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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Are you sure you made sure you type in your password correctly? Also are you using your forum login to access your Cpanel as well? Also you an change your cpanel by logging into https://support.xisto.com/ and then select Change your Cpanel Password, it will cost you 10 credits to change the passwords.
  2. Wouldn't you think that knocking off the richest people would really help, think about the economic backlash that could happen when you got a few trillion dollars floating in the air, or possible loss, as board of directors and other corporate big wigs try to figure out who will take over, and spend millions finding out who and why someone would do this. I think 80% of the problems would go away if there was a better system to run economies, because right now a lot of people are paying for the weak dollar.
  3. Lets see the things that make me mad would have to be 1. Politics 2. People with superiority complex, and #3 People have nothing else better to do with their money beside spending it themselves instead of helping others.
  4. Welcome to Xisto NFS, and if your looking for a place to make some good contacts and get some great hosting as well. I recommend that you check out the Xisto Read Me as you get ready to apply for hosting, that way you don't get caught off guard with your hosting credits. Again welcome to the forums, enjoy your posting, and eventually enjoy your hosting.
  5. Yeah I been enjoy beta 5 to, as it seems a lot cleaner, and yeah I agree that firefox likes to freeze, and then close out on m. Funny though all the beta's did this when I was checking my email account on yahoo. As I select a message it would error out and close on me. Of course I sometimes have complete freezes when I open a new bad, but besides those few hiccups I have enjoy the speed. Have to say that it is just as fast if not faster then safari.
  6. 2-d games will always have a cult following as that is were the originals of gaming began. I still play them from time to time just to seek a challenge and what not, however, the only 2d games you will see are on cellphones and that would be about it.
  7. Everyone knows that each of the major browsers has copied someone in one way or the other so big deal. As for the overall look of firefix I say it fine as it is, download a theme if you want, but the default look of firefox will make it be faster and all that good stuff. Also if you have downloaded firefox3b5, I can tell you this, that b5 is 100 times better then each other beta version, very fast, low memory usage, and extensions are getting updated on a dialy basis. So in two months firefox 3 will be out, and ready to slightly replace firefox 2.
  8. Heck you be better off posting that in invisionize as well, as you oculd get a bigger response that way. Although it does give alex something to do, but there is a slight catch you need to give that person complete access to your site, including cpanel, DB's and the forum. Unless of course they have their own forum, and that is why I mention that you post that request at invisionize or contact the original creator the script to do an update for it.
  9. I am a huge oakley fan, as I dropped about $400 on my current sunglasses about 3 years ago, had a pair of wiley's in Iraq, heck we actually got issued them when we were in Iraq . That is hte thing with sunglasses and the military they have to be completely black, and none of those fancy colors you find on some oakley's. so it don't really matter as both are great brands in eye protection and junk.
  10. Love the new look giselle, organization it the website is good, the colors work well, may get rid of the black and use one of light grey's instead. So I wouldn't be changing this design for awhile as it is your best one yet, from all the other ones I have seen, or helped you with.
  11. Well lets start off by correcting a few of these posts1. asglu - Vista needs 1 gig to run properly, 2Gb to run smoothly.2. asglu - that was true at the beginning but with the use of updates and patches are fixing that problem. Hard to say what the open source community is doing to work their problems out with the Vista softwaresl4y3r1980 you could say that it is a lot tougher for the old stuff to work on Vista, however, it don't take much for a noob computer user to download a trojan and that opening the doors for all hackers a like. Of course with the Storm worm creating havoc right now, vista users will have a harder time if they get locked out of their admin account. because of the UAC program.Well word has it that Windows OS 7 is coming out next year, because everyone has dubbed it the new Windows ME, and even Microsoft knows that, and so hopefully they won't make a mistake this time with the new OS being a resource hog like Vista is. As for your problem with the DirecX I know I saw that problem before about PC, but I think it has to do with your graphics card, and so you might have to get a new one that accepts DirectX 10 on it.I say give it another year before Microsoft changes its mind on XP and continue it untill Windows 7 is ready, and does a better job then vista.
  12. Well you don't give much info, but if you are having problems I suggest that you give some more detail in your own topic and not thread hijack one. Also I would suggest going to https://support.xisto.com/ and put in a request to help solve your problem.
  13. Well the reason it was hard game to beat because of hte last level, and that maze granted thanks to an emulator, a image of that maze, I finally beat the game a few years ago. The problem with Nintendo games is that there was no way to save the game for most of them. Granted they introduced passwords, and early forms of gaming saving techniques, but now if you get yourself a nice emulator, you can save all you want now, just have ot be able to master the controls on your computer in order to beat some of these games now.
  14. I believe I made post somewhere between pages 1-5 or 5-10, but I thought give myself a fresh update and for those who might be stuck to one browser. I use Firefox as my primary browser and depending what site I go to I either swtich to version 2 or 3b5 (Firefox 3 beta 5). I also have the infamous IE8 beta version, which of course I can easily switch to IE 7 if I need to, but seldom do because I don't use IE all that much. I also have the current version of Safari, and I also have opera 9.2 and the beta version of 9.5. The reason for all these browsers is for a designers perspective, and sometimes firefox like to play mind games with me, and so I have to swtich to another browser from time to time.That is my current list of browsers and so enjoy.
  15. Interesting but there is a way for you to do it yourself in two ways: first is by replacing the motherboard and the CPU, and odds are you got some old stuff in there so you could spend maybe about $200-$250 to get the computer working again on some cheaper stuff on the market. The other way is to flash your BIOS and from what I seen on a couple of sites it would seem to work on removing the BIOS virus, and here is the guide to help you with that.
  16. That is pretty sick looking, this guy just got himself a career in building tanks for the government , however, I do believe there are laws that forbid civilians to have any thank in their possession, and since this a fully functional one whose to say that someone won't try to take it on a joy ride and go create some damage with it. I won't be surprise if they make him dismantle the thing. Either way that is some skill he has, abd I only could imagine him building a full scale tank from scratch.
  17. Ok everyone this is the last week for voting for the Xisto awards, as the polls will close on friday at 12:00 AM (-5 GMT), and so if you haven't voted already, which many have enter your votes in as we have some godd neck and neck races going on with the awards, and of course some blow outs as well.
  18. Well if you look at this mod here http://mods.invisionize.com/db/index.php/f/7285, you could with a testing could make this mod display on your forums, I have a feeling that is how it is done with the forum, but I think OpaQue designed his own mod for that. Maybe he can tell you what he did to set it up.
  19. Saint_Michael

    Gmx Mail

    Well I check it out and I have to say that I am not to found of the pop out window interface, and of course it is a combination of Windows Live and yahoo interface clone combination. Yeah I agree a short email address is always good, but the pop out window isn't to pleasing, and yeah I could easy pop it on windows live or outlook and not worry, and yah I got like 3 email accounts already, and maybe about 5-10 that I don't remember or completely forgotten about.
  20. Hard to say really, it just sounds like the Operating System just crashed, of course for that to happen to you hear any series of beeps or anything? Also did you check to make sure all the hardware is connected, because if your hard drive connection cables are not secured or your hard drive is powered on. Then you might get a No Operating System found, however, since I never really messed with Windows 98 it is hard to tell, but your best bet is to reinstall it again, and see what happens, also try to remember what you did when you were putting in that hard drive as well. As that might be able to solve your problem there too.
  21. Being a long time gamer, and watch the evolution of the gaming unfold behind my eyes, I would have to say the only thing that has really changed are the battle systems and the way a character looks. RPG's are some of the least violent games in the sense that you don't see blod spatter all over the place when your wizard electrocutes a monster or anything. It is more or less a dumb down of what real violence looks like in some games like Grand Theft Auto and Manhunt. However, that isn't the point of RPG's as it is all about the story and the characters them, but you try to voice on the battle then all your really doing is ruining the game.
  22. Did you make sure you did the following: -Save and upload all files to the same directory -make sure the page that has the counter is ending with the .php extension because that is hte only way to get it running. If your looking for more ways to set up a counter check out pixel2life.com or check out this unique hit counter script. As it is very customizable to fit with your site and works the same way this script does with flat files and no DB's.
  23. I set in a reminder that if you plan to use a user registration script tutorial, that you also find security tutorials as well because I only can imagine how quickly someone could get into your hosting account and then do their damage. Of course if your trying to learn php then it is well worth the effort to get a understanding of how it works, but if you going to use them you want to look for software that has some sort of registration script already set up with it that comes with some sort of security.
  24. I am shocked that I completely missed this post about April fool's day, and a few people are correct in that April 1st is not an official holiday, because it is not profitable day for the corporate store owners. I highly doubt you see holiday cards, fake presents, and stuff like that in stores for people to buy. So it is rather a day for people to let loose and get a good laugh at pranking someone, and usually they are good as the ones done by google with all these new products that would never come, and one I saw on PCworld about bringing DOS back as well. Of course, I myself never really new the origins of why this came to be and it does make sense because of all these calender systems that were being used.
  25. Just to correct something if a person was to copy and paste material they would lose the amount of credits based on how long that copied material was. However, for this member to drop in the negative like that they would have to have posts or topics deleted by the mods or admin, and so that would have to be the case as to why they are in the negative.
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