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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Some good stuff, most of the programs I do recognize in form or another so its should be some good stuff to use instead of dropping $500+ dollars for the same program.
  2. Interesting guide, just wondering though if this still can be applied to Ubuntu 7.xx at all, because I would assume that the programming has changed either through updates or adding in new stuff? Also from the looks of it seems that this tutorial is based only on software that is design just for linux OS, and so that leads me into my next qeustion is it possible to install windows based applications as I am trying to figure which linux to use and find out what kind of headaches to expect when I do install a linux OS?
  3. Interesting, but that proves a point though, that the Linux designers started out with security first everything else second. Although I did find it interesting that running a windows emulator would in fact have the viruses kick in like that, but after reading the article a bit more it seems that the emulator is blocking the viruses from fully integrated themselves in to the Linux OS. Granted the Linux programming is different then windows and on top of that Linux is just not a popular enough OS for virus makers to design viruses for.
  4. you need to remove the space between java and script in order for this to work it should look like this: java script:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document.images; DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i<DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.left=Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5; DIS.top=Math.cos(R*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5}R++}setInterval('A()',5); void(0) It works in Firefox just not IE7 anyone try this on IE6? I tried one myself talk about getting a seizure java script:R=0; x1=0.01; y1=.05; x2=.15; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=1900; y4=1700; x5=100; y5=200; DI=document.images; DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i<DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.left=Math.cos(R*x1*x2+i*x2+x3)*Math.cos(R*x1*x2+i*x2+x3)*x4; DIS.top=Math.cos(R*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5}R++}setInterval('A()',5); void(0) Funny I seen this post before but that was like in 2005 I think so that topic is long been buried in here. Also you don't have to do just Jesus you can do any image search since the script is about moving the images themselves and not what hte search is about.
  5. I would have to agree the junk threads are piling up a bit, but thats the thing though, you can only talk about so many things especially when it comes to topics that are literally posted to death on other sites. Heck this was my slowest week in posting as well, busy with other things as well, but still the most effective way to post about other stuff is to lean about it. Heck I barely touch the computer hardware forums until I completed my computer hardware course and soon that forum blossomed again. Heck I give every a freebie search out computer news, and heres a free link to everything computer related,, it don't take much to search the forums and post about it, heck I used yahoo all the time we I post topics about computer security threats here in the forums. We got the browser wars, OS wars, war on computer crimes, etc, etc. I would say start posting about news you hear or read about, especially the bizarre stuff, everyone like to post about weird stuff. Members complain that there is nothing to post about well fun stuff worth posting about, yeah school is in session but doesn't mean you can' create a topic about something school related. Heck you can start earning posts in the movie section now, heck post about movies that you have see and give your review on it and stuff. The idea's are not hard to find, look at me I been dubbed "posting *BLEEP*" because I spread myself. It don't take much of an effort to learn something and then being able to help others, I know we got gamers, computer techs, history buffs, science geeks in here so post stuff you find interesting. Yeah the search function is pretty crappy, but here is a solution open another window or a tab to google and use this set up: site:Xisto.com +Hardware problem (fill in whatever words you want to make sure a topic has not been created) Its that easy, heck this post alone I will be earning about 3-4 credits on just because of the idea's I throwing out for people, don't limit your knowledge on just one topic spread yourself out and you be surprised what you can pick up and start posting about. This is the best advice I can give for all members young or old because thats how I have over 5700+ and almost 1900 hosting credits, its just not that hard once you your start exploring the forums and the topics.Here is another freebie post in the introduction forums and greet new members, that forum alone will get a poster an easy 1-3 credits just by welcoming the person. I know most people spend more then 30 minutes here on the forum and that is mostly searching through the forums looking for stuff to post on, a effective method is to force yourself to post in topics you normally wouldn't post in and thus once you do it plenty of times you won't have to think about it because you will be doing it just like that.
  6. I know this affect it is called the shine effect in which your your text or images as the light going through it technique, a lot of movies used this technique or variations to it, this would be an example of what it looks like: its a basic photoshop animation technique to get a understanding on how it works; gimp, fireworks, Paint Shop Pro do this as well.
  7. Interestingly enough I saw a few headlines saying airports are testing on wifi signals on airplanes to help people get connected to the internet. Now how that will work I don't know as I only saw the headlines about doing this and not reading them in depth about, so I have to look around and see what the idea is about setting up WIFI on a aiplane.
  8. Well at least we know it will have backward compatibility, but the problem I would see is the USB hardware like external HD's are going to be uber expensive once again. Right now the prices are at their lowest right now because of how long USB 2.0 been out for awhile now, granted it will take time for those prices to go down; however, I would think that the USB 3.0 would be in PCI card form until motherboards begin to manufacture them with that extension. Hopefully more news about this will come out about this later on.
  9. Interesting your the first person that actually thought about something to prevent the cheating to this idea, but again its not that hard to mask your IP (the great way). Although its been awhile since this was last discussed I can't remember if anything was mention about countering the cheating, since most of the methods that were posted someone who knows there way around the internet like me could find a way to beat the system. There is a referral mod that is available for IPB and it does is list the number of referrals a person gets and junk like that.
  10. That is plain out sick, I hope someone does that to them and see how they like that, I would. Ug I couldn't even watch the rest of that video besides the fact the audio was bad the it took forever to load. No wonder I hate people in general because of the stupid stuff that they do and not caring that they actually did it. I would really go into this post but I the warnings would pile up after it being read but the mods and stuff , I can't wait for them to screw with the wrong animal and get the crap beat out of them.
  11. I have to to say that is one messed up computer regardless if someone got bored, due to the fact that the RAM must get eaten up just within a few minutes of that browser being started. Although I used most of the services that browser is displaying I never bothered installing those plug in, especially when the spyware and adware were trying to installing those stupid things. As other people mentioned that it was done on purpose just to see what it would look like after having all that junked installed onto someone's computer. I would agree spyware would be a threat to your computer life, just not your real life, although I somewhat remember that purple monkey think I installed it back in the Win 98/Win ME days I soon un-installed as to why I did install can't remember. but I am glad I did. I would also agree back in the dark ages of computers, 1990s of course . everyone was somewhat stupid in the computer technology, don't claim you knew what you were when you were installing something you though was cool, but in fact was a lethal in its own little way.
  12. Aah the one of the most infamous quotes to ever be used. I would interpret that quote to go either way because it don't take much now a days to back stab someone first chance they get, especially when it comes to competitive careers and job promotions. Since anyone is trying to look for an edge to beat out the other guy. Heck you could say the US has been doing that for years with the Middle East, they have been during the cold war with Russia since World War II; although, they never really went to war these two countries had other wars to fight each other i.e. Korean War and Vietnam. Although it is interesting and history has prover that the roles sometimes get reversed enemies become friends and friends become enemies, so its always wise to keep an eye on everyone just so you can't be caught off guard by anything.
  13. All I have to say is welcome to the Xisto, and since this is a late introduction because your already hosted I won't go through my usual follow the rules and stuff routine. So enjoy your hosting and posting and see you in the forums.
  14. don't forget script kiddies are poor excuse for the title hackers/crackers because to truely be a good one you have to do something that programming, software, and hardware wouldn't normally do. Its like making a cell phone into your personal laptop or something. Like buffalo mention and I know hundreds of others posts have mention make sure your scripts are secured, patched and updated, not everything secured but with simple things such as proper CHMOD settings, and what I just mentioned above your site will be less likely to encounter problems. I know I have mentioned this a few time back up your website on a daily basis so not to lose any information and if you do get hacked you can bring it back up again, and then try to work on the problem that caused it in the first place.
  15. It would be a lot faster to set up a new password then to recover it, because thos passwords are encrypted and so it will take even long to decrypt them and send to you. 10 credits is that hard to get as you can get that in 5-6 posts, and so it is a reasonable price then having to delete your account, reapplying and losing more credits in the long run.For Firefox users just because you save your password on the firefox it won't stay there, if you delete your cookies or after a certain amount of time (usually 2 weeks) it will require you to type it in again to verify its still you on the same computer, as I have done this plenty of times for my email, and accessing my Xisto account.Although I haven't been on that much for awhile I would say there could have been some down time, but that is only a guess for the FTP problems. Also don't memorize your passwords because you can usually make mistakes when typing them, thats why its good to have them around somewhere, or if your memory is good make sure to type your password slowly so not to make any mistakes with it.
  16. Source I have to say what the hell basically, I heard about this woman a few weeks ago because of the headlines she was making as a politician, but to say something like that is just plain stupid; both politically and in general. This is my favorite quote. "The basic approach is wrong ... many marriages last just because people believe they are safe.." There is no basic approach to marriage, if there was there would be no divorce rate, 100% prearrange marriages would be up and most likely murder-suicide would be up as well. What was she smoking because people who make comments like that retard what marriage means to me and other idealists. I hope she now lose that election because it stupid people like that, make me don't want to vote. I don't think no US politician would want to pull that little stunt because they would be finish, because it is obvious she is anti catholic among other things to say something like that. So what do you members think? People actually agree with her or are you like me and will go through it till the end?
  17. Its not hard to search for moderators when you have thousands of people visiting your site on a daily basis, you just look for those who stand out against the rest. People that help other members, make great posts and topics, contribute to the forums are just some of the factors. I was a former moderator here on the forums so I know how it works to become a mod here on these forums. Posting is not hard, but making greats ones is.
  18. Hmmm interesting idea, now my question is where would someone go to do this. From the sounds of it it seems someone just has to leave in a comment on Trap Feedbacker's profile and thats it, or is it set up in the way that when a guest post it remains invisible, like tutorials are before they get approve, then it gets posted?
  19. Simple you need to have members, and have those members make posts, and those post be loaded with content of various things for the search engines to index the topics and posts. Plus the only bots you really want are search engine bots, if you want spam bots well to fix that, turn off off the security feature to the registration form. So you better find a good way to use your forum and beat out the competition in getting people to posts stuff in your forums.
  20. And thats were your problem begins; posting, asking, pm to be a mod will make your odds of becoming one less likely. There is more to being a mod then just asking, it comes down to experience, time, and other things. Its not the matter of thinking you be a good mod its the matter of showing it, and making posts like this will only count against you, especially when it comes down to who has contributed the most in the forums. Of course there are been rare exceptions and I mean very rare exceptions.So the smart thing would be to close the topic, and let the admin pick who should be moderators or not. However, you could change the topic to say what it means to be a moderator then it could be a topic worth posting in.
  21. Most of those guests are search bots, spam bots and every other bot you can think of that take take up 95% of the guest numbers. While the other 5% are perspective members who want to join the site; although my numbers maybe off a bit but the breakdown would be close.
  22. From what I remember it is $7.99USD for the year, but if you get the freedom package it is only $5.99USD. So hopefully thats help you decide which package you might want to choose when getting an account at Xisto - Web Hosting.
  23. The problem with that of course is load times, especially if people go insane with them and make they a few hundred MB in file size. It would cost to much time for a user especially dial to wait for them to load and stuff.
  24. IPB is set up in a way that you can designate which forum groups can warn people; Admin and mods are usually the two groups to do it. Its been awhile but if you go to the group permissions section it should be somewhere on group options that has a bunch of check boxes and other stuff to set up that group.No people can not unwarn themselves after being warned but a admin or mod.As for mods on this site-Shoutbox-gallery-custom pages-and of course the credit system.
  25. Ouch, frying the CD-ROM is one thing but frying your hard drive is another, because you would have to do some serious stuff to that motherboard and your power supply to do something like that to a hard drive(Overclock). Even if you drop the hard drive at a certain distance you will be able to get it to work, a bit funky but still workable. If you got the parts on warranty then you should be able to replace them with no problem whatsoever.
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