free hosting here on trap.
  5. You have proof on that internet thing because firewire is primarily used to transfer data between computers and other peripherals such as Ipods, digital camera's, and even some USB based peripherals. It is mostly used to transfer very large files and I mean in gigs and not in in megabytes just because of how fast that data can be moved from one device to another (up to 800MB). So it can't be used for the internet persay but many servers do come with it so backups of data can be back up on another server.
  6. IE won't be going anywhere soon unless Microsoft collapses just because Microsoft is the only reason why these other browsers are here. So if IE goes bye bye then every hacker, cracker, phreaker, and phiser will be going after the others ones, and you could say say IE is the shield of the internet because with that being the only browser being constantly attack its give the others a chance to grow, modify the code and make it stronger. On top of that most major businesses use explorer not for just surfing the net, and on top of that as long as their is a windows operating system there will always be a internet explorer.
  7. It simple just do what everyone else does report posts that don't belong in forums, are spam, include referral links, or just plain out break the forums rules. Of course if asking what I think your asking there is like quite a few people ahead of you , and of course the number #1 rule is that you don't ask you get picked, and this is a bad way to get picked by asking. Of course the best help is posting to people topics or shouts who have questions or problems with their hosting, and that way we keep the repeating of topics down, and they get the response they need to get them going on their way to their hosting.
  8. Well usually the first one is all you need unless you get a domain thats cranky and needs the second one as well. Well Pray for a New Year's Miracle since you have to wait for the internet to propagate the domain change. What do you mean by transfered like from site to site or when the new domain kicks in?To answer those two questions all you have to do is make a complete copy of your last hosting account including files and MySQL databases and then upload them through the cpanel. Now if its the second then I would believe so since the domain change will update everything connected to the Xisto sub-domain.
  9. Well I was in the military and in order to begin Special Forces training you need to be at least a Sargeant and I believe recommended as well, Of course the hardest part about the Special Forces training like any other elite military forces like the Seals, Rangers is top physical and mental condition because you training will be brutal to the point that a simple injury could get you kicked out of the training and you would have to start the process all over again.Of course your best shot at least getting ready for Special forces training, is to make sure your a airborne ranger with top notch infantry skills because Special Forces is elite and so your markmanship, map navigation, attention to detail, and other various things have to be top notch. Of course you get a better answer if you talk to a Special Forces recruiter on what you have to do.As for the physical condition you need to be able to max out push up about 100+, sit ups 100+, and be able to run 2 miles in about 10 minutes or less, and thats no easy task if you haven't slept for like 36 hours of doing SF training and they decide to give you that test.Whoever told you that it was about the glamor it isn't, Special Forces is no joke and they will weed out the pretty boys who think they would look cool with a Special Forces tab on their uniform. So that bit of info should help you decide on what you need to in order to get the somewhat best results in getting into the Special Forces
  10. Did you take any steps besides the recommend ones that have been posted? If so you should post them and that way people can follow the process your took to get your stats to work again.
  11. Well GD is enabled, I checked the php info page on cpanel, the question I have is this card script coded in php4 or php5 because the php scripts could be having some problems do the version differences. I would check into that as well, also what greeting card system do you have and a link if possible, that way some tests can be conducted to see where the problem lie in. Also go through the installation read me file and see if you missed anything, but of course you might get better support for the person who made the script as it seems you have already.So things to do:-Check PHP version-Double check installation read me file.
  12. Sheep you just reminded me of that STUPID show on MTV about kids having their Sweet 16 parties, of course you can really see how spoiled some kids are and act just as bad or even worse then the bee's bf's sister. Of course when your rich brat you can act anyway you want I guess. Reminds me you can send her to a boarding school as they can give her a nice reality check there.
  13. Well there are other players I like DivX they have a good set up in watching videos, and of course getting the right codecs will make life enjoyable. As for document processing Open office hands down, just because Microsoft Works is outdated in the sense Microsoft Office suite is better organized, and of course open office is free.
  14. It could just be your IP or the keywords your using, but my searching has come up dry on how to fix it. As for search engines I pretty much use google now just because I get the right results I need when looking up something, and that been a better part of a year now since I been using it. The other search engines that I have used include yahoo, microsoft, and dogpile a couple of time.
  15. In the first box you would put in ns1.trap17.com and then the one right below it ns2.trap17.com and then click ok and your set. Also it is fun waiting for things right, because by the tie you get you your so crazy and insane that once you get it, you be at peace with the world. Of course you could be lucky though that it will kick in early and you be set. So plug those locations into the box, press ok, and tell everyone on your myspace to calm down and they can download the music and wallpaper in a few days .
  16. Well if your CSS and HTML coding is really tight and I mean flawless to the point that on any browser you barely see any difference then you don't really need it. However, if your site is complex and regardless how many hacks you use to get it right and not have to create more pages design for specific then you will have fun working with these scripts. Script #1 - PHP Script #2 - PHP Script 3 - Javascript CSS related sites working with browser detection Hopefully though one day all the browsers will come together as one and finally get rid of this ridiculous problem.
  17. We been watching to much Nightmare on Elm Street with Freddy killing you in your dreams, and like everyone else I don't think its possible and I doubt no one will be testing that theory out or not. As for having dreams of you dying that I would be true though or rather was your near death the emotions from that will kick you out of your sleep, and that has happen to me a few times.
  18. I had my vote ready before I even posted this so I will get it out of the way. Basically I am giving a half vote for both delivi's design and Mermaid's design because both designs are excellant text a bit off but the christmas theme fits wonderful for both sigs. So it was a touhh call to get a solid vote for one person
  19. We got some great entries for our second annual christmas SOTW so lets those votes fly. Zam0 Delivi Mermaid711 logansmeadow Saint Michael Moogie Mich Voting Format Zam0-0 delivi-0 Mermaid711-0 logansmeadow-0 Saint Michael-0 moogie-0 Mich-0 Good Luck and Merry Xmas from the GFX Crew
  20. I can answer your question in like 2 words, well ok several more but basically you have to wait for your domain to kick in or propergate across the internet which takes about 24-72 hours. Its one of those things that make you want to toss your computer out because of how long you have to wait for it, but once your point your park your domain and point it to a web hosting server you have to give it time to settle in and that way everyone can see it.The waiting sucks but at the mean time you can be building your website, and even do some posting, shocking I know. That is hte only draw back of adding domains to hosting account but like I said you should see.EDIT:Ok now after the shoutbox conversation yeah you have to wait for it to kick in especially if you change your domain, jsut make sure you point the domain to ns1.trap17.com and ns2.trap17.com or you will run in some more problems.
  21. Well for the most part your on your way, however, I think your missing a few parts. Such as the hard drive, processor, monitor, power supply, RAM, DVD/CD-ROM Drive, keyboard, and mouse. Just from the motherboard alone I could see you will be spending a lot of cash since I am assuming for someone who wants more power you going to go Quad with several hard drives, 800W power supply, 4 gigs of RAM. Thats just a guess though. To answer Bruce's Quesions The price varies depending how super computer your willing to go, put it like this if you want the ultimate machine plan to pay as much as an alienware computer starting price. Of course with the right knowledge and researching you could be a great computer at a dell price that could match or exceed their standards. This tutorial I wrote on how to begin your life as a computer builder lists information and articles of interests on what to look for, understand, and maintain computer hardware. So check that out to get a basic idea where to begin with. With your next question its not hard once you understand the layout of where everything goes, how to connect the hardware together, and praying to go while assembling that you don't get a static shock and fry your motherboard . I took me about three months to get a good understanding on computer hardware, yeah I cheated I took a class, but it helps though. Newegg is a good site to start with, you can also try Tiger Direct as well, but once you get a taste of newegg you won't go anywhere else. Learning how to build one is somewhat easy once you understand whats all going into building a computer, how to read the manuals when connecting everything, but like I said check out my tutorial as it covers pretty much all of your questions.
  22. Yeah I can vouch for Dreamweaver has I delt with websites that coding is top notch and it displays find in Dreamweaver, but make a change big enough and the websites gets completely destroyed in Dreamweaver. Although it may looked destroyed in Dreamweaver it comes out perfectly fine. Of course there are a handful of coders out there who use the WYSIWYG browser and bust out awesome sites just using the tool bars that come with the editors, but of course I stick with old methods and I rarely use the WYSIWYG browser to make changes, such as changing the size of a table or editing some words.Of course thus the reason the Acid test has become so popular in last couple of years because it literally tests browsers with specific CSS and html and see if it will display an image properly. Although firefox is the only one to do this without the need to have virtual PC running and that is have different versions of its browser installed at the same time. You won't get that with IE though because of integrated everything is and so you either have to dual boot your computer or installed Virtual PC on your computer. Of course if your code is clean then you don't have to worry about needing to make major changes to your website, but if you have to then it is recommended that you design layouts based on several browsers and connect them with a javascript that will read the browser that is being used and then display the page according. Of course to save yourself time it is recommending that you know php and or ajax that way when updating hte website you only need to change one page instead of several.
  23. Have you submitted a support ticket at https://support.xisto.com/ yet? Because that will be the only way to know if your IP got blocked in someway, which I doubt unless Xisto servers believe the IP number that was being used tried multiple times to log into the cpanel unsuccessful and so they got locked out. So I would drop a support ticket with your IP and see if something happened with it.
  24. I prefer a laptop over a desktop just because I can lay in bed and do the work that I need to do from there and be comfortable instead of sitting in a chair for hours hurting my back, neck and wrists and junk. On top of that laptops have been picking up the pace in technology and it seems 2008 will be especially strong for the laptop market.
  25. Its just hte lighting that makes the render look evil, and true its not cool its uber cool This time though I got it right and I added in some blue, and trust me to much blue would have ruined the look.
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