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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. well their is a trick to using filefront when downloading that I find useful don't use the first link when downloading go somewhere in the middle for a faster download.But I prefer filefront over anything else because you can download as many times as you want don't need passwords, all that junk.
  2. ok that is odd i tried both of them gfxtrap is clocked at 3 seconds the other is clocked at 58 seconds (56k) which one is right?But to comment of external css files, I find it more convient to use more then one external sheet, only for a few reasons. using css sheet for layout purposes and using the other one for content purposes. it also gives a little breathing room to locate the error your trying to find.But of course in order to use more then one external style sheet you have to use the correct coding as well, so css can lag if you don't use the right coding.
  3. No the shoutbox that is being used is caching all the shouts that are being shouted and when that cache keeps storing the info the more bw is being used up to retrieve it and since you have it most likly on more then one page your getting more bw used up. What I recommend is that on a daily basis is clean that file out that stores all the shouts since most likly your using a txt file as a flat file to store that info in this should help a little bit as well. But if that doesn't help then go to an outside source to use a shoutxbox like these sites that I recommend: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://www.shoutmix.com/v3/login.php
  4. there is no problem with your forum I registered with no problems at all.he using vbulletin but again I had no problem registering.
  5. thats a killer design 10/10 in all areas of a sig, bet that took some time to design nice job indeed.
  6. you want to do here for your support needs. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  7. well since Im not much of a linux user what I do recommend is getting xampp for a linux computer and run that, xamp install everything for you without to much editing and also you can run and stop apache, mysql and php with a click of a button. or download this with its more easier navigation when setting up or own server. http://www.mywebserver.org/us/downloads/. But If the linux pros know how to fix your problem do that first then go to my recommendation if no solution can be found.
  8. to red and too monotone, i can make out the tech brushes and a little grunge. But its hard tell with all that red.Now your next step would be to color properly which includes 1 color or multiple colors have to work on layer properties with that as well.Text is so so since you have the invisable thing going on just needs some more work, but your getting their just take your time and learn about your photoshop and the tools that you can use.
  9. Well i have one fear since I was a kid Thanatophobia the fear of death let just say I'm not to fond it .This has to funny as hell to see "Diplophobia" fear of double vision, imagine someone having double vision and that fear Im sorry but I would have to laugh at that one.but yeah by the looks of it alot of latin is being used in some of these.
  10. millions in actual production and designing, but only billions in stock though. But I think though AMD is pretty good for what its supposed to. both amd and celeron are pretty good for the computer systems that have been coming out in the last few years. But of course I never touch a computer that had Itanium, running though, mostly been running pentium processors on the computer I used.
  11. well i can pm dean see if he could mod it like that, but yeah all you have to do is pretty much what serverph just said and then the mod will take care of it. note: this was the post i made to dscripting aboout the shoutbox modification
  12. well he is 3 different designs each with a different layer property set to it so just pick which one would look best for you.
  13. and heres the original http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ this was going to be render but It would take to long for me to edit correctly and I don't feel like giving someone else credit to cut it since it was a good image that I found. plus it so huge as well
  14. wahahaha that is could i tired reading the letters but once i started reading the words it was went by quicker that is freakn sweet.
  15. ok i edited so there should be no more confusing.
  16. just like that avalon only 1 thing you have to fix it has to be under 1 image and not 2 seperate ones.
  17. Have to agree with johnny on that one since you went with a grunge look I would have either did a dark grunge background or a light one and then do the opposite for the quake symbol. By the looks of correct me on that it looks like you beveled half of the symbol and the other half is flat.
  18. Well I have to tend to agree that the US Controls a little much mostly financial, if you think about it US stock market pretty much controls the worlds money. If the market were to crash right now WWIII would begin where each country is up fro grabs and Nato and U.N would pretty much be dead.But kasm you fail to realize before US got involved with Slobodan Milosevic, he arleady started killing people for no particular reason thus he was branded a "hitler" then the bosnia war started with us being involved alliance and all and also finishing what we started after the Korean War and that was basically destroy communist countries, official we did but of course they won't tell you that. Plus everyone new that Milosevic was not taken care of terrorist that was the cover story he wanted to do what hitler was doing and that was to kill of a race of people just because he felt like it.But with what adriantc said about germany if US never got involved in the War then most likly the World would be Run by the nazi's but we did and here we are today.Remember people are only heros to those who follow in their ways but not a hero to those who look for peace and justice for everyone.Now concerning the atom bombs at that time it was jusitified they need to end a war and end it quickly since it lasted 6 years and already millions of people have already been killed military and cilvilian. But by todays standards it wouldn't have been justified.But to get a little personal on this topic to a point, the muslim countries havn't been trying itheir hardest to stop the people who use islam as a way to kill people who have nothing to do with anything that going on with it, the terrorist that decided to slam airplanes into buildings also took it apon themselves to decide everyones fate and look where we are now it will be five year since that fate has been sealed. Since I take this a little further those cartoons do make a point for a religion that says they live in peace sure not treating it as such. look whats happening now the muslim people are fighting amoung themselves cause they want power and the only way to achieve power the right way is through talking and not fighting but that won't happen though.Now with whats going on in Iran they are already making their moves to be included in this war cause their leader is as twisted as hitler trying to kill people for what land, money and to opress people. You would think he would realize that alot of people are not going to let that happen. Believe me their nuclear program is for making weapons and nothing more then that and quite frankly when a country that supports terrorism is trying to go nuclear they are going to make those weapons for them and when they launch that nuke believe me as I tell you this Iran will cease to exsist and anyone else that decides to launch one cause we will launch back and it will not just be not one nuke either it will be several and the US Government will hit their traget with deadly accuracy and thats based on facts not opinions.So if you want to people to see the light well I say get out of your house and let people know to stop these pointless attacks and put down their weapons and start talking. But of course that's in a fantasy world cause in the real world the only thing that keeps on killing innocent people is money and thats pretty much it.Fighting back and forth will not solve anything, yeah I think bush is a total @ZZ and corrupted he should go to prision for lying to everyone about what they were really after and thanks to him and his friends he's made this world a harder place to be in. But also I blame the people who decide that killing and kidnapping is the best solution to make people listen.I would have like to do some travling across the world and see the great sites but I doubt that will ever happen cause people want nothing more then money and power.Of course I have more to this but Im will stop for now.and heres a little side note for those who think just because im a american or just another infedel and evil person.I only believe in what I see, know and hear, I don't do what others tell me to do just because they say so I do it If I believe it to be the best course in action or the right thing to do and that everyone is also aprt of it as well and if I have to defend myself from those trying to hurt me my family or people i care about I will kill you were you stand and I will never give it a second thought, I seen enough violence in my life to know how to do it to.
  19. really i like to know how these names are made up Heck I can make one up right nowdokutrophobia- fear of being yelled at. <---not realbinaryphobia-fear of binary numbers. noooo not 100110100101 :(but yeha back to my first question I might be wrong about this but i think theirs like 2-300 different phobia's that have been classfied or something like that.I highly recommend Coulrophobics do not see the movie it or you will go crazy hahahaha .
  20. Mike Tyson in Mike Tyson's Punch OutFinal fight with Sin in FFXthe Parasite Eve BossesBosses in Arc The Ladthe Final bosses in Wizard and Warriors IIOf course I can go more into my collection of games but those would be at the top of my list in the elite of hardest bosses in the gaming industry.
  21. well I have a an idea only depends on the success of SOTW #29 will it determine the outcome of my plan.
  22. I fixed it up a bit Had to think about how it was going to look but the edit I made should clear it up a little bit.If you look at the way i did the voting for SOTW #28 something like that.
  23. this topic has been discuess several times please check the forum topics next time before posting so to keep the repeats at a minimum.
  24. yes you can park your own domains99 MySQL DBSYes you can display your own adswe use Cpanel as the software
  25. wel since we got a good turn out for SOTW #28 im goign to increase the diffculty just a little bit.Now your going to do 2 of them side by side but now its going to be specific on each one. basically its going to look like 240x350 but you have to have them look like they seperated within that area but with no actual gap.Size Sig: 240x350 (2 of them)Brushing Sig #1 (grunge) Sig #2 (abstract)text: be creative with iteverything else freestyle.Entry Deadline: March 18th
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