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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. WHOOT I finished and by the way galexc 24 is wrong as your missing a litter in your own name, besides I filled it out in pen with no mistakes I pm you my results. It was fun, easy, but fun.Nah Changed my mind here us the attachment.
  2. Well that can't be help as that is an automatic safeguard for the servers as well as the hosting software and so turning it off would be impractical and odds are difficult as well to turn that part of the system off without complications and what not. As with the email that is one of those other things are not necessary as there is no way to email an IP address.
  3. Various layers of smudging, gradients and some grunge brushing thats about it, although, I should have done more in terms of lighting and color .
  4. Just to add a bit more to etycto's post, you could save up the credits and get a free domain that way, but at a hefty 250 credit price tag, you would have to some serious posting or straight up buy the credits needed for it. As adding or parking domain, no you don't have to worry about messing with the credit system for that. Question 1. Yes Question 2. Yes, but make sure your domain is pointing to the correct namesevers ns.computinghost.com and ns2.computinghost.com and you have to wait up to 72 for your site to appear once you have parked the domain. Question 3. It will show fearclan.org if you park the domain, if you do an add-on domain a person can type either the top level domain or the subdomain.
  5. Josh is correct, after a certain amount of logins your ip will be banned because of the failed attempt. As for your IP getting banned it would be on the hosting servers and not your schools network. In order for your school to block your site it would have to have certain words on your keywords list in order to get banned or they just type in the url on websites to block through the firewall. Of course, if your site appear on the network logs of trying to send malicious code and what not it would of course be banned from the list and you most likely be getting kicked out of school for trying to get into their networks, which I doubt that happen. To sum up, your IP was banned on the hosting server side and not the school network.
  6. From what I know about wide screen computers, since I have one all a wide screen is are extra resolutions that go beyond 1024x768 which is usually the standard resolution on all computers. I did some searching and as I thought nothing came up, so basically in order to play the game in 1024x768 is to change your computers resolutiion, right click on the desktop, select properties, click the settings tab and then your resolution from there with the slider. As for your game, usuaul in the options menu they will have some for audio and vidsual settings and so check around and see if the game has something to adjust the resolution that way.
  7. talk about inspiration to do a sig design after a few months of not doing anything
  8. Um yes, because of the fact you should have worked things out with the mother of your child before looking for another woman. As it seems in that long story short, the only thin you took care of was finding out your daughters name and all that stuff. Of course, the next part to you being a moron was the fact you took that fight so personal that instead of fixing it with this other girl you basically told her to go to hell when she wanted to fix things.With those two reasons I stand by my position.
  9. I have to admin you got some good cosplay going on and sooo cuuuute XD

  10. Or save yourself all that time by installing it through fantastico as that is one of the preinsalled scripts that comes with Xisto hosting.
  11. Kobra pretty much summed up what an add-on domain is, very useful if you bought out another website or merging websites that have the same content or merging several websites under one domain and then phasing out the others after a certain amount of time.
  12. I say your better off setting up an online store and cut out the middle man of designing yourself a database to sell your books the hard way. However, if an online store is not an option then your better off creating a database that would have the following:Name of bookAuthorPriceImage 1Image 2There might be a few more things you could add to the database but that is at the minimum what you will need to set up a DB. But, like I said you better off taking a online store script like zencart and doing everything that way.
  13. Finally someone else who greet before bluebear , anyway, welcome to Xisto a good place for some posting and getting some hosting. Like it was mention above, make sure to familiarize yourself with the forum rules and you will sure to get some quick hosting and get your website running.
  14. Well it is always good to see old members either from trap or Xisto come back and get hosted again. I would suggest that you read the Xisto read me just to update yourself as the rules might have change since you were last hosted on xisto servers. So welcome back I guess and it shouldn't be hard for you to get hosting here since you should be familiar with how Xisto/Xisto works in earning hosting credits and what not.
  15. Well that is an easily answer right there, since you have two different versions of firefox install, it will update itself each time when you switch between the two. This is due to the extensions you might have installed, bookmark tool bar, interface layout and other various things. The only way to fix that is to uninstall one of the version of firefox and you will be set, you better off uninstalling firefox 2 because of the constant extension updates that are happening.
  16. Heck all the major browsers have multiple tabs option; Internet Explorer 6. 7, 8, all versions of firefox and opera and of course Safari. Not to sure if Konqueror has tabs or not buts odds are it does.
  17. Yeah, he is referring to about his little overdose episode about being straight, not his sexual preference and now on to the topic at hand. First off, what the hell is your problem and what are doing over dosing on drugs for? Second you better see a doctor ASAP and you better but your butt into a rehab to fix your little drug problem there. You should be lucky that you didn't keel over and die from that overdose there and so you should be lucky about that, but if you don't see a doctor ASAP, then who knows you might not wake up again.
  18. I just seen it, and sent in a support ticket to Xisto - Support about. I did that last time when the phpmyadmin was down and it was back after awhile so its just a matter of waiting now.
  19. There are many differences between text editor and a word processor. One of those differences is that most text editors are universal in editing any text based documents, while word processors can only edit certain types of files like Open Office. So, because of that universal editing more text editors are very basic and so they carry few commands, such as copy and paste and being able to save the document. While word processors have hundreds of commands and come with many other features such as templates, thesaurus, spell checker etc etc. So with all those features a word processor has, that means that their is usually price tag and so another major difference is that most text editors are free as well. However, there are some text editors that are built like word processors and HTML editors and so they come with various features and what not. THus the reason why text editors are very important in Linux because these open source programs can practically do anything and in the linux world, being able to building open source applications is a major reason to have a text editor around and on top of that you can quickly customize your linux distro as well since most linux distros configuration files can be edited by a text editor. The editor tht I will be talking about is called EMACS (Editable Macro's) and the reason I chose this editor is because it has a long history and is favorable editor by some LISP hackers as well. This editor first came out in 1976 and is still on that market as of 2008. This text editor is very customizable and comes in many different versions and so the features are limitless. If you do a search for EMACS in your synaptics package manager you should be able to find various versions of this software. Although I have not used this editor myself I found it a interesting software because of its connection to LISP Hacking. So the questions I put on table about this topic are what are some other differences between a text editor and a word processor and of course what are your favorites? SOURCES https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emacs http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/ https://www.linux.com/news/dont-forget-text-editor
  20. Your a Moron that is all I have to say, thus the reason men are the most stupidest beings on Earth, I won't be surprise if she becomes a lesbian because of you. There are not many chances in life to fix a relationship and instead of trying to fix it, you literally tossed her aside and added another check mark in your black book of girls you did.Like I said moron.
  21. Well what science has told us, the Sun has about 5 Billions years left in it before it explodes and when it does the Earth shall parish. That's if a asteroid or comet doesn't smash into us or when the Milky Way collides with the Andromeda Galaxy, and if I remember correctly that is 2 million years before that cosmic event happen. Regardless if it is religious or scientific end, I highly doubt it will happen in 4 years.
  22. I agree with server and check to see if your IP got banned as that happen to me when the databases crashed last week, use the chat room at the Xisto - Support.com website to get it fix quicker.
  23. I love the rumors and that's the worse then as a sports star is after you retire and you start questioning yourself if you have something left in you, and those retirement jitters last a couple years. To be honest and like my brother mention kill the rumors right now and stay retired, dude has made so much mover over the years and suffering small injures, why risk another year and getting tagged with a serious injury. Brett Farve's legacy is set in stone, His Hall of Fame spot is guaranteed in his first nomination in like 4 more years, but I rather see him get in now and get it over with.
  24. Have you search the unbuntu forums at all about this problem as it seems your not hte only who is suffering this problem. I recommend checking out this topic here and use this google results page to help search for answer and possible post a working result here as well.
  25. Yeah Linksys routers are the best, especially the LINKSYS WRT54G routers, and I have to say that I haven't had any major problems with it since I first installed this router about two year ago. I been tempted to buy a new router especially the ones that have BG and N with it, although after reading many reviews on the N routers I am glad I am saving my money as people been having problems with them and what not. I recommend checking out newegg and check out the reviews people give on some of the big name wireless routers.
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