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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Saint-Michael (My entry is going for both sites) MIGUE2k7 MICH Of course most votes wins, now this is how the voting will be done
  2. I figured as much it would be used for older computers that don't or can't handle (which I doubt) a wireless connection. Does it boost the signal strength at all to the current connection?
  3. I came across this while stop at a radio shack (yeah I know ) http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Basically it's like a network card but you connect through the USB, Although I don't really need it, I am tempted to buy it, costs about $70 from the Radio Shack. So I am wondering if anyone else has used this, s currently using it. or knows someone who does use it to connect to their internet or is everyone like me and connected to pretty much everything else except this? That would make about 5-6 different ways to connect if my count is correct
  4. https://answers.yahoo.com/ I just caught this by accident put a person had ask a question about if Blind people can see dreams. Of course I thought they did but in reality they cannot. Here is the reason why Now if I got this right, it means since the nerves of the eyes are not connected to the brain, they cannot receive the signals the brain is giving for the eyes to look at what they see. Which means when I blind person dreams they only can smell, feel and hear the dream. Now talk about learning something new and cool as well. In the sense that if you lose your eye sight you actually lose the ability to see your dreams.
  5. I remember hearing about that, that would make some sense as to why her internet would go down. So she really had no choice but to wait it out until they fixed it.Of course they failed ot mention the fact this earthquake could have been the cause of the internet down time and that service would be down until a later date that would have made more sense.
  6. Or you can set a background image based off your banner which is pretty simple. Step 1: Open up your finished image not the layered one. Next select the marquee tools and select the 1px vertical line marquee tool. Then put that 1px with marguee tool on the right side then copy it. Step 2: open up a new document, the sizes should already be predetermined from the copy you made. Then just save it something like headerbg. Now for hte fun part the CSS td.title2 { background-color: #000000; background: url("headerbg.jpg"); background-repeat: repeat-x; width: 725px; color: #333333; height: 100px; } With this it should repeat the background image in your header. Of course this is the technical version, but to make a small correction on fffanatics change the 725 to a percentage of course that would be 100%. Their might be some other solutions but start off with that load first before we go into them.
  7. Yeah it sounds good but this has so many security flaws that it's not even funny. If the users computer has already been cracked then the hacker just has to pay attention what that person does with that file, then have a field day with it.Then assuming this is done by php and mysql other hackers just have to write the right code and then upload it with that file. But of course for that to happen, this code would have to be open source or the server this website is has bad security.Again it is different however, as mentioned above it is a hassle and a inconvenience since that file would have to be computer specific in order to work.
  8. Many of us have been through those kind of days, best thing to do is wait it out and stuff. Have you tried pulling the plug and then wait a few minutes then plug it back in? That usually helps.
  9. Answer is easy your banner is to big set you width to 745px and your set. Only reason is your banner is to big and it broke outside the table in IE. The only other way would be to change the width of your table. But this would be the quicker of the solutions.
  10. In order to get credits you can either poat to make those credits or you can purchase them. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/572-mycents/ Also this question has had been ask several times to make sure to check the ofrum before post your questions also I recommend that you read the Xisto readme since that will pretty much answer all your questions. http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?actE=01&HID=18
  11. Yeah you got to love Feb 29. usually people decide on the 28 or the First of march when babies are born but I go with Feb 28 as well. Makes life easier that way.
  12. If you plan to purchase html editor then yeah go for Dreamweaver 8, best part no junk code whatsoever. But Their are some good free ones out there, but of course that is a matter of opinion of which one you should use. I do recommend 1st page http://www.evrsoft.com/1stpage2.shtml it's free and is standard compliant. Of course it has been a quite a long time since I used it, so I couldn't tell you of any possible junk code that could come from it. Which includes the free javascripts that come pre-installed with it
  13. "All Hail Stan.. I mean Satan", to irresistible to mention that. Of course back in my youth when the pastor did his sermon I would sleep. Go figure that he could do something my parents tried to get me to do during the weekends .
  14. Well in 26 Days we will see either the fall or rise of an Empire. I am referring to Microsoft's Windows Vista, which they would claim to be the ultimate edition of their OS since it's introduction of Windows 3.1. Although I haven't seen anything about their response to the Huge amount of resources that is needed to run Vista. Everyone knows that Vista will pretty much clean out Computer RAM and if I remember correctly at least 10 GB of space to run this. Which means that computers that you have bought that are at least 4-5 years old without any changes to them will in fact not run Vista smoothly. Heck even the computers that that 1-2 years will have hard time running this OS, due to the fact most people have at least 1gig of ram. Of course from what I read around the net you would at least need 2gigs of ram to run smoothly. That is because of the Huge GUI (Aero) that is being used, then of course the fabled black box for Microsoft new security system. We know the Business edition out now but what about the rest? Simple Answer January 30, 2007. So lets start with the break down. Windows Vista Starter- Put it like this if your rich or live in a rich country you will never see it Funny they didn't put a price tag for it, must come free or something (AHAHAHAHA ) Windows Vista Home Basic- Basically if you only use your computer to write emails or do some word processing, then this edition is for you. For Example my Dell Dimension 4500 with a pent 4 is capable of running this OS (don't ask me how) If you have the standard 512 of ram and at least 30GB hard drive then your adventure to this OS is as far as you go. Retail Value $199,99 upgrade value $99.95 Now up for grabs is the Windows Vista Home Premium- My Dell XPS can handle this so, you will need at least 60gig hard drive at least 1 gigs of ram, although I am using a centrino Duo processor, you might as well looking a dual core processor to handle all those pretty pictures. Which means you would need a computer like Alienware's to get this going or least in ram, Hard drive and graphics card. Retail Value $239.00 Upgrade $139.00 Windows Vista Business- Unless your running a business in your home then you don't need this OS. This would be recommended for small to medium business. Retail Value $299.00 Upgrade $199.00 Windows Vista Enterprise- Same thing as businesses but for larger and super large business IE: Microsoft, or a telephone company. OF course this OS would be use for "Major" security like banks, The Pentagon and most major software companies. Retail Value N/A Upgrade N/A Now the Final version Windows Vista Ultimate- Unless you have this sick disease called "I need to have an ultimate computer" then here you go and Unless you have 300-400BG hard drive and like 10 GB of ram. Or the most expensive computer Alienware can design then this is for you. Basically what I am saying you need deep pockets in order to run this OS properly and at least 4 gigs of ram at least 100-150 GB hard drive. Oh lets not forget the fact that their will be so many software issues with this OS it's not even funny, thats including the fact that MS black box can find out if you are using legit software. Not point any fingers at anyone just pointing them at the monitor in referring to those of who I am talking about. Then of course MS evil scheme to monopolize the industry by making sure no one else's software hardware works as well. Unless it has the M$ <--actual dollar sign, on it's box. Then on top of that who know how many hacks have been prepare for Vista since people with those MSDN account love to torrent that OS. I have seen quite a few so I would know on that, not stupid enough to upload it either. I may eventually have Vista install (when I buy a new computer which will be like never or in 30 years from now) but I be sticking with XP for quite sometime. Since in this case metaphorically speaking is more secured then vista (thats still funny but what the heck it is true). Retail Value $399.00 Upgrade $259.00
  15. Mortal Kombat pretty much beats out Tekken in pretty much everything. However the fighting mechanics would have to be a a very close tie. Both have their good qualities and it's bad. The bad being timing for the combo moves and delay in pulling them off (don't talk about skills on that one).Of course wait to the fanboys come to read this and post then we get to hear it all .
  17. Simple which means people would have to sto using Mac and Linux OS and run vista on their computers in order to play their favorite games. Of course the gaming industry can sue M$ on that little detail, However since this topic is a year old are they any updates to this post. Found somewhat updates links related to this and it looks like vista will be supporting OpenGL. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  18. Although it's just me but your banner needs a border to it, way to blended into the background color. Or use an image that expands the width of the page (don't have a an example to show you) thats behind your header. Like the Contruction image might have to stealbarrow it sometime . If you going for the Professional IT website, then you would have to start with these and build from there. Computers -Software -Hardware -Networking -Security -AI -Viruses
  19. And hear I thought we were going to talking about horror movies. You be surprised on how many societies are deep in supersition. Especially when it comes to the dead.I still sometimes cringe when I do the bloody mary, thinking that she would pop out .But I have out grown most of those supersitions, unless you really really believe in them then they can come true. It's mind over matter when it comes to it. Of course when it comes to curses, I would say that would really depend on the situation you are put in when you do get cursed.I do believe superstitions were used back in the ancient days to keep control of people as so not to um create anarchy and all that good stuff. However superstitions are in some cases are religious again back to death, canalbalism and sacraficing.
  20. For those who know this Trilogy which movie do you think was better of the 3. Me I believe Army of Darkness was better, due to the fact their was more put into it especially the comedy that was done. Of course the Original was ok but was more b-rated shocker then anything else. I feel that Evil Dead 2 was a let down. They basically added parts that should have been in the first one but where taken out and used as filler for the 2nd movie.Of course you must have seen all three movies and if you haven't rent or buy and then reply with your answer
  21. I stopped doing the resolutions, because one I never get around to do them and well that's basically it.
  22. I been with Dell going on about 5-6 years now, just because their computers are cheaper when you paying 4x as much for the same thing else where (Sony, GW2K).I do agree I hate calling direct support. Although they are trying hard to speak clear english, you still can't understand them through they heavy accent. Thats why I do the online chat, it makes my life a whole lot easier.Of course Funny story, when I was about to purchase my Dell XPS, I trying to explain to one of tech supports on the online chat about chaning the color of hte lights. Of course he had no clue what the hell I was talking about. Even after I gave him the link and even pictures of what I am talking about . Same thing happen to me when I tried installing my WIFI/router, I just had no clue what the guy from India was saying. I was able to pick out words here and there but could not figure out what he was trying to say. Needless to say I finally got my WIFI running .Of course now with my killer searching skills I usally look the answer up first and If i can't find any direct answet then I go to the computer company.Of course it is not just Dell tech support others are like this as well, thats what happens when you move your resources outside the country to pay less and make more.
  23. That is pretty Much how it is done. The money is coming from all the xisto sites, most from paid hosting from computing and ad's from Xisto.net
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