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Everything posted by Saint_Michael

  1. Well XMl is almost like HTMl except that XMl does not have any fix tags, meaning that each tag is very specific like a heading tag like <h1>; unlike html, xml the programer can define his own tag to corresponde with the data that is being used. Its more like SGML it is a meta language or a language that defines other languages, and so in a way you can define your html just a bit more with specific xml tags that html will translate into the rest of the design.
  2. Well I finish Heavenly Sword, a couple of weeks ago and since nothing else that I like is out I play either Maddeon 2006, NCAA 2008, and playing Final Fantasy 9 on my computer since I found a emulator that don't require me to burn ISO's which makes me happy.
  3. 1. CSI2. Football3. Adult Swim4. WWE5. SimpsonsAre just a few of the programs that I like to watch during the week, and on top of watch a lot of movies using the on demand service from comcast as well.
  4. I wouldn't mind learn German since I am half German, but yeah german is a tricky language to learn as the letters are pronounce differently in each word, and they also have a lot silent letters in most words as well.
  5. Same here when I found about the recall I check to see if my battery was good, and it was. However, I did notice one thing and that was the way the computer was position and I have to say that is a big no no as that will put some serious strain on a person wrists.
  6. Shockingly enough I was a bad boy during my early years of Xisto, I maxed at 80% ;O. Shocking I know its was mostly post related and what not nothing special, like making members disappear BWAHAHAHA.
  7. On top of what haslip is suggestion, I would connect your account with a FTP manager and upload and delete that way and see if your files get replaced, but usually the cache from a browser would caused this and so the next suggestion would be to lower the size of your browsers cache that way files will be deleted automatically as you visit other sites and what not.
  8. Well that error usually comes up when you ding a hosting application, did you fill out the free domain application or the hosting application for the domain. It could be that you submitted your application twice, but it not posted which means that your application is in conflict with your hosting application in someway. Hopefully an admin can give you a better response on this situation.
  9. Meh its ok, not to keen about it eating my hard drive space in the winsxs folder. Wasn't to keen on the folder set up either, and of course going to classic view defeats the purpose of the Aero design. Which reminds me I still have to get a gfx card for that computer so I can get that going. It does do some spiking in the CPU usage though but that if your having several programs loading at one and stuff.
  10. For thousands of years, well maybe hundreds of years, the appendix was the most useless organ in all our human body, yet could kill a person if it became inflamed. in some interesting notes about the appendix is that on average over 300,000 people get them removed a year, and on average three to four hundred people die from appendicitis each year as well. The University of Michigan team lead by Gary Huffnagle, theorized that the appendix is use to generate the good germs inside the human body or more importantly the stomach and intestines and all that yummy stuff.I have to say FINALLY!!! I can't believe it took this long to find a story to this organ, or at least a possibility what this little organ does. Well at least it is something, now if we can figure out how to slow dow the aging process we be set .
  11. You just now realized that wrestling is fake, or for the most part fake, the injuries and hits are real. Its been fake since it started appearing on TV and when it was making money, regardless though people go to arena's to watch WWE, TNA and other various wrestling promotions is for the entertainment and thats all wrestling is, entertainment. I know wrestling was fake for a very long time but I still watch it as there nothing else better on that I like on Monday's .
  12. Slow no, because once you set up the proper gambits the only thing you have to worry about is staying awake since the battles are pretty much automated. If you played FFXI thats where they burned that idea off, but you can set it up old school style. Of course most of the battles do get tedious if you power level yourself, but if you try to play it straight, most of these battles will be a battle for your life thats why you have to play all the characters and balance them out correctly. So when one team dies you can use the back up squad to finish up. Although my thumbs hurt more on Kingdom hearts because of the lack of automateness to FFXII, hopefully when 13 comes out they go back to the old school battle system.
  13. Well I can see your page or rather the welcome to Xisto page, it would either be that your IP got blocked or your ISP is blocking it, I would suggest emailing support and see if your IP got blocked, if it has they just to unblock it and your set. If its your ISP then try two things; first go to a proxy site and see if you can display your page and log into CPanel, if you can do that and your IP is not blocked from the xisto servers. Then you have to contact your ISP and see if gamma server/domain is blocked on there end.Since you mention that your turned everything off, did you happen to make any updates to your system from the last time you could log in successfully to now? If so try a system restore to back when it was working and see if anything happens, and if nothing changes then you do a system restore-restore that way you bring back your computer to where it was during this incident.
  14. That would depend on the situation and the call of the moderator, and although this was 2 years ago he would have gotten a warning for going off topic, and the excessive quote would be reduce so not to take up the entire post. It's not illegal its just rather annoying that a person would make a large quote like and then post something irrelevant to it.A warning yes, deletion no, and ban on a second offense a no, as a post suspension or a suspended account would be more better suited for something like this.
  15. Off topicYou can add a poll still, just make sure when you edit the topic you go to full edit and the apply the poll that way.On Topicmy laptop 1920x1200 resolutionDesktop 1440x900and yes they are both widescreen thus the funky looking resolutions.
  16. Its not dreamweaver its tables in general that make it more difficult in trying to something like your asking. It could be done, but you would see need a series of tables in fixed positions and thats just a pain, so like haslip mention go with a 2 or 3 column layout. I would go to this site has it has various bare bone templates in CSS that have 1-4 column layouts and then code from there.
  17. OMG YOu deleted me haslip HOW COULD YOU!!! ***runs crying to tiki*** By the way can anyone beat 39 pages worth of friends? :)I shall do evil things to haslip, EVIL, unspeakable things BWHAHAHAHA **sends spam pms***
  18. As many of you know already the hottest place I have been to was Southern Iraq during the summer and it was a nice and cozy 110-120 degree's. and if those AC's did break down it would suck since it was dry heat. Of course at 90 degree's it felt like 200 when the AC's did break .
  19. I thought I make it challenging for this week, and that is you have to use one of two images in your design either be background with a render on it or just those images. If you go with the render it can be blended with the design just as long as there is some hint that its there. If anyone has questions about how this works send a pm or post your question here, but it shouldn't be hard to figure out what where I am going with this if you seen some of my C4D sigs. Sig size: 100x100 - 400x400 Brushing Style: None Render: free style Text: Name Special Effects: Have to use one or both backgrounds in your design. DEADLINE: October 13th
  20. Well it seems Cash sig is broken, and so I will vote for Mich's design, even though I like the way it looks. Especially the colors and what not.Mich: 3Cash:2Also since this is the final vote Mich Wins this weeks SOTW, congratulations Mich.
  21. I would changed the add placement as it rather look better between each news article you have to fill up some of that white gap you have at the bottom. yeah I would drop that cursorm and also latest news box and replace that with an RSS feed.
  22. I made some corrections and some idea's to fill in the content area, and as for your repeat image it needs to be 1x95 to fix that gap you have. I would agree with the drop shadow, maybe have the head have that vista style to it as well.HTML <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ xmlns="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no" /><!-- removes image tool bar in IE --><meta http-equiv="content-style-type" content="text/css" /><meta http-equiv="Keywords" content="AEF Forum software, AEF, Forums, Free Forums, anelectron.com, " /><meta http-equiv="Description" content="A page listing the Features of AEF Forum Software with links to other pages about the software." /><meta http-equiv="Reply-to" content="jlhaslip@yahoo.ca" /><meta http-equiv="author" content="Jim Haslip" /><meta http-equiv="Reply-to" content="jlhaslip@yahoo.ca" /><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="index_files/style.css" /><title>AEF - Features Page</title></head><body><div id="page_width"> <div id="masthead"> <ul id="toplist"> <li> <a linkindex="0" href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/; 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  23. I would say either reverse the colors or change the white to black as it really clashes with the grey color other then that the designs are fine just not the choice of colors.
  24. All I have to say is good luck because that will be laughed right out the court, especially for the price she is asking which is $1 million dollars. DUH!!!! its called depreciation people regardless of the price cut, I know all car owners know about that, and it applies to all products including a bar a soap. Also if you were stupid enough to buy it on ebay then I believe price depreciation is even more, and Apple did fix the problem due to the backlash it got for this price cut. However, if this does go through $1 million dollars is to much or for those other thinkers to little since it would have to cover everyone who bought the lesser phone. Now I know why I didn't bother buying this phone . SOURCE Site
  25. Marvel hands down, the mutants alone would finish off most of DC superhero's simply because most of the DC hero's are pure human with gear to make them poweful, minus superman, flash and people based on those character types. Although I think messing with superman's mind would finish him off though. Heck even Marvel's villains would beat DC's villains hands down as well just because of the fact DC is more human then Marvel. As for coolness I would be 50/50 for both sides.
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