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Everything posted by NNNOOOOOO

  1. How about this for a headline for tomorrow's paper? French fries.-- Executed in electric chair in Oklahoma. ~~ James French, d. 1966

    1. anwiii


      haha that is pretty funny. normally i don't like makiong fun of the dead though...



      I'm not making fun of him, He said that. I'm just putting his quote on here.

    3. anwiii


      we have different definitions then :)

  2. I know you can use it to pay for web hosting. Can you use it to put money in Pay-Pal? I was reading a response in one of my recent topics when I thought up this question.I would really like to know this.
  3. Sounds good, but for one of those options, We don't get to use a static IP. Damn you ISP's and your "have to pay for static IP" contract rules!!!
  4. Sure. We can throw a party. One of my laws will state, "You have to be at least fifteen (15) years of age to drink".
  5. Elaine Dickinson: [Cutting room-floor scene: Flight #209 has gone into yet another nose dive] ... Ted, the altitude! We're falling, Ted! We're falling! *The mountains, Ted! The mountains!* Ted Striker: What *mountains?* We're over IOWA! Elaine Dickinson: The... THE CORNFIELDS, TED! THE CORNFIELDS!

  6. It keeps not working. Someone, please help me. *screams are heard throughout topic*EDIT:Just got a successful test. I hope to get more successful tests.
  7. test.htmlI am learning HTML. Just for now, I am playing around with the attached file to view the different stuff I learned/know/knew. Ignore the empty box under "MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!". That's for my own personal reference . All I need someone to do is click the "E-mail me" at the bottom and send a simple message. For the subject, use "test". For the message, use "A test." or something like that.After sending the email, forget my email addresses and I'll forget yours, unless you want spammed lol. Don't worry, that gray button really does nothing important.Thanks for your cooperation.tell me when you send the email. It keeps not working for me.
  8. Still trying to figure out GRUB(?). You know, asks what partition in which I would like to boot. Every Linux update I do adds (1-2) options(s) to that list.

    1. Baniboy


      They are kernels (Linux cores), for backup. There used to be an option section in Start-up Manager that let you set how many of the most recent kernels were on the boot list, but I tried now and it's not there anymore.

  9. I don't know what to say, so I'll just say what's in my heart... Baboom, Baboom, Baboom. - mel brooks

    1. rob86


      Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die. - Mel Brooks

  10. Well I could've been an actor, but I wound up here. I Just have to look good, I don't have to be clear. Come and whisper in my ear. Give us dirty laundry.

  11. ASPCA- Architectural Studies for Performance-Critical Applications

  12. I wear my sunglasses at night, so i can, so i can, watch you live and breath your story lines.

    1. Baniboy


      stop updating your status when you've been drinking, dude. seriously.

  13. If Windows is hibernating, it is off. Windows saves what's in the RAM to the hard drive, then shuts down. When you boot back into Windows, it'll reload the files on the HDD to the RAM.If Windows is hibernating, Linux refuses to mount the Windows partition (unless you tell it to mount as Read Only) so you don't change system files and f*** something up. The reason I make Windows hibernate is so it'll boot faster, or I'm actually doing something that a "shut down" will force me to redo/restart.
  14. For my first set of querries, I decided to see what options I would be given. Installing over my current Linux partition was the default option. I chose it, like I wanted, and went through the install, also, like I wanted. Now I'm using Fedora. :)But I still need an answer to the last question.
  15. Haven't had a status update in a while, so: "Dou you believe in life after love"



      That was the first song that came to mind.

    2. Baniboy


      so you WERE drinking

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  16. My laptop has a 40GB HDD. It is partitioned into ~half. The biggest partition containes Windows XP w/SP3. The smaller partition containes Linux Xubuntu. Today, I desided to try Fedora-14-32 bit. So far, exluding lack of certain features, I like Fedora better than Xubuntu. The question I've googled a lot so far returns no results I'm looking for. What I want to know is: If I chose to install Fedora, will it give me the option the format one of the two existing partitions and install to it? If so, will it tell me what's on the two partitions so I choose the correct partition? Or, are my only options: Format the entire HDD and use only linux, or create a 3rd partition for Fedora? As a side question, how do I mount the Windows partition as "read only"? You know, if Windows is hibernating and I want to listen to music/watch videos.
  17. I have a scanner, a really old one at that. It is a Radio Shack "PRO-2046". I got an antenna 2 days ago for it. The first location I put it, it got good reception for 1-2 hours. It couldn't get any reception on that channel anymore, so I relocated the scanner. It was able to pick it up again. Then, once again, it lost reception. I don't feel like re-relocating it. The station(s) I'm trying to pick up are (the bold one is the main one I'm trying to get): 123.000MHz 119.075MHz 116.100MHz (I can get) I can't remember the others, but they're found online. They're all aircraft frequencies and to receive them, all nine (9) sections of the antenna must be (and currently are) extended. Something else you may or may not know about the scanner is that it requires a 13.something volt power supply, but I can only supply 12V. How do I get better reception on it, and how do I reduce noise on it?
  18. According to my time zone, you have a birthday today. So, bye.........

    I'm kidding. Happy birthday.

  19. I need to make a txt file of all my music. I need a script of some sort that'll find all music files in a folder and its sub-folders. I do not need the extension nor path listed, just the file name. The script shall create a txt file and put the file names in it, but one name per line.
  20. Never mind. I figured it out. It was quiet simple really. Just used my laptop the find the desktop. Then I got on the desktop and shared a shortcut to the music folder I wanted to share. I then got back on the laptop and clicked the shared shortcut which brought me to the music I wanted. I lastly copied all the music (and folders with music), and pasted it into the laptops "my music" folder. It is copying right now.
  21. My desktop has a lot of music on it. Due to my recourses, I can only transfer up to ~1Gb of it at a time to my laptop. My laptop can wireless network with the desktop who can't. However, I can use a network cable to connect the desktop to the router (wireless). As a matter of fact, all I have to do right now is turn the desktop on and connect the laptop to the router to network them.The desktop is running Windows XP Pro w/SP2. The laptop is running Windows XP w/SP3. Another option is to reboot the laptop and boot both PC's into Linux. How do I get the PC's to transfer files b/w each other? I don't want to burn discs, nor use external drives.
  22. "And I ran, I ran so far away. I just ran, I couldn't get away." I didn't know I knew that song 'till a few minutes ago.

    1. chini13


      nnnooooo keeps KS alive..i see him updating here :P

    2. chini13


      nnnooooo keeps KS alive..i see him updating here :P

  23. If I had a dollar for every time I heard that, I....I still wouldn't have any money. >:(

  24. "You lose" - Calvin Coolidge

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