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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Well from my understanding of redirects is that if you do a full domain redirect anything you add on to the domain is going to do the same thing. So what I suggest and I do this works as well is set up the redirects through a htaccess file using the following line of code in the htaccess file. Redirect /olddirectory/oldfile.html http://yoursite.com/newdirectory/newfile.html So with that you would have to set up a htaccess file in each folder in order to do this. Also you can do it hte old fashion way and set up redirects through yahoo for those links for a quicker process.
  2. Well depending on what you want the form for you can use various methods the best and most secured way is through MySQL, in which you can constantly backup your data especially logins an passwords. That set up is especially good for setting up affiliates and all that good stuff, in which you could use text files to store your info. But if the form is something simple like a contact form then you don't need external file to save your info. I would check up on tutorials on how to build php forms and what not to help you out, in which I recommend checking out http://www.pixel2life.com/. I believe there are a few contact forms here on the forums as well.
  3. You have some good stuff some of them even show how you improved your skills you have a yes from me.
  4. Need to produce some more gfx designs either be templates, sigs, wallpapers or gfx related to get a good confirmation on a yes or no vote.
  5. You got some ok stuff just need to see some more work in order to get a better idea on what you can do.
  6. I dunno a cute girl with blood all over her and the axe telling me to be quiet is a lot more scarier then the most evil darkest person in the whole world. I still have nightmares of bumping into a cute girl and she starts swining an axe .
  7. well you could say she pmed me a hint hint on creating a sig I think either way I had adobe open and I tried some new stuff out so enjoy your gift sig Velma. Version 2
  8. Well as I promise I finally got Misa's sig completed after trying out some idea's and what not and so here you go misa your evil sig,
  9. Interesting enough only Dailymotion is the only legit site since it is like you tube, the rest are either torrent sites or illegal online videos.
  10. Well it is almost summer time which means school is almost over, seniors graduating across the world and of course blowing millions of dollars into the arcade. Well people did that even during the school season but either way we still spent millions in quarters playing every arcade including the fighting and gun games. Which brings me down memory lane for one of the biggest games to come out on the market and a great year for movies as well and to think I was just a skinny little boy collection baseball cards and playing Nintendo and sega at the time. Ahh 1991 a very big year for James Cameron, and Arnold as they scored big time in the Box office with the sequel to Terminator in 1984 with Terminator 2: Judgment Day. Never saw it in theaters but of course I was 10 at the time and god forbid I go see a Rated R movie, of course I would see on tape anyways . However, that didn't pull me from a great arcade game of the early 90s either and so today I will review if not one of the best FPS games of old school arcades in the word. So in the famous words of Arnold, "I be back, arcade style" I give you Terminator 2 Arcade Review. Terminator 2: Judgement Day-Arcade Some screen shots Game Maker: Midway Year: 1991 Levels: 10 Price: 50 cents Sound: 9 (got to love live audio screams and explosions and getting the good job from Arnold, I would have given this a 10, but After playing it for the first time in a long I feel as though it was lacking especially in gunfire and explosion effects, of course when I used the light the kick back was realistic.) Graphics: 9.5 (pixelated live actors is what lost the .5, although motion capturing was big in the arcade world and if I remember correctly Mortal Kombat started that off, background detail was good especially due to the fact most of it was dark backgrounds to begin with. Explosion graphics were good and when those terminators god up close and personal the detail was awesome as well. Mini Games: I wouldn't say this would be a mini game but more like a level, in which John Conner and a truck gunner are racing towards skynet and basically you have to protect them from the HK's. But if you failed you had a chance to start over, of course after awhile your power meter goes down and game over and so I toss it up to the readers if you consider this a mini game or not. Difficulty: 10 (I give this a extreme 10 because of how difficult this game was and still is, especially when you run out of missiles to blow up large groups of terminators and destroy the background up. Sad to say even after tweaking the MAME I yet to be it, but more to come on that). Gameplay: It's a FPS (First Person Shooter) that uses the lightgun to blow stuff up sky high and rain destruction over the machines and later humans in the later stages. Plot: Well for the first part of the game destroy skynet and send a terminator back in time and then latter half of the game is protect john conner and destroy the t-1000 simple enough I guess. AHAHAHA was I complete wrong and those who played it. First Impressions DUDE!! I was blowing money left and right into this game I would say I put in at least $100 in change through solo play and tag team play. This game was hard as hell playing it solo especially since your moving that gun all over the place, but with a partner you only had to concentrate on half the screen. The farthest I got ever was the truck level, which is the third stage and that's were some of my games ended, but usually it was a toss up between first and second stage because those bosses take for eve to blow up. I been in lines and in groups playing this game, to my memory I haven't seen one person ever beat this game and I doubt I heard anyone claiming to do so either. Either way this game made millions during it's run in the early 90s. I even played the ports for this game as well and I believe I got to the third stage once but most of the time I end up dying in the second stage. Some good times playing that game especially when my brother and I would tear that game apart just to get killed off by those machines. 16 years later: Well once I was able to get the calibration set correctly away I went with two players, man I still sunk in fake quarters to play this game and change the game settings, but this time I got to level 9 and thats when I have been stuck ever since, because in that level you have to destroy a helicopter that comes in at different angles. However, the trick is that all the helicopter needs is one hit and the truck is destroyed. The one and only faq I found on this game gives very little detail on how to beat this level, although they give a specific coordinate on where to aim the gun of course that didn't help either way I am stuck on that level, but someone made a recommendation to use the mouse for the gun control, it does make sense since you can move the gun a bit quicker then keyboard I guess I will give it a try sometime. Overall Ranking need I say 10 for this awesome game, it's difficulty and replay value is beyond what most arcade games could give especially Dance Dance Revolution and it's dancing machine....yuck. I will see if I can figure this stage out and hopefully beat it one. So who can claim that they beat this game you let me know and I give you a cookie. So now for a catchy slogan..... "Games don't get old, just people!" --Now for some copyright info-- Images and of course games are copyrighted to its perspective owners blah blah blah. Roms are illegal and so do not get caught blah blah blah or else blah blah blah. Reviews and opinions are my own so don't argue with me unless you can prove otherwise why this game sucks and 100% of the time you are wrong because one your either a new school gamer and don't know a good game when you see it or two, well there is no two so HA!!. All slogans, trademarks and names excluded the games I review are copyrighted to me blah blah and blah. 2007-2009 SM Old School Legend.
  11. OMG now I know who you are , your on haslips and moogie's site, I happen to go to lesson102 to see if haslip was online and I thought and see if you were on that list. Mind you change the "z" for a "s" so another mystery solved good job gang.
  12. It can be animated yes that would be considered other effects so you can animate it if you wish to do so.
  13. Since Spring and summer are in the air that will be this months theme so the rules are this Sig Size Min: 100x100 Max: 420-150 Brush Style: any Render: Spring or Summer related Text: Name and the season your choose Other Effects: optional So those are the rules and enjoy your summer.
  14. SOTW 58 is completed winner truefusion congratulations for winning this months SOTW.
  15. But there is a problem to this though, although I think some php scripts fixed this, anyways, if your using php scripts that generate links and use them on your xhtml 1.0 strict page your going to come up with an error with the use of & and not coding it as such. also all xhtml validates that as an error if you use & instead of it's code when producing links, again if you code your php script properly then you won't have to worry about that error showing up.
  16. Well if you happen to breeze through the article it mentions that he sent millions possibly billions of spam daily, which is no wonder he needed so many zombie's order to do it. Of course the other issue is that there is a legal way to spam and a illegal way to spam and this guy did it the illegal way which i mentioned in my previous post. It was mention that 75 billion spam get sent a day, now that is one huge server overload if most of these people did it the right way, but of course when your stealing money you don't want to be caught.@Matt2 post: yeah I saw a site similar to make the Nigerian scammers look stupid, this one story I read a guy use hollywood actors names as business partners and what not it was pretty hysterical, he even threw in a secretary as well for communication when "the boss" wasn't around and stuff. What gets me though is that these people still succeed in stealing money, but from tv reports I saw about this they attack mostly older people who believe that this is total awesome and just a bogus scam.
  17. Last few days? More like that last few months that google has been on a purchasing spree; however, Microsoft and Yahoo are doing the same thing as well in which basically those three companies are trying to buy as many software/website companies as the possible can. In order to get an edge on the other two, but google has the bigger edge because now Microsoft and yahoo are basically copying them on all there idea's and what not and changing them just enough that google can't sue them.
  18. first off stay on topic and don't spam up the topic.Now with concerns with the template nice grunge look but the text is extremely hard to see I barely could tell you had tabs set for your links. Also you need to trim your borders because they break the horizontal bar and thus a person has to scroll back and forth, I would say cut about half of the border on each side and that might correct that problem. Other then those two "HUGE" problems it looks fine and usable in the sense you won't get a good flexible layout without cutting a lot of the detail out to make it possible.
  19. Not bad at all, I think you need to tweak the drums a bit since it's not keeping up with the beat correctly and thus standing out the most from the rest of the beat. Piano work is great noting really wrong that I can tell, although the bass could be a bit deeper, again I think that's my speakers .
  20. Welcome to Xisto here is your welcome gift basket of software and coding for you to enjoy . Post as much as you want and enjoy your free hosting as long as you want and enjoy one of the greatest communities on the night for all your needs to be a good designer.
  21. Saint_Michael


    Welcome to the forums and enjoy your stay, make sure to check up on the Xisto readme for the best source of information and of course got any questions the members her will be happy to help out and stuff. So enjoy your stay, hosting and time here.
  22. Welcome to site and since already hosted then no need to give you you the usual stchick about reading the rules and stuff, so enjoy your stay here on trap for how ever many years it will be .
  23. Well welcome to the site and enjoy your stay, we got a large following of RPGer's on the forum and a great section for it. We also have a great community of designers with a few hundred years of coding experience to help you out with any problems you might have in the known future. So make sure to read the rules and burn them to memory and enjoy your stay.
  24. Aaah graduation the best of times the greatest of times, especially the before graduation party and then the after graduation party then the post party party . Well either way welcome to Xisto and what not and enjoy your stay, make sure to check up on the forum rules and what not. Take it from me as a military guy myself Xisto leaders are more strict then the military leaders .
  25. Interesting concept but way to many variables for a computer to handle this, because no on speaks the same in terms of how their lips move, or teeth are shown, or what muscles they used to speak and what gestures they used while speaking. They would have to use something like a retinal scanner type system to copy the patterns, but again the machine would only be guessing on patterns that ti doesn't recognize. Even the most experience human lip readers take years of practice and training to be able to master it, with computer they would need terabytes of information to work successfully. Either way it will take a decade or two to get a working model going because of different technologies they either have to build or incorporate to be successful.
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