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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Almost sounds like a memory issue, what I recommend is to replace your RAM or add more to it and see if that will help from your computer from hanging. Then if that doesn't work it could be either your motherboard or processor that could be hanging up the installation.
  2. I would have to go with Ubuntu as I dual booted that with windows XP and I found it fairly easy to install, get connected to a WIFI signal and of course update the system as well.
  3. Well here is the kicker, Mermaid lives in the US and if I am correct her last name is Polish and most likely had relatives related to the events of World War II. Of course, there are so many more connections how this could be possible as well.
  4. Another Idea that has come to mind is fixing the loss of credits when a person gets accepted for a free hosting account. that has always plagued Xisto because everyone was caught off guard when they lost a whole bunch of credits and so what I recommend is that instead of just losing all the credits they lost the exact amount of credit i.e. if they had 50 credits and get a 30 credit hosting package that person will have exactly 20 credits left.Also csp4.0 as far as I know that is near impossible to change your domain like that.
  5. This is a bit off topic since my MySQL are a bit weak, but I have to be honest and is Xisto hosting isn't big enough to run a gaming server and in order to do that you would have to put restrictions everywhere because if you have thousands of players going at it with your Xisto account your going to be suspended very quickly in terms of bw usage. However, since it seems that is your plan for your hosting account what I recommend is set it up for basic needs and let about maybe 10 people play on that gaming server for about an hour and then tell them all to log off and then look at your data just see what your using. That way you can start multiplying those numbers in groups of 10 to see how long it wil take to go through 10GB of BW.Other then that another recommendation I have since I believe your the only two members here on this forum, you might want to be able to get support from that games forums as well sine they would have better support then we do. However, Xisto members might be able to help in others ways as well. like shadowx did in his post aboe me.
  6. Yeah no one really ever uses 99 databases, but a smart thing to do travstatesmen is to have separate databases for all your needs. I tell you why, if that database goes down for some strange reason, all that data is down. However, with a separate DB you won't have to worry about that DB going down unless MySQL goes then it doesn't really matter. Xisto has had a few down times when its come to MySQL but usually they are back up quick and sometimes longer, so you might have gotten on some other host with cramming as much as you can in one DB, but I wouldn't recommend here, well I wouldn't recommend it anywhere actually.Think about copyright this way. If your doing a research paper for school and you have to cite your source especially if you use a direct quote. If that quote is like a paragraph long then it needs to be quoted. Basically if you going to quote something longer then a sentence then you need to use quote tags and if its nice and short you don't have do it because it makes no sense. Also the rules of copyright regardless if its from 1927 are still intact, remember that is the year the book got copyrighted meaning you can't claim it as your own as book copyrights are never ending.
  7. If you want Proof go to North and South poles, go to the Gulf of Mexico where these dead spots are (lack of oxygen), see all the animal and plant life that are dying from deforestation, erosion of the land, the pollution that is produce from and coal companies (Texas has both), the very car and bus you ride in heck even that cell phone produced waste. The list goes on Mermaid and if you need a TV and corrupted and greedy government to tell you that then at least we know what the new generation of kids are like and more worried about.Fashion, text messaging and myspace and trying to date the high school quarterback as well. Your generation needs to grow and realize that everyone else that is older then you is not going to fix the problem, the baby boomer generation refuses to do anything, and generation X is worried about making millions off of computer technology that produces a lot more pollution and waste then most things.I think it would be smart of us to not even further respond to this topic, because the repulicans know how to brainwash young mines and tell them all the little white lies that they claim is the truth.
  8. No its not the obvious Nigerian scams or the lotto scams just some fun interesting stuff. The first hoax and funny enough I somewhat believed when it made headlines and stuff, I think there was topic on the forums but not to sure, is the Raise Bonsai Kittens in Bottles. Put it like this it got so bad because of what it was about that the FBI got involved to see if it was legit or not. Of course it wasn't. The next hoax is the Sign a Petition to Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide and although I never saw a single email or website about this hoax I will say that it was pretty ingenious how people got suckered into this. By the way Dihydrogen Monoxide is water. The next hoax I am not to familiar, although, cell phone hoaxes have been around for awhile is the Extreme Technophobia: Pop Popcorn With Cell Phones in which the radiation from a cell phone can pop popcorn, obvious it is untrue because if a cellphone could produce that kind of heat/radiation, cell phone users would dropping like flies. Well, unlikely but still. The next one that I know everyone is well aware of, I think I got a few emails back in the day, is the Bill Gates Wants to Give You Money hoax, in which you were do something like send this to other people or download something and Microsoft would track it and give you money, Microsoft is are such spammers . The next hoax I am vaugely familiar with since this was another old one and that being the Launch a Nuclear Strike From Your PC email. Basically an email got sent out that Symantec is warning people to look for a virus that launches nukes, blah blah blah. Of course in this day in age we can tell the difference between a fake virus and a real one. The next one I don't call a hoax since it is a scam in itself is the Hello, "My Name is Mr. Paul Agabi, a Lawyer in Nigeria--Can You Help Me?" Basically its one of the various Nigerian scams or 419 scams that almost everyone is done and sadly almost everyone is falling for. Although I never received this email Video: Watch Angelina Jolie's Lips Explode! I have gotten its various offspring which basically is a attachment that is booby trapped plain and simple. Also people are wasting time by creating new ones such as the Work Virus, funny as it maybe it is just a waste of resources and time. No wonder I stopped using their products. " Although these hoaxes and scams will never go away becase of gullible people and what not, it still a profitable way to get money from people who don't pay attention. Sources http://www.pcworld.com/article/150080/email_hoaxes.html http://www.hoax-slayer.com/ http://www.snopes.com/ http://hoaxbusters.org/
  9. What about the giant hole in the south pole? That was man made, massive amounts of ice are melting each year and that's from the pollution of the world. The dead zones in the ocean are becoming larger as well but still man has a connection to that due to oil spills, gasoline leakge from boats that either have sunk or are roaming around. It is obvious that the human civilization is part of the reason why the earth is heating faster then it should. Yes the Earth has its own warming and cooling cycles, but if you look at some of the past winters there has been no snow fall unless your living at 20,000 feet. Also to state a well know fact and that there are two levels of global warming, natural and man made, the green house effect also has two levels, natural and man made. However, with all this oil and gasoline burning, waste, large amounts of trash piling up all over the world, the natural effects have been skewered and so everything is happening at a much faster rate. Husker, man made global warming is a problem and everyone will ignore the problem until its to late and of course it already is to late, now that India and China have increased their usage of oil, gas, coal. Unless people can conquer the power money has over people, no one is going to anything except to delay the process and make someone else worry about it. The End of life on Earth has so many possibilities, most of the we human have control over, for all we know that we might be the only planet in this universe that can carry life and we have about 2 million years til the galaxy collides with Andromeda and about 5 billion years before the sun collapses and destroys this solar system. The only unknown factors are asteroids and comets, we seen the destruction they can do and it is possible that a global killer has our name on it and so it is a matter of time. Unlike Sci-fi movies and anime depicted Human civilization living outside our planet, I can say with out a doubt, we humans will never leave Earth and live on the moon or on Mars. I don't even see that happen 10, 15, 20 generations to come. I hope that I am proven wrong, but I don't think anyone will build the technology such as the technology from Star Trek and Star Wars to be able to make light years into light minutes. I would agree that solar and wind power is the way to go put people are making sure they can make a profit from it. Of course, there lies a problem and that is how obtrusive these technologies are and the fact it could cost most then people think. There was an article about families coming to blows after some towers were put up in New York I believe and people are are either getting screwed out of compensation or the fact that beauty of nature is getting erased because of the possible deforestation and what not. The problem is though we have the technology to make solar and wind more efficient, but the politics of this country and greedy people are making sure millions are spent to make these unlimited energy look useless and pathetic. Again I can agree that nuclear energy is another unlimited resource of energy, but again the costs are two high because there is no safe way to get rid of nuclear waste and the fact it takes 5000 years of being buried in the ground and in concrete casks to keep it safe. Sure it has been years since Three Mile Island and Chernobyl. Sadly I live about 5-10 miles from a nuke plant and so if that sucker went I either die of the initial blast or from the fall out. We have the technology to make it safer and yet we don't have the technology to keep people protected from the radiation. Either way, the human civilization is killing itself by its own hands either by nuclear energy, oil and gas, or other deadly toxic stuff. That is the price we pay to have energy people and it is obvious by using less energy and all these chemicals to make ourselves look pretty your not only saving your life but the lives of generations to come.
  10. Actually tables are making a slight comeback, especially when displaying data from a MySQL table and what not, but in general design sure there is no need for the use of tables.
  11. What can you expect since IE8 is trying to be standards compliant, and I know that IE8 had a lot of problems with ajax and javascript in particular. So hopefully when beta 2 comes out that it fixes a lot of the problems from the first beta.
  12. Well I can tell you on that Army system, that created havoc with Xisto 4 years ago because of how many people were playing and the glitches that were coming from it and sucking up resources as well with all the data that is saved as well. That is why IPBgaming.com was formed, although, it was long since dead and the people that were expecting join from Xisto to this site for the army system was because of how many people stopped leaving altogether.As for the pause feature it seems to make sense, although the first feature of not being able to earn credits would make the most sense. Although there would be one problem them, if you have good site that is getting a lot hits and is well index you be losing visitors and getting your website booted out. Either way there are some interesting idea's being brought but still looking for thought so keep them coming.
  13. Well the only way to stop losing your credits is to terminate your account, you can do that at https://support.xisto.com/, just use your forum login details to log in. It costs 15 credits to replace your subdomain unless of course you have a top level domain and in that case just park it or add it on. Two answer both your questions, when you become hosted you lose all but 2 or 4 credits and so you must rebuild them by posting immediately and get about 10-15 credits to get give you some breathing room to upload your website.
  14. Yep I saw this article, the video and a live journal post and some battle plans on this beating this beast. I have to say though you would need hundreds of people to attack this beast all at once and would have to be at elite as the group who went after this beast as well. Of course, they were surprise that this made huge news and most likely that Square-Enix will do something to make them beast quicker to beat instead of taking a few days of going at it for just one beast.
  15. Thats what I concluded as well haslip, but I have feeling though that it is the javascript itself so I did a little searching and found this script that does what you need and it includes CSS as well. I also included the code down below for quicker retrieval. HTML <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/; xml:lang="en"> <head> <title>My project</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="webtoolkit.contextmenu.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="webtoolkit.contextmenu.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> SimpleContextMenu.setup({'preventDefault':true, 'preventForms':false}); SimpleContextMenu.attach('container', 'CM1'); </script> </head> <body> <ul id="CM1" class="SimpleContextMenu"> <li><a href="#">Item 1</a></li> <li><a href="#">Item 2</a></li> <li><a href="#">Item 3</a></li> <li><a href="#">Item 4</a></li> </ul> <input type="text" name="field" value="" /> <div class="container">Cointainer1</div> <div class="container">Cointainer2</div> <div class="container">Cointainer3</div> </body> </html> CSS ul.SimpleContextMenu { display: none; position: absolute; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-family: verdana; font-size: 12px; list-style-type: none; border-top: 1px solid #000000; border-left: 1px solid #000000; border-right: 1px solid #000000;} ul.SimpleContextMenu li { border-bottom: 1px solid #000000; } ul.SimpleContextMenu li a { display: block; width: 100px; padding: 2px 10px 3px 10px; text-decoration: none; color: #ff0000; background: #eeeeee; } ul.SimpleContextMenu li a:hover { text-decoration: none; color: #ffffff; background: #ff0000; } JAVASCRIPT /**** Simple Context Menu* [url="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ SimpleContextMenu = { // private attributes _menus : new Array, _attachedElement : null, _menuElement : null, _preventDefault : true, _preventForms : true, // public method. Sets up whole context menu stuff.. setup : function (conf) { if ( document.all && document.getElementById && !window.opera ) { SimpleContextMenu.IE = true; } if ( !document.all && document.getElementById && !window.opera ) { SimpleContextMenu.FF = true; } if ( document.all && document.getElementById && window.opera ) { SimpleContextMenu.OP = true; } if ( SimpleContextMenu.IE || SimpleContextMenu.FF ) { document.oncontextmenu = SimpleContextMenu._show; document.onclick = SimpleContextMenu._hide; if (conf && typeof(conf.preventDefault) != "undefined") { SimpleContextMenu._preventDefault = conf.preventDefault; } if (conf && typeof(conf.preventForms) != "undefined") { SimpleContextMenu._preventForms = conf.preventForms; } } }, // public method. Attaches context menus to specific class names attach : function (classNames, menuId) { if (typeof(classNames) == "string") { SimpleContextMenu._menus[classNames] = menuId; } if (typeof(classNames) == "object") { for (x = 0; x < classNames.length; x++) { SimpleContextMenu._menus[classNames[x]] = menuId; } } }, // private method. Get which context menu to show _getMenuElementId : function (e) { if (SimpleContextMenu.IE) { SimpleContextMenu._attachedElement = event.srcElement; } else { SimpleContextMenu._attachedElement = e.target; } while(SimpleContextMenu._attachedElement != null) { var className = SimpleContextMenu._attachedElement.className; if (typeof(className) != "undefined") { className = className.replace(/^\s+/g, "").replace(/\s+$/g, "") var classArray = className.split(/[ ]+/g); for (i = 0; i < classArray.length; i++) { if (SimpleContextMenu._menus[classArray[i]]) { return SimpleContextMenu._menus[classArray[i]]; } } } if (SimpleContextMenu.IE) { SimpleContextMenu._attachedElement = SimpleContextMenu._attachedElement.parentElement; } else { SimpleContextMenu._attachedElement = SimpleContextMenu._attachedElement.parentNode; } } return null; }, // private method. Shows context menu _getReturnValue : function (e) { var returnValue = true; var evt = SimpleContextMenu.IE ? window.Event : e; if (evt.button != 1) { if (evt.target) { var el = evt.target; } else if (evt.srcElement) { var el = evt.srcElement; } var tname = el.tagName.toLowerCase(); if ((tname == "input" || tname == "textarea")) { if (!SimpleContextMenu._preventForms) { returnValue = true; } else { returnValue = false; } } else { if (!SimpleContextMenu._preventDefault) { returnValue = true; } else { returnValue = false; } } } return returnValue; }, // private method. shows context menu _show : function (e) { SimpleContextMenu._hide(); var menuElementId = SimpleContextMenu._getMenuElementId(e); if (menuElementId) { var m = SimpleContextMenu._getMousePosition(e); var s = SimpleContextMenu._getScrollPosition(e); SimpleContextMenu._menuElement = document.getElementById(menuElementId); SimpleContextMenu._menuElement.style.left = m.x + s.x + 'px'; SimpleContextMenu._menuElement.style.top = m.y + s.y + 'px'; SimpleContextMenu._menuElement.style.display = 'block'; return false; } return SimpleContextMenu._getReturnValue(e); }, // private method. Hides context menu _hide : function () { if (SimpleContextMenu._menuElement) { SimpleContextMenu._menuElement.style.display = 'none'; } }, // private method. Returns mouse position _getMousePosition : function (e) { e = e ? e : window.Event; var position = { 'x' : e.clientX, 'y' : e.clientY } return position; }, // private method. Get document scroll position _getScrollPosition : function () { var x = 0; var y = 0; if( typeof( window.pageYOffset ) == 'number' ) { x = window.pageXOffset; y = window.pageYOffset; } else if( document.documentElement && ( document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.documentElement.scrollTop ) ) { x = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; y = document.documentElement.scrollTop; } else if( document.body && ( document.body.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollTop ) ) { x = document.body.scrollLeft; y = document.body.scrollTop; } var position = { 'x' : x, 'y' : y } return position; }}
  16. The miracles of science electriic ink , but anyway that was the main concerns when OpaQue mention about awards credits for replies and stuff and of course thats why I mention about how not to award credits to that persons reply while still earning credits for his or her post.
  17. You can ask questions bluebear and as for your question the number of credits you receive is based on your post count and of course what member group you are in. So maybe that is another idea and that we get rid of the post count rules and make everyone on a equal playing field while still keeping the member group credit rule intact.
  18. Nah Ubuntu is a bit big for 2-4Gb, you would have to do a lot of trimming at the installation process to get it to fit 2-4 gigs, untop of the 1-2Gb needed for the swap partition, however, you can get a live CD and run Ubuntu that way and don't have to worry about installing it. That way you can just run it from the computer, but the only problem is though you would have to install the emulator each time because the data would be erase the moment you shutdown linux. I believe though that Linux Mint is small enough to put installed on your hard drive, so give that a shot and see what happens. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  19. I would have to consider myself a coder since I do do stuff by scratch I rather try to improve with what I know and what not. Although there is no real difference between a programmer and a coder in a sense of what they do and so it becomes one of those more in depth questions that need to be answered and that was slightly covered in the posts in here so far. However, I have to disagree somewhat about the difference between a programmer and a coder at the educational level. Since you can pick up programming languages outside of the education system, but rather the school system helps reinforce what you know and help jump start a career in programming. Of course, the other part is repetition when programming because you got to be able to know a lot code in a very short amount of time, sure books websites and cheat sheets help, but it is all about memorization. Of course that is where people like me are caught up in because of the lack of repetition and a somewhat bad memory in trying to remember all the various programming languages and what not.So with what I have just said there is more to it then basic foundations, reinforcing what you know and keeping up with the current trends, but being able to memorize as much as oyu can and stuff.
  20. Well that was always the problem with the internet and copyright law and the fact it is so grey taped and legal jargon that anyone can claim that they own that property. With images though, a simple watermark will prevent most images from being stolen or claimed by someone else. The same with code and scripts and that there is a very fine line between that as well, but of course most people don't use the patent office or copyright office to get most web based applications and scripts copyrighted. Of course as long as the name brand is copyrighted its just as code as well.
  21. Although its been a long time since it was first announced that a version 3 of the credit system was announced to various people. This topic gave me a great idea and a reason for this topic. That is what would you like to see in the version 3 of the credit system, let it be updates to current features or new ideas post them here and give details as to why you want this change or to make an update to the credit system. Not to take from saitunes topic about this, but sending an email or a pm that persom is about to hit 0 credits is a great idea and I would say that when a person hits 5 credits they get a reminder that they need to post to get more credits. Then when they hit 0 credits they are sent a email or pm that their account is suspended and that they need to start posting again or after 30 days their account will be terminated Which leads into my next suggestion, I know there are a lot of accounts with more then -30 credits and so what I suggest bring that limit back and terminate their accounts, because trying to make up -50+ credits is a huge task that will take awhile for someone to get their hosting account back and this also frees up systems resources as well. By now everyone is familiar with the manage page and so I leave this open end question and that is what can be done to improve that page as well. So think about can be done to improve the system to make it run faster and more efficient and of course no crazy ideas like earning credits in the shoutbox, we asked, it won't happen . EDIT: Another idea that just came to me from the boss himself and I know this one was talked about for a long time and that is earning credits based on topic views and topic replies. Of course to add to OpaQue idea and I know it won't fly is set it up to do a recount of the forum and then add the credits according to all the topics that have been made, imagine the huge spike of credits everyone will have because of that . Like I said though I doubt that suggestion will fly because a lot of those credits would be wasted to members who are no longer here and of course the fact everyone would have ton of credits and odds are stop posting. However, on the other spectrum of this idea I think a rate of .05 credit per 5 or 10 replies would seem reasonable to that. Of course, the interesting part of this would be to how not to count the original posters replies in that equation since that person could just spam their own topic to get those credits. Notice from truefusion: Moved from Alerts and Notices
  22. Well I know that a version 3 of the credit system is in the works, but as for a when it will be completed is an unknown at this time due to xisto's huge growth in the last couple of years and what not, which brings me an idea of starting up a topic about Version 3 credit system.
  23. I would vouch to have these forums added, I been getting into a lot of adobe flex and air programming, but to do one better I would say make an adobe programming forum That covers the following-Flex-Air-Move the flash forum into this group-Programming languages -ActionScript -MXML-Tutorials/ResourcesAs I have a nice list of websites and other various resources people can look at to help develop skills in these programs.
  24. Well luckily for you I don't have the power to ban j/k and yet I am old and wise about the inner workings of this forum, well not old nor wise either . Strangely enough I find you two very interesting to the point that you two have enough dirt on each other to embarrass the other just like that .Swiss Army table, sounds like an interesting concept that I can add to two tables, one with a computer and one for eating. Of course my bed turns to that with books, plats and bowls and of course my laptop computer as well . Odds are you two will be maxing out a lot of 10 credits posts which is seldom heard of here but possible.
  25. Well I did a little bit more research and this little blurb tells you what kind of card to consider/ So you will want to get a graphics card that supports DirectX 10, I haven't found any graphics cards that support both 9 and 10 but of course that's the benefit have dual graphics cards because yo ucan support both sets of technologies to cover yourself. However, since the game isn't even out yet, you might as well wait until the specs are out as to chose which card to get.
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