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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. well this battle went by quickly amd I didn't even vote well I vote anyways.I know this was going to be tough from the beginning, but I have to go with saga though the attempt at color is what gave me the choice< i would have been all over albus if he attempted the use of color.By the Way since 2 have participated in a sig battle in your sig block you must put your battle stats like I did.
  2. well besides reporting post you have to an active member in the forums as well, also have a good knowledge on alot of subjects that are used in this forum, posting quality posts and keeping the forums clean of people that just want to ruin the quality of the forums.well getting banned is a little extreme but lets just say you won't get it even if you follow the steps that require to be one.
  3. Well not as many entries for SOTW #29 so time to change it up again just a little bit. Sig Size:350x150 Brushes: Any Text: your name and model of car Colors: Freestyle Render: Car Entry Dealine: March 25, 2006
  4. Truefusion Avalon Razor Seńor Maniac Mayank Saint-Michael NOTES:use the poll to make your vote and use your post to make your comments, to make this less confusing do not place your vote in your post.
  5. Congratulations for winning SOTW#28 Also congratulations for becoming 4 Time SOTW Champion as well. Well you know BOYAAH!!!
  6. and this weeks compitition is over congradulations for winning SOTW #28 saint-michael.
  7. hmmi thought I stroke it just right i guess not, come to think of it yeah it is a hard render to use, I remember doing a sig with that render, can't seem to find it at this time to post, but johnny should remember the one im talking about.but in your second one thats where i would have blending in th right part of the render with the background since you have a pattern over it.
  8. I would say its a big improvment just have to work on the text (anti alias tool), got just enough tech not to ruin it and the background is good tool.
  9. All I have to say is for one day and one day only get out of your house and see this movie, it is freakn sweet.Basically its a movie about revenge thus title V for vendetta, against a Nazi Like government in england in a future where the US has gone the way of the dodo amung other things and everything like books, art ,music are illegal and punishment is death.Hugo weaving played the main character awesome unlike porton who did sub par acting job IMO she seems so robotic in her acting.The Wachowski brothers pulled this off excellent the right amount of action with the right amount of dialogue as well.The movie is about 2 hours and some change and they used every bit of it to make the story go smoothly and excellent as well. not to fast and not to slow with the right amount of comedy and the right amount of sadness and some other feelings.I see this movie banking at least 100 million dollares or more heck i might see it one more time just for kicksSO CHECK IT OUT!!!!
  10. true is such a good person please forgiveme for I have sig sinned :(Don't like the text font choice, brushing could be lighter in some spots, monotone and blending of hte render with the background could be better.5/108/10 cuz its a gift.
  11. I say you have some interestin designs not to noobish not to expert but getting their. I say the font choice for pretty much all the sigs was a good choice with the light but ver deep background hould be interesting to see what else post here.9/10
  12. basically want to fill up my sig block a little more with sigs from other people so I thoughtI post one up.I let the first 5 people to design and post a sig and then the topic will be closed. Mostly want the non-experts to take a crack at this first before letting the experts go at itSize: 320x120-350x150Theme: freestyleRender: freestyleRender Theme: freestyleColor: Red, freestyleText: my nameOther effects: freestyle but would like some sub text that would go good with the sig that you design.
  13. The only rule I have is that we must have msn or yahoo both of them upgraded to be able to swap files around its that simple we will plan it out first to see what we want to use for a renderm brushing and all the other stuff.So if you want to do it just leave a post that you want to do it and then a pm with your contact infoso I can add it to my msn or yahoo.orjust pm me that you want to do it as well wit hte same contact info.
  14. daa daa daa awesome template only problem i have is on the left side of your logo its cut off and you can tell by the trail you left behind a little a suggestion carefully erase that trail and put a cap at the end of the ribbon to make it complete and not cut off.plus make it a little wider to fill out the background just a bit
  15. nice little tutorial had to do some tweaking myself just to get right but im going to play around with it just a bit more and see what i can do.
  16. hopefully this time someone will post a sig in their reply this time. just made this today for a sotw im in and hopefully come this saturday morning will be defending it again as well.
  17. just made this today for a sotw im in and hopefully come this saturday morning will be defending it again as well.
  18. heres my entry now that i made some people sweat a little as to what iwas coming out with.
  19. master_god that is total spam and off topic to what was posted you will get warned as well. now for the topic on hand check this link its from microsoft but it should explain everything you need to do to set up a https. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us
  20. marle you go talent, those mints sigs you did awhile back showed that your are good, suggestion I have is work more with those kind of sigs and start doing filter work with them and they could come out better.Now to the sig on hand, a good suggestion I would give you is monotone the c4d render and blend it with the background and then get a airbrush and erase some of the tech fro maround the render to give a more blended effect.I give it a 7/10 potential is their to be a sig freak you just have to find your mark.
  21. thats it albus wins ahahaha j/k this should be interesting havn't voted in awhile, well of course Im participating to much , but albus quick add some color and some brushing for depth its good but can be better.
  22. True norton doesn't catch everything and those little pop up's it sometimes show about behind the scenes programs that are running. But I rather take reliable software that you have to pay then anti-virus software that is for free that no one has heard about. But I only use norton for my major protection I got a few other programs that I run sometimes. I use Spybot and the new Windows Defender that I picked up a few weeks ago to get the spyware and adware that nortan doesn't pick up.But Also its good recommendation that you do clean out your registry and system files once an awhile for more effective performance, In which I recommend Advance System Optimizer its pretty good to fix the errors that are found especially on the registry where most of the slowdown happens.
  23. Yeah i have to concure the font is a little bad choice for what your trying to do, more in lines with the color of the font that you chose for the text as well since doesn't go with the rest of the colors you use. You should do more with the background I see the shadow you use from the renders and those sideabrs but thats about it.I would get rid of the spoltches you put around the renders or do something more with them they are little destracting to say the least.
  24. Notice from szupie: I've closed this topic to prevent a further flaming. It seems unlikely for constructive comments to be added if I didn't close the topic. That was a joke believe me I have had worse comments then that on about a dozen other sites where I post my sigs at. I believe you take sig designing to seriously to comment like that.
  25. Well After the great response in SOTW #28 I thought I throw a mini history of our SOTW contests since we first started it going 30 weeks now. Also what will be included are record holders of certain categories and what not. This will be updated on a weekly basis when a SOTW ends to see if records are broken or we make new record titles. SOTW Voting and Entry Stats SOTW #VotesEntries 0107 08 0212 06 0312 09 0411 06 0512 10 0608 06 0709 03 0807 07 0904 09 1008 05 1105 07 1204 05 1311 06 1411 06 1505 06 1608 06 1704 04 1805 06 1904 04 2003 06 2102 05 2205 04 2301 03 2406 03 2504 03 2606 04 2707 03 2811 09 2907 06 3010 07 3108 04 3204 08 3306 04 3410 02 3504 11 3607 06 3706 05 3807 12 3900 08 4013 05 4108 06 4215 07 4307 10 4410 08 4505 04 4603 03 4706 05 4809 04 4915 03 5008 05 5106 08 5208 04 5309 08 5418 03 5500 00 5607 03 5709 06 5804 10 5906 07 6008 08 SOTW Total Entries Saint-Michael-48Johnny-6BlaqueMajik-2 samma-11snlildude87-9truefusion-21 Reaver-10 Avalon-39Mayank-15 Frozen-5Biscuitrat-2Psychiccyberfreak-3 Blue0016-4Phyre-2DJLuki-6 hulunes-6Cision-1Aminzzlink-2 Ralphie-1KuBi-7SpriteE-1 Cool Freaker-3wassie-1ciroxyz-1 Damann-1bluhapp-1Seńor Maniac-11 Froglok-1D3moxx-1Mareck-2 ashmaster-4Acidglow-1Becca-1 Chameleon-1FtK_Shadow-2Dawiss-4 Flow-1Razor-5Albus Dumbledore-7 savge17-4JdMxStyleZ-1saga-1 MaRocker-1Euro Ganhos €$-1itsmyard-8 BEagle-4Nozirev-1michaelper22-1 ashy-2Mich-18garbage-1 Moolkye-1barnes-1Masuko Shintaro-1 Edgecoc-3kylelnsn-3Agentb-4 command-prompt-1Tom-1kilew-2 Plenoptic-3delivi-4Boozker-1 Toykoldkilla-1Emmz-2God-Of-Earth-2 Kryptonite-1Slay-1randomdood-2 Idle-1evion-1Clessi-1 Bkaq-2rvalkass-1TeeCee-1 MIGUE2k7-4Forsaken-1Sentress-1 CloudSSJ-1Psvertjuh-1 Ridwan Sameer-2 mattmgill-2 Imtay22-3 Forbez -1 faylestarr-2 Android-1 robocz033-1 crazymind21-1mojoman-1master_bacarra-1 AndrewM-1 SOTW with the most entries in a single SOTW: SOTW #38 with a total of 12 entries. SOTW with the most votes in a single SOTW(Broken): SOTW #54 with 18 Votes. SOTW with the least entries in a single SOTW (Broken): SOTW #55 with 0 entries. SOTW with the least votes in a single SOTW(Broken): SOTW #55 with 0 votes. Member With the most entries submitted in SOTW: Saint-Michael-48 entries Avalon-39 entries truefusion-21 entries
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