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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. well hopefully SOTW 29 goes just as well since its expanding on this concept right now we got 3 entries im going to most likly post mine up friday night before setting up the voting. But by the looks of this SOTW Its pretty much set the record on votes and entries I have to go through the other SOTW to see if I am right about it. NOTE: SOTW #5 still has its record 12 votes and 10 entries still going. but to keep the voting smooth I list the current results
  2. well I after disappearing after the great sig witch hunt, I thought I come back to this post and do a little explaination.When i posted these it wasn't ment to be sexist at all, these were ment for those who like the stuff that these sigs are based on as you can see the overall theme was anime and tasteful renders if you will. Now for those who know my wonderful collection of renders, these renders that I use are of good taste, now if I were to put the tastless renders in these that be a different story all together and which I won't get into but we all know what I mean.@moonwitch yeah i know your style pretty well since you showed me some of your work way back in the days.@twitch well that as polite as you could get but believe me If I were to be sexist those renders would be of a different nature. Now if you want to change the topic title I pm the change that will suit the topic at hand.a little to bright yes should have put a wear sunglasses warning on this thread.For those who I offended though few I am sorry for incovience.
  3. I think its a british word maybe thats why, never really heard that in the states though, I'm not saying it's racist im just saying that a portion of that word could be mistaken for the taboo that buffalo mentioned.
  4. reason they are so big is cause of all the extra features and what not thats on them, I believe nero can extract the actual movie but I don't bother with dvd bruning just due to the fact that buying a blank dvd cd is very expensive I think it like 15-20 for like a pack of 3 or something like that.
  5. Yeah iill Yahoo as my first choice been using it since the late 90's ever since my old hotmail account got hacked (never did figure out how or why).But I google once in awhile though just incase theirs something I missed or could find better..
  6. here are some sites to go to for free javascripts and for some tutorial, most people would recommend buying some books to read up on it. \
  7. Wells theirs the commecial software like dreamweaver, adobe go live, Ms frontpage. But of course you could always get notepad++ has some more features then notepad, but in my experiance in designing I always use notepad and anyone can agree with me on that of course then you go the wysiwyg editors some are ok but the others put in source code that is pretty much out dated with the xhtml standard.But best thing for you to do is just search around and see whats to your liken.
  8. all oyu have to is ask for a invite if you want I can give you one just pm me your email and I send one to you right away. But I do believe their is topic posted on the forums to ask for a invite.
  9. Yeah i love when rookie designers post stuff. :oWell first off your better then me at hand drawing so I stick with that.wallpapers yeah they are blurry as mentioned above but could use some mroe background work like blending them in for better background for the human renders that being usedunless the first two photominips are together then the first one is nothing but brushing and hte other is just special effects.But the colors are awesome that you used.To much contrast in the second one, background could use a little more detail. and just a tad more work on the fire surrounding the girls hands and also be good to see her hands in it as well.Now the one wit hte girl on the towel thats a true photominip the wings are done nicely and coloring you gave her work well i would lose the blood trail you have going it somewhat ruins the effect you give her.the next one after that needs some work the color in the sky looks ok but needs more for a photominip.nice little vectr you have.Text and the tech need to be better, for the text you need to use the anti alias tool to smooth it out and the tech border needs more detail in it as well. Digging the background and the simple special effects going on with the render.The heave/hell wallpaper looks nice except the render is way to blurry to be used good, like hteb ackground though.1st banner-text is pixelated, way to dark, need to lighten it up in some areas. to monotone, it need some more color then just red, background god be brushed and blended more.2nd banner-lower the opacity to the scanlines and choose a different font as well.3rd banner- text and blending need ot be fixed, brushing is ok but needs some more to it.Also want to get a hold of those renders that you have in the 3rd one they look good to make a good sig out of them just pm me the links to them if all possible.overall its ok stuff just need to work and hone your skills as a graphics designer.
  10. Well we could agree that guy got fired for that one, but yeah M$ would be stupid enough to plant a virus into everyone's computer just to see what everyone is doign and spy for the governments.
  11. I laugh at that M$ couldn't design a good search engine if they tried. Also I never use it anyways been a yahoo guy myself with google being second when looking for something.
  12. Most likly this site also tells you how to incase a internal hard drive for external use cause then that would be a waste of money and more of a effort to keep it running instead of just buying a EHD already set up after you install it on your computer.
  13. Well I design these 3 sigs today loosly based off my tutorial that posted up at trap and heres the link for the tutorial. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/34608-topic/
  14. that case will never be overturn to many people back that case up, well of course it would only take an idiot (bush) to get it overturned.Abortion and gay rights are going to be the biggest issues until the catholics accept it. (fat chance that will happen in the next 1000 years)
  15. I double check the word just ot make sure but i feel that word is kind of racists and inappriopriate for this forum regaurdless what the definition is.
  16. Well I design these 2 sigs today loosly based off my tutorial that posted up earlier so enjoy.
  17. well IMO opinion the right side is way to dark, and the text could be better to.
  18. hey delight im going to be as nice as possible about this stop your complaining1. Your not telling us what script you are using, it would help us and the technical support about what scripts you are using that require GD support.2. Spamming this forum is not going to help get your answer resolved any quicker again refer to statement 1 that I made. Also using proper grammer in your posts will help make it reading your problems clearer as well.Now about Parking your domain you don't have to create any folders or what not all you have to do is use the basic file manager that is comes with the cpanel software you only need to create a new folder if you are making a sub-domain on your site. and what OpaQue said about pointing your domains to the right servers.
  19. I just designed this sig with a tutorial I made and I think the resaults are pretty good with what I did with it. C+C
  20. ***Photominipulation/Mosaic (all filter) Tutorial*** Step 1. Go get a Stock photo (royalty free or whatever you want to use) Step 2. Open Up a document Im using 320x150 for this. Step 3. Fill the Canvas in black (so easy I know) Step 4. Make a New Layer (CTRL+SHIFT+N) then press (CTRL+A) then go to edit>stroke>1px black and then press ok. Step 5. Grab your Stock Photo and then resize it to your to fit your canvas. Also the reason you must fill your background in black is just in case your stock photo has black background you can fill the gaps in the stock photo to match with the background. Now you should Have something like this. Step 6. Now press (CTRL+J) to make 3-4 copies of your stock photo since you will be using these to make all your edits on. Then deselect the last two so you can observe your edits on the first copied stock photo layer. Step 7. Now go to Filter then pixelate then to mosaic for this photo im using 8 but you want to change the settings accordingly were it covers most of the stock photo. Then go to your second copied layer and reselect it and then set it to lighten. The go back to your layer then you just pixelated and then adjust the opacity that blends in both layers. Step 8. Now go to your third copy layer and then reselect and set that to overlay then go back to your second copy layer, now before doing anything else go to your color platette and select 2 colors that are not black and white. Step 9. Now with your second copy selected go to filter>sketch>graphic pen (use the default settings on the gaphic pen) and now you should have a colorful picture like this. Step 10. Now er are going to blend in these 3 layers for greater effect so do the following Mosaic layer- Guassian blue-settings 1.9 (should change it according to your sig). Graphic Pen Layer-Set your layer to Hue Third copy- Set it to overlay for now. This is what you should have so far Step 11. Now Select your 4th copy and then set it to overlay and then go back to the thrid copy and do the following. Make a new layer and use this get your pain bucket and fill it with any color you want for now I'm using #0d799c and don't change any layer properties but instead go to your 4th copy and set it to Hard light to give the stock photo a colot tint to it. Step 12. Now your next step is to make another copy of your orginal and bring it to the top and then go to filter>blur>radial blur and have the settings at 90 and at zoom then go to blur>gaussian blur have the blur set at 2.5 or adjust accordingly then set it to lighten. Step 13. Then go to your layer that you filled in with the pain bucket press (CTRL+J) and then move that layer up top and set it to hue. Step 14. Now create a new layer and then apply image and then deselect the rest of the layer since you will now be focus on editing these layers now. Press (CTRL+J) 3 times. Go to your second copy then do the following filter>render>lighting Effects then use these settings. Step 15. Now for the Final Step go to pixelate then to Mosaic then you want to completely cover that layer in small squares I used 19 as the setting size. then I go to filter>sharpen>sharpen then press (CTRL+F) one more time. then set the layer properties to one of the follow in which I Recommend) Lighten Overlay SoftLight Hardlight Pin Light But to Finish this Tutorial Up Im going to use Lighten as my layer property. And your done with al the filters next up is text and other special effects. Step 16. This step I leave up to your imagination Step 17. WOOHOO FINAL PRODUCT TIME!!!!.
  21. can't think of his name but he comes from the marvel universe.
  22. the friendly neighborhood spidy squares off against wolverine booyah
  23. heres a render that I picked up while search for images to cut this is sakura from the naruto anime series.
  24. well im somewhat got back into rendering again (somewhat) so I start off with this one from xenosaga.
  25. did you try your spam folder in your aol account usually thats where the auto messages usually go to.
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