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Everything posted by NNNOOOOOO

  1. I randomly decided to power cycle it again. This time it made very little tick noise and found the CD drive.I'll post what happens when I switch RAM. It'll just be a while before I can.
  2. I wan't it to make whatever noise I want. It's for a prank, sort of. It's mainly for when I'm bored and have nothing to do. But if I were at school or something and made it make those noises, people around me would be like "WTF?" and only I would know why.
  3. I do have another PC that WILL run my games, but it has a huge problem with it.: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/916373-pc/55438076
  4. I just realized that it was the second sentence, and it was Baniboy's.
  5. Thank you. I wanted to know that before putting one in an electrical circuit.
  6. Is it the capacitance and max voltage, or capacitance and voltage no matter what the power supply voltage. Lets say the voltage on the side is 50v. If I connect a 9v battery to it, will the capacitor hold only 9v because that's what i'm giving it, or will it charge all the way to 50v?
  7. "What goes up, must come down."What about age, or helium?"No shirt, no shoes, no service."What about pants?
  8. "People misunderestimate me.""I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family.""I am here to make an announcement that this Thursday, ticket counters and airplanes will fly out of Ronald Reagan Airport.""You teach a child to read, and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test.""The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him.""I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority.""Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."
  9. I read one where you take a bagless garbage can and put you phone in it. Then you put the can in its side and put it against the wall between your room and your roommate's room (leave the phone on the hook). Now, leave your room and go across town. If you have a cell phone, call the phone in your room. Don't hang up for a couple of minutes or so. Or make the call with a pay phone and walk away without hanging up.
  10. Last time I lent out a flash drive, it got erased of all files, and received new ones. I want to password protect a flash drive to prevent that from happening again.
  11. In a large area alone. Makes me feel abandoned. Also, In a crowd of people. Make me nervous. Ironic huh?
  12. I'm not sure what my Video cards spec.s are, but I have a Pentium 2 or 3 512MHz processor. A better video card can run my flight simulator better, but to run my truck simulators, I'll need a faster processor. In your guys's opinions, Which should I get first?
  13. Thanks for the information, and any of those nicknames is fine.
  14. my program of choice is called "Free Youtube Download". Find a video you want to download, copy the address. Open the program, and press ctrl+v (if you select "automatically paste url from clipboard [or something like that]" just copy the link and you won't need to press ctrl+v [there's more options to look at]). Repeat for all videos you want to get. When you're finished adding to the list of downloads, click download on the bottom right of the program. The download can take anywhere from minutes to hours to complete the downloads (mainly depends on how many videos you select and their length). The program is from dvd videosoft.
  15. But since the lights were on, it was probably at night and the temperature had fallen. And because the passenger door was the unlocked one, the owner of the car probably taken the keys with him. He just probably forgotten about the passenger door and the lights. Then again, he probably left the keys in his car and driver side doors were blocked forcing him to use the passenger door. Then he was frustrated about having to do so forgetting the lights. He also probably just got home from work, and he has to go back tomorrow. He will be late (obvious reasons) which he has done many times before, so he'll be fired.
  16. This is my second post. I am trying to figure this site out. What exactly is the portal?
  17. Reminds me of something I read on gamefaqs: When the light goes off in my head, is that just a filament of my imagination?
  18. I'm new. This is my 2nd post, but it counts as my first. My real first was from before I signed up on this site. As I read your first sentence, I felt that I should let you know that. Notice from BuffaloHelp: Contribute with quality post. Stay on the topic and make coherent post. Thank you.
  19. Hi. I'm new too.

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