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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. well I started off with PS7 was goign to move to PSCS but then instead got PSCS2 well hopefully we will see some of your work on here.
  2. this was an older design that I had all I would have to do is make a few edits here and there so what do you all think fo this one?
  3. Well Season 3 Has Officially Start and I thought I post a sig that I created with a tutorial that I just posted on this website I might retouch it up a bit later cuz im tired and fried right now so heres the sig.
  4. pretty much what johnny said I think i mention all the tutorial places to go if not I check later cuzz im tired right now of course i will reedit this post later on.
  5. well tell us what kind of computer you have that could help us out alot on what you can do to fix your computer to accept commercial firewall programs.
  6. thats an 80's fashion knock off and plsu you know how easy it would be to lose one of those. Batties the best explination I got is that its solar powered with a nice long capacity for a long day but thats about itstill who would were those well besides people of that geeky nature.
  7. yeah another one of our Xisto/gfxtrap siggers is back i love stirring up them gfx designing needs well i gave you a few comment while busily doing a tutorial so now I will go into depth.Brushing: is a little rusty in some sigs (1, 2, 4, 6) but combine with effects your still good at it.coloring is ok except for sig (4)Vector your still a god in vector designing which is good.Text well let just say if your rusty for a long time you look like a noob but knowing you it won't take long to whip out the text rust off.Renders rusty in some areas still good in others.But overall Sig 3 and your Vec Sig Are at the top of the list of rusty designing.SO WELCOME BACK REAVER.
  8. Well everyting needs work but its pretty good for starters I will tell you how you can increase your skills ten-fold.Step 1 Start with Brushing technqiues go to pixel2life.com, gamerenders.com, chaosgfx.com and read on up brushingStep 2 Once you have a good feel for the brushing grab some renders and start blending them in again go to pixel2life.com, gamerenders.com, chaosgfx.com to read up on to blend in rendersStep 4: Coloring, learn different techniques on how to color aain read up on tutorials.Step 5: Text this is the hardest of them all so learn as many techniques as ou can and figure out which text effect go with what backgrounds and renders.Step 6: filtering tricks, read up on tutorials.Step 7: combo 2-3 tutorials into one sig with your skills only follow the the tutorials for the effects but brushing you do on your own.Step 8: Design a sig by memory from all that you learned.Step 9: Continue reading up on tutorials on how people do different things and find your style.and thats it of course this takes time, I been doing it for over a year and still learning old and new stuff.Mind you those are techniques you have to learn rearrange them how you like.
  9. Step 1: Open up document 320x150 Step 2: Chose a render that you use will be using for your background and as your main image then resize it as well to what ever you wish. Step 3: Then make enough copies of the render to fill up the background space. Make Sure to deselect the original so not to mess up. Step 4: Then make a new layer and then go to image and apply image, next deselect all your copy images or if you want you can delete them cause now its just nothing but copies of this background. For now Im just going to deselect my images for now because then maybe something will come up that I could use them again. Step 5: Next Make about 4-5 copies of the applied image layer that you just did and then deselect all of them except the original and the first copy. Step 6: Next select your first copy and click on your smudge tool and then click on Size 27 Splatter brush to be used for the smudge and then use the following settings. Then go ahead and start smudging your copy just enough to get the grunge look going on like this. Then set your smudge layer to overlay and now you should have something like this. Step 7: Now reselect your second copy and this will be used for the smudge stick effect and use these settings. Step 8: Then reselect your third copy and then apply these settings for your glass effect. Ok this is what you should have so far for your filters right now without changing the settings. Step 9: Make a Copy of your Smudge layer and then move it up top now you have your choice for brush strokes for now I'm going to use crosshatch at default settings. Step 10: Now starting from your smudge layer using the following layer settings Smudge Layer: Overlay Smudge Stick: Multiply Glass Layer: Darken Copy of smudge layer: Overlay Step 12: Now make a new layer then apply image for all the stuff you just did then go to filters>sharpen>sharpen and then set that to multiply to keep the dark effect going on. Step 13: Now make a copy of your sharpen layer by pressing ctrl+J then go to filters then to sketch then to halftone and use the default settings. Then set it to Darken as well. Step 13: Now make a copy of that then do this filter setting filter>pixelate>fragment Now let?s do a little clean up of all those layers we just made so far. Merge all your Layers from steps 1-10 down and then you should have only four layers left from steps 11-13. Their was that easy to clean up of course it was that?s if you followed all that junk up their Steps 1-13. Ohhh look I made a funny. Now for all you experts out there you could merge steps 11-13 so you would have one layer with everything that you would need like I did. But to make deselect all those other layers or just delete them whatever don't blame me if you mess up that?s if you again followed steps 1-13 Now back to business. Step 14: Now Make a copy of that layer then reselect your smudge but this time use the cross smudge you can download it Here and then do a complete circle around the copy and then do a copy of more circle type rotations and then set that layer to lighten. Step 15: Now for the Render effects move your render to the top of the stack now make about 4 copies deselect the first 3 then grab your smudge tool again with cross brushes using the same settings as before with the cross brush and then smudge around the render just enough. Step 16: No Select your Second render copy and then take the smudge tool again but this time use Chalk 23 and set the Strength at 50% and then smudge the outside just enough that you can still see the render clearly enough then go to filter then to Gaussian set it to 4 and then set it to multiply. Step 17: go to your next render copy then go to filter>sketch>chalk & Charcoal using the default settings and then set that to Soft Light. Step 18: you Remember Step 14 well to help blend with the render effect so far duplicate that layer and then use filter>sketch>chalk & Charcoal again and then set that layer to something that will blend well together. Im going to use luminosity with a 38% fill. But here are few examples of different layer properties. NOTE: Remember by this step you could have something like this not exactly but something like that results will vary depending what other settings you might use. Step 19: Now for the Final layer for the render put the settings to Color for a blend and then change the opacity to further blend it and it could come out like this. Step 20:Just Throw a Simple 1px black border around it by making a new layer pressing ctrl+a then go to edit then stroke. Step 21: Now one of my least favorite steps the Text your. So I say this now sorry you?re on your own with the text. Best Suggestion do what looks good with the sig overall. Step 22: This is somewhat easy task, blend everything together to take it to the extreme and then you?re done. Bonus Step: Make a New layer and then get your paint bucket and choose a color that would best bring out everything that yo have just designed. NOW FOR THE FINAL PRODUCT YEAH!!!!!
  10. Well FLaKes I agree with you that F4 blows but xmen is awesome especially when the 3rd movie comes out it should top them all.Again the problem with comic movies and video game movies is that it requires alot of action with great dialouge but problem is the dialouge and action is weak (fantatic 4 showed that) yeah by today standard the old comic book movies from the 70-80 suck as well but back then they were top of the line in terms of action and somewhat storyline.I think someone was smart to kill the Live action DBZ movies cuz thats pretty much all special effects and if we all remember our anime dbz drag out to long so a 3 hour movie of sub par fighting is going to be junk unless you matrix it with many special effects.
  11. only problem im having is the animation is not smooth that black splotch is killing it fix it up a bit remember sometimes going backwards on a animation always works well to smooth the transition as well.
  12. yeah I agree with johnny about default i seen some good ones with defaults especailly when filter stuff comes into play then its get even better. I continplated about doing a few defaults maybe I will include that into my collect might have to look into a few tutorials and then filter out the bad combos.But with this sig in hand the animation doesn't go with the background I would have just stuck with blending it in with the brushes you have.
  13. yeah for some reason the person who did these circle vecotrs didn't do them right.
  14. Johnny you forget thy name I AM [+][+]Sig Guru S&M[+][+] ,
  15. So Here you go Fans of the Saint-Michael Sig World the final 3 episodes of Season 2. I have to say that these are the pennicle of my designs. Also here my new avatar and a recent gift sig I did for one of my favorite members on trap So thanks for the support and all that good stuff as well. I shall be Posting the first 3 episodes of Season 3 either later this morning or after noon my time.
  16. true the most people use the old ways of html cuz some don't vaildate their coding mostly non business sites, but a quite a few business sites still use the old coding, but in the basics of xhtml are same with a few exceptions but still a good tutorial overall.
  17. text kills it, the center of the sig need to be brushed in more to make it more blended in and this blue don't go well with the bronze.4/10
  18. ok here is a list of sites to do tool tips this should help you out so disregaurd that pm i sent you. http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex5/dhtmltooltip.htm http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex5/dhtmltooltip2.htm http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex5/fixedtooltip.htm those are some useful tool tip scripts that you can customize for your site.
  19. well to explain to a younger generation of games to movies.1st rule of doing conversions like that is the movie has to be base on the game completely not to many game movies followed this.streetfighter was not a good movie the dialogue was bad for the actors doign this movie. Super MArio Brothers was bad due ot the fact that it was more human then fantasy (dinosaurs not included).Doom somewhat got the hell part right the fsp mode was awesome and it should be used more. Havn't seen bloody rayne yet.Rule 2 The dialogue has to be top nocth and alot of these games to movies have failed in all aspects of that it sounds bland and robotic only a few people do get into character with ni the movie.Rule 3 Story if it never happen in the game just to make it up like its a new adventure make it closely resemble the game sotry just a bit.thats about it from those rules of game to movie conversions.
  20. and whats even funnier that is the truth wahahahahaha.
  21. well to be honest at first it was to make a name for myself and webhosting credits, but after awhile I just got board with and due to the fact I one of the biggest names here with some of the best contributions you can possibly imagine and what not. But mostly now its to help out from the noobs to the experts and what not.But basically I post at anything and everything that perks my interest.
  22. If your going to sell products I try to make the design look alot better then that cuz your design looks like your goign to scam people and if good looking sites do that.
  23. Yeah!!! Johnny madea template, well for one being a template maker my self its not a bad design head looks great content box could be better but its your first one so I won't hold it against you.Well for one johnny you don't need to use iframes I would stick with cutenews one you can literally build a webpage with in it meaning you can use the template as your background image and then just fill your content from cute news without making any major edits that you need to. Like we are going to be doing with gfxtrap new design.So I would test out coding within cute news once you set up your nav menu and some other stuff with in the template.@mbacarraI suggest going to pixel2life.com for slicing they got some good stuff on the basics, but slicing is more of a science then anything else truefusion showed me that.
  24. Totally agree the more sites you join which include other sites, topsites, link exchange programs and using SEO tools you can increase your viewership.Also we want to keep on adding new content every day as well to keep epople interested and also another good suggestion is put up a forum as well they usually get good responses but that takes time as well.
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