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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Fantastico is a software that is used to install common but popular scripts, such as forums, polls, guest books, CMS and so forth, the reason fantastico is down is due to some internal problems. Of course this topics has been created several times over the course of the last few months, so make sure to search the forum before making a new topic ot see if it hasn't been covered already. LINKS http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?shop;hl=fantastico http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?shop;hl=fantastico
  2. If you log into your cpanel and look at the menu on the left side it looks something like this Disk usage is about how much of you 20mb hosting plan you have used, as for bandwidth that tells you how much data has been transfered through your site, including downloads, uploads, images and all that good stuff (look at bandwidth usage). Now to use less bandwidth use image hosting and file hosting sites to help cut down on the bandwidth and space usage. Also if you want to after making all your files you can compress them and thus removing whitespace from with in the file, with that it will make the downloads fast and use less bandwidth as well.
  3. for your first question the answer is pretty much as for disabling active scripting I point you to a couple of sites: IE Here As for Firefox disabling java and javascript would be the way to do it, also you can still keep them running just make sure your computer is up to date which includes firewalls, security updates the works.
  4. This is a nasty new bug and right now only the blame game is being played while people are trying to figure out this exploit that is high level, to check out it read my post on Xisto about it right Here.
  5. Well it has finally happen and strangely enough I didn't really think about it until now, but it seems a security team found a very high level bug that requires both Internet Explorer 7 and Modzilla Fire Fox. This is the jist of the bug; Interestingly enough though this bug affects everyone that has firefox and up, and right now their is no patch for this bug due to the fact people are still blaming the other side of messing up and all that wonderful junk. So far no evil computer crime lords have used this exploit yet and the only recommendation they have right now is disable active scripting in the html and that is the only recommendation until the patch is release. Like I mention the blame game was being passed around and of course Firefox group says it's not FF fault, even though the bug is coming from their browser, but another problem that arises is that this little tid bit of news was improperly disclosed. Which means the hackers and the crackers will have a field day about this untill the patch is release. I keep tabs on this and let people know when the patch is supposed to come out. SOURCE Here
  6. Like I mentioned on Xisto that this new update looks awesome, and of course with my awesome idea's another one came up; it's a small addition but you should set up a legend for the 3 colors, yeah it's kind of corny with the present company but still can be useful either way.
  7. About a couple of months ago I had an interesting conversation with a Dell tech about in unrelated matter and he recommended that you do a fresh install of vista instead of updating it, reason being is that you won't have as many problems as you would trying to update it. Of course a few weeks ago I had updated my BIOS and drivers from the Dell website; meaning that the first course of action would be to update your computers hardware (BIOS, Primary Drivers) before installing vista, because those updates would include the vista compatibilities needed to install the OS.So once you update everything on the primary hardware then do a fresh install of the OS and then slowly begin installing all the software on the computer again.
  8. After buff broke that story on the shout box, I was new searching and quite a few sites are talking about and one common theme is the family trained the dog to do it, or the dog was the excuse. A lot of people are saying that this is impossible for a dog to do, but the story is here so what can I say. Of course the only reason the pits are bad news are because either the owners train their dogs like this or it's natural instinct of being threaten, but again though quite a few cities and states have ban the dog because of it's bad reputation. Of course I wouldn't put it pass that the parents had something to do with this because it is beyond unusual for a dog to do this or to the extent of actually going that far, because dogs do try and hump peoples legs; I had that wonderful event happen to me by my aunts dog one day .
  9. After I let it stew for awhile I remember a redirecting post on Xisto in which I had to install joomla and then set up a redirection to show someone how it was done. I don't remember having any problems on the permission files, but it was a pre-install script so it wouldn't have matter anyways. I know you can redirect to another sub folder with no problems I have done it hundreds of times, but a question does come out though striker why didn't you just install joomla on your main folder instead of creating a sub folder for it? It would make more sense especially on the SEO side; but to make sure go over the installation read me again and check to make sure your file permissions are correct as buff said it could be the problem.
  10. Man I almost forgot about this script and I am going through it right now and I have to say I am impressed with the new look. Although there are a few bugs in the Xisto directory though, the cut off stopped at 74 and there should be about 140-160 accounts; I am not even listed either . However it still looks good and if people were smart they used this directory to build up links to there sites and stuff.
  11. Hmm... I have no idea I have tried different ways to try and produce the error, but with no results. I would have to say it is a fluke at the time, but you mention this has happen multiple times and you still produce the error. Nothing really comes to mind as to why it would do this unless I am missing something in the url or how you type the url into the redirect panel.
  12. You know you love it when I spam

  13. Wait if thats the case I should be like loaded with pips then , because if I remember correctly they have to do with a post count and I seem to be missing a few . Just thought of an uber idea, set up pips for the hosted member color and the good ole black pip for regular members.
  14. I know when the people in the theater I went to saw this trailer we where like WOOOAH!! and junk, and not thinking about it for a couple of I days I started doing some searching and so far nothing. People like me are speculating that it is a New Godzilla movie or a Godzilla related character like Mothra or something that is doing this movie. All everyone knows at this point is that it's a horror flick of some sorts and it goes by the code name that the poster has mentioned. I speculate though in a few more months either a new teaser trialer is coming out or the name of the movie will be leaked for everyone to know.
  15. Well I am a bit surprised that they release two versions of FireFox 3 like that, although the final release of the browser is supposed to be coming out soon. This time though I be waiting out the Firefox 3 until most of the add-on's, plug-ins are coded for this version. OF course that really surprised me a bit that most of them haven't already been upgraded to the new browser yet, but what can I say, people want a stable version before coding all these tools.
  16. Well welcome to the forum and since your a gfx designer you will enjoy our gfx forum, as we are always looking for some fresh sigs, tutorials and other good stuff, just a reminder that you can still enter our SOTW (closes on the 14th). Like haslip mentioned check out the hosting plans to see what you need or want and make sure to check out the Xisto read me as well.
  17. I would concur especially with the crackdown on internet radio's these days, not only would it cost a lot of bandwidth to host the music, but licensing fee's and all that good stuff. Like pleno said you are a lot of sites you can find to play radio music, or if you have the cd's just put them in your computer and play them that way.
  18. Although there are exceptions to rules, in this case swearing in sigs and avatars are against those rules so it would be a good idea to remove those words on this forum since this is a professional hosting site and professional forum with very young people on here. Since swearing is not allowed in the shoutbox or in the forums, having those words in your sigs and avatar would be breaking the same rules.
  19. Yes we been at 500mb of space a few months now thanks to the funds of Xisto - Web Hosting.com clients and what not. If the unlikely moment happens that you max out on space and bandwidth then it would be recommended to move on to paid hosting or rearrange your files such as moving your downloads to file hosting and images to image hosting to help decrease bandwidth usage and free up some space.
  20. That is some good stuff right there; I do believe astronomers across the world are trying to find traces of this star type which is so powerful, that if one were to explode just couple hundred light years we would see it and feel it as the earth were to explode. But to think that someone found stars and galaxies that are almost as old as our universe. If anyone was smart they would try and build a telescope that can double or even triple the power of hte Keck-II telescope, but if memory serves me correct the Keck-II telescope is one of the oldest known working telescopes being used right now (might have to check that one out).
  21. I would go with neither due to the fact they are as dumb as you can get, they are hot I give them that but after seeing all the stuff they have done last 2 years I wouldn't even want to associate myself with them. To break it down further Paris is a party girl and that gets you into trouble far too easily; on top of that If I were her parents I wouldn't even let her take over my hotel franchise (I don't think they will anyways ). As for Spears, she is a mental case who stress's out rather quickly; beating a car down, shaving her head, and some other fun stuff. I am surprise they haven't taken her kids away from her because of the way she is acting.I give them datable but not worth the stress of getting married by either one of them. To think people thought I was immature but compared to these two women I am sane .
  22. As of IPB 2.1 I believe the default settings are set that admin are red, mod's are blue and members are black. Also the Legend isn't a setting it is more of a mod so you won't see it unless you install the mod, or you just edit the php file and add in your own HTML. Either plan you get your credits will be reduce to zero, so if oyu get the first plan you will have to build up your credits to 30 then apply for the upgrade. Clicking someone's profile takes to long a quick method would be to go to the members search page and in a drop down menu they list the groups that the admin have set up. That way you just select the group and then press go and the search will display all the people in that particular group. I believe some other forum software does this as well not to sure about it. A Small correction mods are blue not green and you are correct about the community members link (referr to my first sentence about doinig it as such. You just need 10 credits for the first plan or 30 credits for the default settings you don't need 40 to get both since your only allowed one or the other. Your correct for the most part you usually want at least 10 credits the day your hosting gets activated so you won't have any problems that first day, but you can get as many credits as you want. You usually want to have at least a months worht of credits so you won't have any problems if you plan to go on vacation or go out of town for a couple of weeks, what I just said You can go either way depending on what kind of site you want to build, for most people who are brand new to hosting using the first plan will give them an idea on how it all works. Then once they feel comfortable enough they can upgrade to the default package.
  23. I was referring to Luki's post about where to find and and close the process and as for spy unlikly since spyware is programed not to be seen and someone doing it like that is pretty foolish to do so. Just thinking about it though back when I had a Packard Bell the welcome tool tips screen was frozen to the desktop we could never get rid of it, and also provide a a full picture of your process list as well so to double check anything that might not be obvious at this point in time.
  24. you press ctrl + alt + delete and then go to processes and you will see it there in a list, make sure to click on the name tab so you can organize the files to set it in alphabetical order to find it quicker as well. Also try this; right click on your tool bar on your desk top and then unlock the tool bar with this it should push the window down to be able to close it.
  25. Before I go into this topic I think the dude was trying to make money off this thing, of course the Ancient wonder were not really selected either if my history is correct. Now on to the topic at hand and the wait is finally over as the world (100 million votes is pretty sad since you got over 6 Billion people on the planet has voted the new wonders of the new world. Of course in all there is 8 since the only Ancient wonder in the world is still up and that being the pyramids of Giza. So in no particular order they are Great Wall of China, Rome's Colosseum, Taj Mahal, Jordan's Petra, Machu Picchu, Statue of Christ Redeemer and Mexico's Chichen Itza pyramid. Personally I would say the Great Wall, the Colosseum, Petra and MAchu Piccu deserve them since they are practically ancient in origin but the other sites are still great either way. SOURCE Here Thanks Tetra, stupid v key is sticking on me
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